THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, ApRil 5, 2024 Page 21 EVENTS | FROM PAGE 17 Shute Adult and Teens Resume Assistance: Shute Adult Department. Book a Licensed & Insured one-on-one resume assistance appointment at the Shute Library and let a librarian help you craft a resume tailored to your strengths and aspirations. Sign up for Free Estimates Carpentry * Kitchen & Bath * Roofs * Painting Decks * Siding * Carrijohomeimprovement.com Call 781-710-8918 * Saugus, MA General Contractor * Interior & Exterior AA. Masonry & Construction Felix Valenzuela - 781-500-5519 Free Estimates Licensed & Insured Reliable * Experienced Concrete Work * Decks * Patios * Blue Stone * Retaining Walls * Brick & Cement Blocks * Roofing * Siding * Painting & General Carpentry Email: AAfordablemason@gmail.com HIC 209358 1. March 29 is Good Friday; in what community was Sarah Good hanged in 1692? 2. What cartoon character was born at the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm? 3. In what Asian city with one of the world’s largest Chinatowns are the kite fi ghting championships held every spring? 4. The International Tennis Hall of Fame is in what New England city? 5. On March 30, 1964, what TV show premiered that gave people the answers fi rst? 6. What state has coastal towns called Jupiter, Mars, Neptune and Venus? 7. The Great Atlantic & Pacifi c Tea Company grocery store chain was known by what two letters? 8. On March 31, 1940, what Rodgers & Hammerstein musical with an exclamation point opened on Broadway? 9. What composer and choreographer created “Appalachian Spring”? 10. What are Jeremiah Dixon and Charles Mason known for? 11. Who said that “along about April 1, 1913,” he created his 1st moving assembly line? 12. Napoleon’s horse had the same name as a battle, a village and what Italian-French chicken dish? 13. In March 2010 what movie about a Viking youngster and his dragon was released? 14. On April 2, 1902, the USA’s 1st movie theater opened in what city? 15. In what 1978 TV series would you fi nd a bionic dog named Max? 16. What city has a capitol inspired by a Native American kiva? 17. On April 3, 1968, who gave the “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop” speech? 18. In what children’s book would you fi nd J. Thaddeus Toad? 19. What president founded the March of Dimes? 20. On April 4, 1775, The Pennsylvania Mercury became the fi rst newspaper using what American-made product? ANSWERS 24-49 2024 Roadway Rehabilitation and Related Work FULL DEPTH RECONSTRUCTION The City of Everett seeks sealed bids for furnishing for the 2024 Roadway Rehabilitation and Related Work. In general, this contract consists of: full depth roadway reclamation; hot mix asphalt paving; removal and resetting of existing granite curbing; installation of new granite curbing; construction of new cement concrete sidewalks, and ADA/AAB compliant pedestrian ramps; installation of miscellaneous subsurface structures and associated piping; installation of new rims/grates and frames; removal and resetting of existing rims/grates and frames; tree planting pits; traffic signage; and related work at various locations. Specifications and bid forms may be obtained from our website Purchasing - Everett, MA - Official Website (cityofeverett.com) after 9:00 am on April 9, 2024. Bids will be opened in the Office of the Purchasing Agent, City Hall-Room 14, 484 Broadway, Everett, MA 02149 on April 24, 2024 at 1 p.m. local time. Each Bid must be accompanied by a bid security consisting of a BID BOND, CASH, or, CERTIFIED CHECK issued by a responsible bank or trust company in the amount of 5% of the bid price. All bidders must be pre-qualified by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation as follows: The MassDOT Prequalification Office will provide the City with an official prequalified bidder list and a waiver list for all contractors in the specified class of work within the parameters of this project. Only those bidders listed in the official prequalified bidder list, or the waiver list issued by the MassDOT Prequalification Office will be allowed to obtain an official proposal book. This project is bid under M.G.L. 30 section 39M. Prevailing wage rates apply to this project. The city reserves the right to reject bids, waive minor informalities if it is deemed in the city’s best interest to do so. Friday, April 5, 2024 24-49 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) FINANCIAL/COMPLIANCE STAFFING SUPPORT FOR FEDERAL ARPA and FEMA PA FUNDING The City of Everett, acting through its Auditor’s Office, in concert with the Health Department, is seeking proposals from firms to provide FINANCIAL/COMPLIANCE STAFFING SUPPORT FOR FEDERAL AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT (ARPA) and FEMA PA FUNDING. The Contract shall commence immediately upon signature of the Contract and will end on or about one (1) year from the contract start date. The City will have the sole option to renew the contract for two (2), one (1)- year extensions with the same pricing. Each Proposal shall be submitted in accordance with the Submission Requirements within the RFP and M.G.L. c. 30B, §6 shall apply to this project. The City of Everett reserves the right to accept any proposal, in whole or in part, to reject any/or all proposals and to waive minor irregularities and/or informalities as it deems to be in the best interest of the City. The RFP can be downloaded from our website (Purchasing - Everett, MA - Official Website (cityofeverett.com)) after 9 a.m. on April 8, 2024. MBE’s/WBE’s/DBE’s are encouraged to submit proposals. Friday, April 5, 2024 a 30-minute session at the Shute Library; Fridays by appointment only. Computer Basics 101: Shute Adult Department. Tech Newbie? No Problem! Learn to power up, click around, type like a pro, explore the digital world and even send your fi rst email. Book your Friday adventure with technology today! By appointment only on Fridays. Please call the Shute Library to register for an appointment. 1. Salem, Mass. (after being accused and tried for witchcraft ) 2. Snoopy 3. Bangkok 4. Newport, R.I. 5. “Jeopardy!” 6. Florida 7. A&P 8. “Oklahoma!” 9. Aaron Copland and Martha Graham 10. Surveying the boundary between Pennsylvania and Maryland, which became known as the Mason-Dixon Line – between North and South 11. Henry Ford 12. Chicken Marengo 13. “How to Train Your Dragon” 14. Los Angeles 15. “The Bionic Woman” 16. Santa Fe, N.M. 17. Martin Luther King, Jr. 18. “The Wind in the Willows” 19. Franklin D. Roosevelt 20. Type

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