Page 14 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MARCH 21, 2025 DiPierro Kicks-Off Re-Election Campaign with Birthday Celebration Friends Dennis & Erin O’Donnell and Paul Dobbins joined Councilor DiPierro to celebrate. Councilor Anthony DiPierro thanks the many members in attendance. Proud Aunt Josephine Massua is pictured with her God-Son, Councilor Anthony DiPierro. Former Common Councilor Nicholas Saia and Ward 3 Councilor Anthony DiPierro. Sabatino/Mastrocola Insurance Agency President Rocco Longo, left, and Everett Police Lt. Tino Rozza give “thumbs up” during the special event. W ard Three City Councilor AnCouncilor Anthony DiPierro with Everett’s Superintendent of Schools, William Hart. Community Leader Robert G Brown introduces Councilor Anthony DiPierro. thony DiPierro held a successful Campaign Kick-Off and 30th Birthday Celebration last week at the Village Bar & Grill. Over 150 friends and supporters gathered to support the Councilor’s Re-Election. Councilor Anthony DiPierro with neighbors and friends Joanne and “Butch” Graziosi. Everett Police Superior Officers Union Members Steve Panzini, Tino Rozza and Councilor Anthony DiPierro. Councilor Anthony DiPierro with Parents Tina Saldutti, Jerry DiPierro and brother, Sal DiPierro.

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