Page 20 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, ApRil 15, 2022 EXCELLENCE | FROM PAGE 12 an influx of 11 new members who had no prior musical experience. The musicians quickly gelled and have been able to achieve success in a space that is growing more competitive by the year. “Keeping up with the ever-rising standards being set by the brightest and best of music programs across the United States is like chasing a rocket to the moon,” said Sachetta. “That we will be in Dayton next week is a poignant, crowning achievement for every member of the program.” EPS thanks its college partners The Everett Public Schools (EPS) and its college and university partners gathered at lunch on Friday, April 8 to celebrate collaboration and the district’s expanding efforts to support current and future educators. The luncheon, which was hosted by Everett High School’s Culinary Arts Department inside the Crimson Cafe, was organized by EPS Director of Remote Learning and Instruction Anne Auger. Representatives from several colleges were in attendance, as were members of Central Administration, EHS English Language Arts Department Head Ryan McGowan and teacher Sarah Simmons. “It was great to sit together as colleagues and educators and show our thanks to these institutions of higher learning for helping us fulfi ll our commitment to supporting the career development of EPS staff ,” said Tahiliani. During the past two years, the district has worked with representatives from several institutions – including Endicott College, Merrimack College, Salem State University, Southern New Hampshire University, Bridgewater State University, Fisher College and Cambridge College – to help give EPS educators and staff access to the pathways that will expand and enhance their careers. This ranges from tuition discounts and access to online programs to licensure and certifi cate opportunities, to support for teachers who are pursuing principal/leadership credentials. In addition to recognizing this collaboration on behalf of current EPS educators, the luncheon highlighted the future of the profession. Kaylin Seward and Jessica Lemus Montiel, two of the 24 seniors selected to serve as EPS education interns this spring, talked about EHS’s Education Pathway and their experience in the classroom. “Kaylin and Jessica were articulate and in complete command as they presented to our distinguished guests about what being in our Education Path~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ ENROLLED ORDINANCE PUBLISHED PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 1 SECTION 4.5 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF EVERETT AND IN COMPLIANCE WITH MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS Chapter 43, Section 23. ENROLLED: 04/11/2022 DATE OF PROPOSED ORDAINMENT: 04/25/2022 way entails,” said Tahiliani. “They are exactly the kind of students that colleges and universities want on campus, and the type of future educators we need in the teacher pipeline.” The High School Senior Internship Education Project (HSSIEP) is funded by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. It offers seniors the opportunity to complete a paid workbased learning education experience and is intended to accelerate the growth of the teacher pipeline in Massachusetts. This marks the second consecutive year that the EPS has participated in the HSSIEP. This year’s EHS interns include J ackelyne Abranches, Meliza Buenaventura Hernandez, Jonathan Christie, Salma Djebari, Janelle Eugene, Dante Freitas, Jocelynne Gutierrez Guzman, Emelin Gutierrez Lones, David Gutierrez Ospina, Emilio Guzman, Nyla Hagbourne, Johey Jacques, Adam Jalle, Jessica Lemus Montiel, Ralph-Nise Metellus, Meddgy Michel, Andrew Paiva, Cindy Portillo Tejada, Brisa Portillo, Nicolas Sclafani, Kaylin Seward, Livia Thomaz, Andy Umana-Bonilla and Ismael Zamor. Powering innovation Everett High School science and technology teacher Neil Plotnick has received the National NCWIT Aspirations in Computing (AiC) Educator Award. The award, which is presented by the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT), identifies exemplary formal and informal educators who play a pivotal role in encouraging 9-12th grade women, genderqueer or nonbinary students to explore their interest in computing and technology. The award recognizes these educators for their efforts to promote gender equity in computing. Plotnick is one of four recipients who was selected from 54 eligible applicants from 33 U.S. states, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam. He will receive a $2,500 cash prize, recognition, a trophy and prizes, including eligibility to apply for professional developCITY COUNCIL …………………………………………………………….No. C0081-22 IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND AND TWENTY-TWO AN ORDINANCE REVISING SECTION 7-163 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES: - SALARIES – AMOUNTS FOR MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL AND SCHOOL COMMITTEE Councilor /s/ Stephanie V. Smith Whereas: Charter amendments have been proposed prohibiting city councilors and school committee members from collecting more than one salary from the city by holding other city offices and positions; and Whereas: In order to bring the city’s ordinances into conformity with these proposed charter changes, changes are needed to the city’s salary ordinance for elected city officials. Now, therefore, by the authority granted to the City Council of the City of Everett, Massachusetts to make and amend ordinances: Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Everett, Massachusetts that the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett, Chapter 7, Section 7-163 Salaries – Amounts for mayor, city council and school committee is hereby amended as follows: This ordinance shall take effect upon passage by the City Council, subsequent approval by His Honor the Mayor and concurrently with the approval of the Massachusetts State Legislature and His Honor the Governor of the proposed changes to Chapter 2, Section 3 and Chapter 4, Section 3 of the City of Everett Home Rule Charter. A full copy of the proposed Ordinance amendment shall be located at the City Clerk’s Office for public inspection. A true copy attest ment funds. “ This prestigious and high-profile honor is completely deserved but not entirely surprising,” said Tahiliani. “Mr. Plotnick is the defi - nition of dedication, an educator who never passes on the chance to pursue opportunities and partnerships that benefi t our students at EHS.” “These educators’ support goes a long way in motivating students to apply their creativity and unique perspectives as they learn computational skills,” said NCWIT CEO/ Cofounder Lucy Sanders. “Students are often more likely to pursue computing education when they are encouraged by their educators and other adult infl uencers.” NCWIT is the farthest-reachSergio Cornelio, City Clerk April 15, 2022 ing network of change leaders focused on advancing innovation by correcting underrepresentation in computing. NCWIT convenes, equips and unites nearly 1,500 change leader organizations nationwide to increase the infl uential and meaningful participation of girls and women – at the intersections of race/ ethnicity, class, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability status and other historically marginalized identities – in the fi eld of computing, particularly in terms of innovation and development.

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