Page 14 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, ApRil 1, 2022 Annual Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick Mayor Carlo DeMaria and State Rep. Joe McGonagle celebrate St. patrick’s Day alongside Governor Baker at Encore Boston Reverend Joseph Chacha Marwa opens the night’s festivities with a prayer. Mayor Carlo DeMaria with his wife, Stacy alongside State Representative Joe McGonagle and Marjorie Beckwith. Executive Directors of the Everett LGBTQ+ Youth Space and Resource Center (ELYSARC) Kay Mangan and Dom Washington speak after being awarded a shillelagh. Mayor Carlo DeMaria and State Rep. Joe McGonagle enjoying the night together. Singing Trooper Dan Clark performed a spectacular rendition of the National Anthem. Mary Heavey-Quinn’s Irish Step Dancers performing. Legendary Boston comedian Steve Sweeney is shown working the crowd. The band Devri performed throughout the night and at one point were joined by Singing Trooper Dan Clark.

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