Page 18 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, ApRil 1, 2022 MBTA Invites Public Comment on the Proposed Capital Investment Plan for Fiscal Years 2023-2027 The proposed Fiscal year 2023-2027 MBTA Capital improvement plan includes all planned capital investments over the next fi ve years. B OSTON – The MBTA Board of Directors today approved the release of the proposed Fiscal Year 2023-2027 MBTA Capital Improvement Plan (FY23-27 MBTA CIP) for public comment, marking the beginning of a 30-day public comment period. The FY23-27 MBTA CIP includes over 500 unique capital projects to modernize, expand, and increase the reliability of the MBTA transit network. “With the goal of improving reliability, modernizing the system, expanding capacity and the network, and continuing to make critical safety improvements, the MBTA’s fi ve-year CIP is an import~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ ENROLLED ORDINANCE PUBLISHED PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 1 SECTION 4.5 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF EVERETT AND IN COMPLIANCE WITH MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS Chapter 43, Section 23. ENROLLED: 03/28/2022 DATE OF PROPOSED ORDAINMENT: 04/11/2022 ant document that guides our investment planning, and input from the public is one of the most important parts of the process,” said MBTA General Manager Steve Poftak. “I thank the Board for approving the release of our proposed CIP, and hope we hear from as many riders and members of the public as we can on the kinds of capital investments they’d like to see us make over the next fi ve years.” The Proposed CIP document is now available on mbta.com/ cip. The document includes an overview of the Authority’s capital planning process, summaries of investment programs, and the full list of capital projects in the proposed fi ve-year CIP. A short-term, fi nancially constrained investment program updated annually, the FY23-27 MBTA CIP is driven by the following goals: Improve the reliability of the CITY COUNCIL …………………………………………………………….No. C0089-22 IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND AND TWENTY-TWO AN ORDINANCE PURSUANT TO THE ENFORCEMENT OF A CITY-WIDE 25 MPH SPEED LIMIT Councilor /s/ Anthony DiPierro Whereas: Everett is a densely populated community; and Whereas: A speed limit of 30 MPH is too dangerously fast for most of Everett’s streets; and Whereas: Many residents have expressed concern over vehicles speeding in Everett; and Whereas: Since the city has already adopted MGL Chapter 90, Section 17C to set a city-wide 25 MPH speed limit, an ordinance is required to specify how such speed limit shall be enforced. Now, therefore, by the authority granted to the City Council of the City of Everett, Massachusetts to make ordinances: Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Everett, Massachusetts that the Revised Ordinances of the City of Everett be amended as follows: Chapter 18, Article IV Operations of Vehicles is hereby amended by adding a new Section 18-105 as follows: Section 18-105. Enforcement of a city-wide twenty-five mph speed limit (C0089-22) (a) No person shall operate a motor vehicle on a public way in the city in excess of twenty-five (25) miles per hour, unless on a state highway, Chelsea Street, Ferry Street and Second Street. (b) It shall be the duty of the chief of police to enforce the provisions of this section. Officers designated by the chief of police are hereby authorized and shall be empowered to enforce this regulation on any public way meeting these requirements. (c) The city shall post this speed limit on all public ways entering the city which are under the jurisdiction of the city, or at a location as near to an entry point that is under jurisdiction of the city to alert motorists of the speed limit. (d) Whoever violates the provisions of this section shall be fined in accordance with Section 1-8 of these Revised Ordinances. This ordinance shall take effect upon passage by the City Council and subsequent approval by His Honor the Mayor. A true copy attest MBTA’s transit system and modernize existing assets to accommodate current or anticipated growth. Make targeted investments in the expansion of the transportation network to increase capacity or provide riders with more options across transit modes. The MBTA encourages members of the public to provide input on the proposed FY23-27 CIP before Monday, April 25, 2022. The MBTA will host three virtual public meetings to provide an overview of the proposed FY2327 CIP and invite attendees to share their feedback: · March 31, 6 PM – 7:30 PM. · April 6, 6 PM – 7:30 PM. · April 12, 7 PM – 8:30 PM. Meeting registration links, presentation materials, and recordings will be made available on mbta.com/cip. Members of the public who are unable to attend a public meeting are invited to provide comments by: · Completing the online CIP comment form. · Sending an email to cipengagement@mbta.com. · Mailing a letter to MBTA Capital Investment Plan c/o Adam Kamoune, 10 Park Plaza, Suite 3830, Boston, MA 02116. Feedback from the general public helps to inform investment decisions and will be considered as the Authority refi nes the fi nal FY23-27 CIP for release in May 2022. All comments will be reviewed by MBTA staff and summary responses will be shared with the release of the fi nal CIP document. For more information, visSergio Cornelio, City Clerk April 1, 2022 it mbta.com/CIP or connect with the T on Twitter @MBTA, Facebook /TheMBTA, or Instagram @ theMBTA.

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