Page 22 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MARCH 21, 2025 Continued from previous page the platform. Each BESS enclosure would be approximately 19.7 feet long, 7.9 feet wide, and 9.5 feet tall. Each BESS unit would be on pier foundations and would be set on concrete pads. Each BESS unit’s thermal safety would be managed by an integrated cooling and heating system. The system contains sensors that support embedded monitoring and controls as well as electrical interface equipment including industry standard breakers for alternating current (“AC”) protection. The Project would also include power conversion systems, medium-voltage transformers on concrete slabs and pier foundations, medium voltage cables, and other electric infrastructure (collectively, the “Collection System”). The Project would occupy approximately16.5 acres of the 20.75-acre Project Site. The current use of the Project Site is a former ExxonMobil oil terminal, now undergoing environmental cleanup. The Northern Parcel is about 9.7 acres in size, and the BESS units along with all other project components/features would occupy approximately 8.2 acres of previously developed land. The Southern Parcel is about 11.1 acres in size, and it would include BESS units along with all other project components/features and would occupy approximately 8.25 acres of previously developed land. The Project would include two new electric substations (“Project Substations”), one on the Northern Parcel (345 kV) and one on the Southern Parcel (115 and 345 kV). Each Project Substation would take the power output from the BESS units and step it up to a transmission voltage, which would allow the power from the Project to interconnect with the existing Eversource Mystic Substation. The Project Substations would also take the power from the Mystic Substation and step it down to allow the BESS to store the power. The project would utilize 345 kV underground electric lines to connect battery enclosures and power control systems to the project substations, including crossings beneath Beacham Street. The Project would include one newly constructed 115 kV underground transmission line and one newly constructed 345 kV underground transmission line. The newly constructed lines would connect the BESS to the Mystic Substation. The Northern Parcel Project Substation would be connected to the Southern Parcel Project Substation via a 345 kV high voltage line that would run under Beacham Street into the Southern Parcel. Both the 345 kV and the 115 kV transmission lines would exit the Southern Parcel Project Substation and run directly to the Mystic Substation. When they exit the Southern Parcel, the two transmission lines would travel together for roughly 1,600 feet. Then, the 345 kV line separates and interconnects with the 3456kV interconnection point at the Mystic Substation. From the point of separation of the two lines, the 115 kV line would travel roughly 1,200 feet farther to reach its interconnection point at the 115 kV interconnection point at the Mystic Substation. After exiting the Project Site, the proposed transmission line route for both lines first utilizes a private easement, then enters Rover Street, then enters Dexter Street, and finally (for the 115 kV line only) Alford Street. Translation and Interpretation Services English ATTENTION: Additional translation and/or interpretation services are available upon request at no direct cost to the individual requesting the service. Include in your request the lanYonathan Mengesha at Yonathan.Mengesha@mass. gov to make a request. Español (Spanish) ATENCIÓN: Hay servicios adicionales de traducción y/o interpretación disponibles a pedido sin costo directo para la persona que solicita el servicio. Incluya en su solicitud el idioma requerido y una forma de comunicarnos con usted si necesitamos más información. Es posible que no sea posible cumplir con solicitudes de último momento. Comuníquese con Yonathan Mengesha a Yonathan.Mengesha@mass.gov para realizar una solicitud. Portugues (Standard Portuguese) ATENÇÃO: Serviços adicionais de tradução e/ou interpretação estão disponíveis mediante solicitação, sem custo direto para o indivíduo que solicita o serviço. Inclua em sua solicitação o idioma necessário e uma forma de contato caso precisemos de mais informações. Pode não ser possível atender a pedidos de última hora. Entre em contato com Yonathan Mengesha pelo e-mail Yonathan.Mengesha@mass.gov para fazer a solicitação. 中文   注意:可应请求提供另外的翻译和/或口译服务,且不会直接向请求服务的个人收取费用。务必在请求中指明所需的语言,还有我们可以联系您的方式。临时或�交的请求,可能无法满足。 提出语言服务请求,联系Yonathan Mengesha 电子信箱:。 Kreyòl Ayisyen (Haitian Creole) ATANSYON: Sèvis tradiksyon ak/oswa entèpretasyon siplemantè disponib si w mande sa san yon pri dirèk pou moun k ap mande sèvis la. Nan demann ou an, mete lang ou egzije a ak yon mwayen pou kontakte w si nou bezwen plis enfòmasyon. Li gendwa pa posib pou ranpli yon demann nan dènye lè. Kontakte Yonathan Mengesha nan Yonathan.Mengesha@mass. gov pou w fè yon demann Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese) LƯU Ý: Có cung cấp các dịch vụ biên dịch (viết) và/hoặc thông dịch (nói) bổ sung khi được yêu cầu, và dịch vụ này được cung cấp miễn phí cho các cá nhân yêu cầu dịch vụ. Trong yêu cầu của mình, quý vị hãy ghi rõ ngôn ngữ được yêu cầu và phương thức liên hệ quý vị nếu chúng tôi cần thêm thông tin. Những yêu cầu vào phút chót có thể không được đáp ứng. Hãy liên ông Yonathan Mengesha tại địa chỉ Yonathan.Mengesha@mass.gov để gửi yêu cầu. Français (French) ATTENTION : Des services de traduction et/ou d’interprétation supplémentaires sont disponibles sur demande, sans frais directs pour le demandeur. Indiquez dans votre demande la langue requise et un moyen de vous contacter si nous avons besoin de plus d’informations. Il se peut que nous ne puissions pas répondre aux demandes de dernière minute. 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Чтобы сделать запрос, свяжитесь с Yonathan Mengesha по электронной почте Yonathan.Mengesha@mass.gov ខ្មែរ  សូមកត់សម្គាល់៖ សេវាកម្មបកប្រែឯកសារ និងឬបកប្រែផ្ទាល់បន្ថែម មានតាមការស្នើសុំដោយមិនគិតថ្លៃផ្ទាល់ ចំពោះបុគ្គលដែលស្នើសុំសេវាកម្ម នេះ។ បញ្ចូលទៅក្នុងសំណើរបស់អ្នក សម្រាប់ភាសាដែលត្រូវការ និងវិធីទាក់ទងអ្នក ប្រសិនបើយើងត្រូវការព័ត៌មានបន្ថែម។ ប្រហែលជាមិនអាចបំពេញតាម សំណើ ដែលជូនដំណឹងយឺតបានទេ។ សូមទាក់ទង   តាម Yonathan.Mengesha@mass.gov ដើម្បីស្នើសុំ។ 한국  주의 추가 번역 및또는 통역 서비스는 요청 시 직접 비용 없이 제공됩니다 요청 시 필요한 언어와 추가 정보가 필요할 경우 연락을 드릴 방법을 포함하십시오 마지막 순간에 요청하시면 처리가 불가능할 수 있습니다 요청하시려면   Yonathan.Mengesha@mass.gov에게 연락하시기 바랍니다 March 21, 28, 2025

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