THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, ApRil 1, 2022 Page 25 9. Who recorded the album “A Gift from a Flower to a Garden” with the song “The Lullaby of Spring”? 1. On April 1, 1638, religious reformer Anne Hutchinson left the Massachusetts Bay Colony on foot for what state? 2. In Canada and the United States there are 13 species of maple trees; how many of them are tapped for syrup: three, seven or 13? 3. The song “April Showers” was first published in what decade: 1870s, 1920s or 1950s? 4. On April 2, 742, what emperor was born who advocated the establishment of schools at monasteries and abbeys? 5. Why did Philadelphia Cream Cheese use the song “New York, New York” in 1980s TV commercials? 6. Which modern expressions came first, text message or emoji? 7. What are the three main ingredients of meringue? 8. On April 3, 1973, the first of what type of phone call was made? 10. Rhubarb is native to what continent: Asia, Europe or North America? 11. In 2004 what character was added to Morse Code – due to the internet? 12. April 4 is National Hug a Newsperson Day; what famous news anchor started as a paper boy and did not have a college degree? 13. What other tree product have indigenous peoples used to make maple products? 14. In what part of the body are red blood cells made? 15. On April 5, 1964, driverless trains first ran on the Victoria Line in what city? 16. Marawa Ibrahim has a Guinness World Record for spinning the most hula hoops simultaneously; how many: 10, 50 or 200? 17. April 6 is National Walking Day; the Summer Olympics has three events doing racewalking, which has what basic rule? 18. What pair first recorded the song “April Come She Will”? 19. What oil spill took place at Bligh Reef in Prince William Sound? 20. On April 7, 1770, what author of the poem “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” was born? Seniors on the road again M ayor Carlo DeMaria and The Council on Aging (COA) have planned a very special trip to Aqua Turf, Tuesday April 12. Our luxury motor coach will depart the spring street stadium at 9 a.m. to Connecticut for a delightful luncheon and great entertainment by Mark Verselli. You will feast on a family style luncheon that includes, garden salad, Roasted Chicken, Glazed Baked Ham, potatoes, vegetable and an assortment of desserts for you to enjoy. Following Lunch, you will be entertained by the critically acclaimed impressionist, singer and comedian, Mark Verselli. Mark is well known in the Las Vegas and Atlantic City circuits for his tremendous talent. We will return approximately 5 p.m. Space is limited to 40 people, reservations are being accepted now at The Connolly Center COA Office. For additional information please call Cathi at 617-394-2323 or Andrea at 617394-2260. ANSWERS Clean-Outs! We take and dispose from cellars, attics, garages, yards, etc. We also do demolition. Best Prices Call: 781-593-5308 781-321-2499 1. Rhode Island 2. Three 3. 1920s (1921) 4. Charlemagne 5. Because the song’s first line is “Start spreading the news” 6. Text message (1977 – 20 years earlier) 7. Cream of tartar, egg whites and sugar 8. Cell phone 9. Donovan 10. Asia 11. @ 12. Walter Cronkite 13. Birch bark for containers 14. Bone marrow 15. London 16. 200 17. One foot must always be on the ground 18. Simon & Garfunkel 19. Exxon Valdez 20. William Wordsworth

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