Page 24 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MARCH 21, 2025 Mass. Council on Gaming Health and MGC assist hundreds of patrons on Problem Gambling Screening Day T he Massachusetts Council on Gaming and Health (MACGH) and the Massachusetts Gaming Commission (MGC) launched “PGAM Coffee and Conversations,” an initiative designed to raise awareness about problem gambling through informal discussions in casinos. This initiative is aligned with National Problem Gambling Screening Day on March 11 and the National Council on Problem Gambling’s Problem Gambling Awareness Month. According to the Social and Economic Impacts of Gambling in Massachusetts study summarized in 2024, gambling in the Commonwealth has increased as well as the intensity of monthly gamblers. Recently, GameSense staff conducted screenings at Encore Boston Harbor, MGM Springfield and Plainridge Park Casino, engaging in over 850 conversations. This LEGAL NOTICE City of Everett PLANNING BOARD 484 BROADWAY EVERETT, MA 02149 Frederick Cafasso- Chairman proactive approach offers immediate information, resources and support for those struggling with potential gambling issues. During the screening process, 24 individuals were identifi ed as demonstrating signs of gambling disorder. “Initial screenings are essential in serving the approximately 80,000 individuals in the Commonwealth struggling with gambling issues,” said MGC Director of Research and Gaming Mark Vander Linden. “By off ering screenings near the gaming fl oor and online through Live Chat, we can provide assistance earlier in the process, which is known to lead to better outcomes overall.” These eff orts are part of a broader, ongoing mission to adapt services and support to meet the Commonwealth’s evolving gambling environment. As new technologies and platforms for gambling emerge, MACGH and MGC are working to ensure that services remain relevant and accessible. “Meeting players where they are is essential. Our GameSense team is trained to recognize that there is a spectrum of gaming behavior. By identifying the signs of problem gambling early, LEGAL NOTICE EVERETT PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Public Hearing on an application by Richard Aversa, Trustee of Ferry Street Realty Trust Property located at: 108 Ferry Street & 141 High Street Site Plan Review & Inclusionary Zoning Special Permit In accordance with the provisions of M.G.L Chapter 40A and with Sections 4, 6, 19, and 32 of the Everett Zoning Ordinance, the Everett Planning Board will conduct a public hearing on Monday, April 7th, 2025 at 6:00PM in the Speaker George Keverian Room (Room 37, Everett City Hall) to consider the above-listed application for Site Plan Review and Inclusionary Zoning Special Permit. This proposal seeks to raze the existing mixed-use structure on the Ferry Street parcel as well as the single family structure on High Street and construct a three-story mixed-use building containing 1,950 sq. ft. of restaurant space on the ground floor (with a 16-seat capacity), a total of twenty (20) units, three (3) of which are proposed to be designated as deed-restricted affordable, and a total of 34 parking spaces. 108 Ferry Street is a parcel of land located in the Business District and is referenced by Assessors Department as L0-03-000243. 141 High Street is a parcel of land located in the Dwelling District and is referenced by Assessors Department as L0-03-00024401. A copy of the application and plans are on file and available in the Office of the City Clerk and the Department of Planning and Development, both located at City Hall, 484 Broadway, Everett, MA 02149 and can be inspected online anytime at http://www.cityofeverett.com/449/PlanningBoard and/or by request during regular City Hall business hours by contacting The Planning and Development Office at 617-394-2334. All persons interested in or wishing to be heard on the applications may attend and participate in person. This project, along with all other projects to be discussed at the meeting, can be found on the posted Agenda at the following link: http://www.cityofeverett.com/AgendaCenter. Questions and comments can be directed in advance of the public hearing to Matt Lattanzi of the Department of Planning & Development at Matt.Lattanzi@ci.everett.ma.us or 617-394-2230. Frederick Cafasso Chairman Friday, March 21, 28, 2025 we can empower players to make healthier decisions,” said MACGH CEO Marlene Warner. GameSense is an innovative, player-focused harm mitigation program that encourages players to adopt behaviors that can help limit the risk of developing gambling disorder. This includes setting limits on time and money spent gambling, promoting open conversations with family and friends about gambling habits, and encouraging individuals concerned about their gambling habits to seek help. This program, which is mandated by Massachusetts regulation, requires GameSense staff to be present at all retail casinos in the state. MACGH operates the GameSense program in Massachusetts. Come sing with Polymnia Choral Society and celebrate 70s and 80s music! P olymnia will present “Earth, Wind & Choir! celebrating the music of the 70s and 80s” at 7:30 p.m. on June 7 at Memorial Hall (590 Main St. in Melrose). The annual Pops concert is always a fun experience for both the choir and the audience and includes a singalong! To purchase tickets, visit https://polymnia.org/ about-our-upcoming-season/ or Miter Biter (479 Main St. in Melrose) or call 617633-5006. Do you enjoy singing and meeting interesting people? Polymnia Choral Society is always looking for singers of all skill levels. For more than 70 years, Polymnia has been entertaining audiences with performances featuring a wide variety of musical styles: classical, pop, musical theater and more. Come join a community of more than 60 members who love to sing and have fun! Polymnia meets every Tuesday from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Melrose Highlands Congregational Church (355 Franklin St. in Melrose). The next rehearsal is Tuesday, March 25. An ADA-compliant ramp is located on the West Highland Avenue entrance of the church, between Ashland Street and Chipman Avenue. If you have other accessibility needs or questions, please email accessibility@polymnia.org. We welcome all singers to come to any rehearsal and introduce yourself to Music Librarian Pam Ross, President Steve Francis or Vice President David Hammond. For more information, visit www.polymnia.org or call 617-633-5006. For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 617-387-2200 or Info@advocatenews.net

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