THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, ApRil 21, 2023 Page 3 Governor Appoints Atty. Gerry D’Ambrosio To Judicial Nominating Commission Special to Th e Advocate G overnor Maura T. Healey has appointed local Attorney Gerry D’Ambrosio of D’Ambrosio LLP to the Judicial Nominating Commission.The distinguished, non-partisan Commission advises the Governor on the nomination and appointment of the Commonwealth’s judicial offi cers.“Judicial offi cers play a critical role in shaping the lives of Massachusetts residents. Our goal is to ensure that those serving on our courts are committed to justice and equality, and that they are representative of the vibrant, diverse communities they serve,” said Governor Healey in a press release. Gerry D’Ambrosio Attorney “We’re proud to be appointing this experienced, dedicated group to the Judicial Nominating Commission, who I know I can count on to advise me on nominating the best judges to serve the people of Massachusetts.” D’Ambrosio is honored to join these talented members of the Commission that will perform due diligence to ensure that judicial candidates possess those qualities essential to serving on the state’s courts, such as integrity and good judgement.“I started my legal career as an attorney nearly thirty years ago and have always been passionate about fairness, equality, and diversity in the judiciary,” D’Ambrosio said.“I look forward to reentering public service and assisting the Governor in her selection of judges and other judicial offi - cers. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve.” Nomination papers available on May 8 for 2023 election By Th e Advocate andidates vying for a seat in the 2023 citywide election will be able to pick-up nomination papers on Monday, May 8 ending on July 19 at Everett City Hall Election OfC fi ce, room 10 at 8:00 AM. The preliminary election will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 19, followed by the general election on Tuesday, November 7. Eleven city council seats consisting of six ward and fi ve at-large; and nine school comwww.eight10barandgrille.com OPEN DAILY FOR DINNER AT 4 PM. CATCH THE CELTICS, BRUINS & NCAA SPORTS ON OUR 6 LARGE SCREEN TV'S! om mittee seats consisting of six ward and three at-large, are up for grabs. Preliminary elections will be held only when three or more candidate’s nominaNOMINATION | SEE PAGE 5 WE'RE OPEN! 8 Norwood Street, Everett (617) 387-9810 LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ADVOCATE NEWSPAPER FACEBOOK.COM/ADVOCATE.NEWS.MA

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