Page 16 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, ApRil 1, 2022 Meet the 2022 EHS Crimson Tide Boys’ Varsity Volleyball Team Everett High School Boys’ Varsity Volleyball Tide, back row — pictured from left to right: Dawens Germain, Jason Martinez Tejada, Hyan Soares DeCasto, David Gutierrez Ospina, Dimitar Dimitrov, Caio Santos, Marcilio Melo, Mark Pierre, John Luna, Derrick Sands, Jose Olavo Da Silva, Anthony Couto and Head Boys’ Varsity Volleyball Coach Michael Fineran. Front row, from left to right: Philip Fonseca, Roberto Brizuela, Nischal Tamang, Brandon Ho, Ben Ikanovic, Said Soaib, Dantae Bauer, Henrique Franca, Peter Bhana and Bryan Gomes. ~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ CITY OF EVERETT ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 484 BROADWAY, ROOM 24 EVERETT, MASSACHUSETTS 02149 617-394-2498 To Whom It May Concern: This notice is to inform you that a public hearing will be held on Tuesday April 19, 2022 at 6:00 PM, Everett City Hall, 3rd Floor George Keverian Hearing Room. All interested parties may attend and opinions will be heard regarding the following petition. Whereas a petition has been presented by: Property Address: 27 Spalding Street Map/Lot: E0-04-000043 Property Owner: V-10 Development PO Box 638 Winchester, MA 08190 Person Requesting: John Tocco Email: Ricky@VolnayCapital.com Phone: 860-559-0245 PROPOSAL: Applicant seeks a permit to construct a five (5) story, 7230 sq ft building with four (4) units and four (4) parking spaces on the first floor. The lot is existing within the Riverfront Overlay District. The proposed use shall be R2. Reason for Denial: Permit was denied in accordance to the City of Everett Zoning Ordinance Appendix A as follows: 1. The proposed four (4) unit multifamily structure is provided with four (4) parking spaces on the lot. Section 17 (A) --- Off Street Parking: requires 2 parking spaces per dwelling unit for a total of eight (8) required spaces. The applicant must seek relief from the Board of Appeals in the form of a Variance of four (4) parking spaces. 2. Section 26(C)(2) —Front Yard Setback: Sections 26(c)(2) requires a minimum front yard setback of ten (10) feet. The plan is showing the set back to be 0’. The applicant must seek relief in the form of a Variance. 3. Section 26 (C)(3) --- Side Yard: A total of thirty (30) feet, with a minimum of ten feet on either side. The applicant has 3’-4” on the left side and 0’ on the right side. Relief in the form of a Variance will be required. 4. Section 26 (C)(4) ---Rear Yard: Twenty-five (25) feet. The applicant is showing 0’ feet for a rear setback, relief must be obtained in the form of a variance. 5. Section 26 (C) (6) ---FAR (floor Area Ratio) Floor area ratio cannot exceed 2,25 to 1, however this may be increased to a maximum of 4 to 1 by the grant of a Special Permit. The applicant is proposing a Floor Area Ratio of 2.67. Mary Gerace - Chairman Roberta Suppa - Clerk Board of Appeals April 1 & April 8, 2022 Everett High School Boys’ Varsity Volleyball Tide Co-Captains, pictured from left to right: Caio Santos and Brandon Ho. HEALTH | FROM PAGE 12 ty that can feed our hearts and our souls.” For the study on golfing, researchers from the University of Missouri in Columbia analyzed data from the Cardiovascular Health Study, a population-based observational study of risk factors for heart disease and stroke in adults 65 and older. Out of nearly, 5,900 participants – average age 72 – researchers identified nearly 400 regular golfers. During the 10year follow-up period, death rates for golfers were significantly lower than for non-golfers. A comprehensive review of research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine analyzed more than 300 scientific studies, leading a panel of 25 public health experts to issue an international consensus statement, from several sporting and golf organizations, noting the health and social benefits of golf. “The American Heart Association recommends most people get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exerHEALTH | SEE PAGE 17 Everett High School Boys’ Varsity Volleyball Tide seniors, pictured from left to right: David Gutierrez Ospina, Caio Santos, Brandon Ho, Marcilio Melo and Derrick Sands. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino)

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