THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, ApRil 5, 2024 Page 15 Meet the 2024 Everett High School Crimson Tide Varsity Softball Team Meet the 2024 Everett High School Crimson Tide Varsity Crew Team CRIMSON TIDE VARSITY TEAM: Shown from left to right: Back row: Head Coach Stacy Poste-Schiavo, Mia Allen, Jayla Davila, Kassidy Rivera, Emilia Maria-Babcock, Ashley Seward, Olivia Dresser, Alexa Uga, Peyton Warren and Asst. Coach Jenn Nigro; front row: Bryanna Mason, Arabela Cvitkusic, Alessandra Foster, Emma Longmore, Stephany DeSouza, Gianna Masucci and Chloe Salvi. T Seniors, shown from left to right: Emma Longmore, Alessandra Foster, Arabela Cvitkusic, Bryanna Mason, Chloe Salvi, Stephany DeSouza and Gianna Masucci at Everett High School last Monday. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) By Tara Vocino T he 2024 Everett High School Crimson Tide Varsity Softball Team introduced themselves on Media Day last week. To Whom It May Concern: This notice is to inform you that a public hearing will be held on Tuesday April 22, 2024 at 6:00 PM, Everett City Hall, 3rd Floor George Keverian Hearing Room. All interested parties may attend and opinions will be heard regarding the following petition. Whereas a petition has been presented by: Property Address: Map/Parcel: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ADVOCATE NEWSPAPER FACEBOOK. COM/ ADVOCATE. NEWS.MA Violations: Parking is shown to be stacked on the left side (3 vehicles) and several parking spaces will be backing into the street both onto Corey Street and Norwood Street. Also, vehicles are shown to be parking in the required setbacks both in the front (Corey St) and the corner (Norwood St) Zoning Ordinance: Section 17 Off-street parking: paragraphs J, K, M and O line 4. MARY GERACE- Chairman ROBERTA SUPPA - Clerk of Board of Appeals April 5, 12, 2024 64 Corey St. E0-04-000087 Person Requesting: 64 Corey St., LLC 417 Main St. Melrose, MA 02176 PROPOSAL: To construct a two-story addition on the right side and convert the existing three (3) family residential building into a ten (10) unit residential building. Everett High School Crimson Tide Varsity Crew — Shown, front row, from left to right, are: Marielle Ssegujja, Trinity Chen, Adrielly Dutra, Lexi Chen, and Lorrayne Freitas DaSilva. Shown, back row, from left to right, are: Head Coach Kate Mayes, Leyna Nguyen, Isabella Da Silva Vieira, Michelle Germain, Captain Gurkian Kaur, and Gabe Cunha. By Tara Vocino he 2024 Everett High School Crimson Tide Varsity Crew Team introduced themselves, as they opened their season last week. EHS Crew Head Coach Kate Mayes with seniors, shown from left to right, are: Captain Gukiran Kaur, Michelle Germian and Trinity Chen. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) CITY OF EVERETT - LEGAL NOTICE - ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 484 BROADWAY, ROOM 24 EVERETT, MASSACHUSETTS 02149 EHS Cr ew Head Coach Kate Mayes with Captain G uk ir an Kaur a t Everett High School last Monday.

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