THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, ApRil 1, 2022 Page 7 Van Campen represents Saugus/Everett Lodge of Elks at Revere Lodge installation Call The Advocate: 617-387-2200 Lawrence A. Simeone Jr. Attorney-at-Law ~ Since 1989 ~ * Corporate Litigation * Criminal/Civil * MCAD * Zoning/Land Court * Wetlands Litigation * Workmen’s Compensation * Landlord/Tenant Litigation * Real Estate Law * Construction Litigation * Tax Lein * Personal Injury * Bankruptcy * Wrongful Death * Zoning/Permitting Litigation 300 Broadway, Suite 1, Revere * 781-286-1560 Lsimeonejr@simeonelaw.net Last Sunday afternoon Robert Van Campen, a member of the Saugus/Everett Lodge of Elks #642, was part of the installation of officers for the Revere Lodge of Elks #1171. Van Campen is the State Grand Judiciary and is seen preparing to escort the newly elected officers to their assigned posts. BUDGET | FROM PAGE 1 However, School Committee Member-at-Large Samantha Lambert was concerned about hiring security personnel who have not been trained on how to interact with students. The Lafayette School is requesting $11 million this year, an increase of $1.6 million. Jayanth said six new positions have been budgeted at the Lafayette. The Madeline English School is also looking for a $1.6 million increase, bringing its total budget to $8.9 million. In addition to a second assistant principal, Jayanth said, eight English learner teachers would be hired as well. “The Madeline English is no longer an opt-out school,” she said. The Keverian School is requesting $8.6 million this year, an increase of $1.5 million. “The biggest need at the Keverian, as we know, is space,” said Jayanth. “The building was built for 650 but currently houses 952 students, with a projection of over 1,000 for next year.” The Parlin School is requesting $8.6 million, an increase of $900,000. Jayanth said the budget allows for two new inThe Devens School is in need of an English learner teacher, a crisis intervention specialist and a health teacher. The school’s total budget is $2.7 million, representing an increase of $400,000. At $1.5 million, the Adams Chief Financial Officer Anu Jayanth recent ly spoke about the district’s $108.1 million budget request for fiscal year 2023. (Photo Courtesy of the Everett Public Schools) terventionists and one guidance counselor. The Whittier School is looking to increase its budget to $6.3 million. Like the Parlin, this would be another $900,000 increase. Eight new positions would be added. The Webster School is planning to fill six positions and is requesting an increase of $700,000 to bring the school’s budget to $5.3 million. The Webster School Extension is planning to hire one substitute teacher and one Applied Behavioral Analysis paraprofessional. Therefore, the school’s total budget request is $2.2 million, an increase of $500,000. MALDEN TRANS NOW HIRING!!! CDL SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS, 7D DRIVERS & TAXI DRIVERS COMPETITIVE PAY OFFERED $17/HR - 7D DRIVERS $26/HR - CDL DRIVERS CALL TO INQUIRE - 781-322-9400 OR 781-322-9401 - ASK FOR DAVID OR ED School has the lowest budget in the district. This year’s figure represents a $200,000 increase and includes funding for one guidance counselor.

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