Page 8 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, ApRil 5, 2024 Everett celebrates Easter, arrival of Spring at the Recreation Center with games, treats entertainment and more High five from the Easter Bunny. Special to The Advocate T he City of Everett recently hosted the Easter Spring Fling with hundreds of families gathered at the Recreation Center to celebrate Easter and the arrival of spring. The annual event offered so many treats and fun activities for all to participate in. There were various activities for young attendees to enjoy like games and a live petting zoo to interact with animals like bunnies, goats and ducklings outside of the Recreation Center. The gym became a “fun house” with plenty of treats and goodie bags, face painting, art activities, balloon creations and memorable photos with the Easter Bunny. Bonaparté the magician had many tricks up his sleeve and kept the children excited about what magical act was coming next. The Toe Jam Puppet Band got children and families involved in their musical performance with props and fun songs to join them in. There was certainly no shortage of fun. “Mayor DeMaria would like to thank everyone who joinedfor the City’s annual celebration and everyone who came together to make this a successful event for the community.” All of the upcoming City of Everett events can be found by visiting the events calendar on the City website at cityofeverett.com/calendar/category/ events/list. You can also follow the official social media pages on Facebook, Instagram and X (formerly known as Twitter): Facebook: /cityofeverettma and /mayorcarlodemaria – Instagram: @cityofeverettma and @mayorcarlodemaria – X: @EverettGov_MA and @Mayor_DeMaria. All are welcome to attend the events that are planned. Former Ward 6 Councillor Al Lattanzi, along with his wife, Dolores, and grandson, are pictured with City of Everett Health and Human Services Equity Access Officer Antoinette Octave Blanchard and her daughter. Hundreds of attendees gathered at the Recreation Center for the Easter Spring Fling event. Family photos with the Easter Bunny to always remember the moment. The Everett Police Department and youth volunteers assisted with handing out water and other activities at the event. City of Everett youth volunteers handed out popcorn at the event. Bonaparté the Magician invited attendees on stage to help him with his final magic trick. The Everett Fire Department handed out candy and goodies at the event. Attendees got involved with the live performances throughout the event. Volunteers at Mayor Carlo DeMaria’s table handed out bunny ears and goodie bags filled with candy, pretzels, easter eggs and stickers to all who attended.

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