Page 4 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MARCH 10, 2023 ~ Calendar of Events at the Everett Public Libraries ~ March 13-18, 2023 Parlin Adult and Teens Bingo! Parlin Meeting Room; Wednesday, March 15 at 1:00 p.m. Can’t get enough Bingo? Join us for our Bingo afternoon! Prizes awarded. We have space for 12 people. If you have any questions, call 617-394-2300. Chess Club: Parlin Fireplace Room; Wednesday, March 15 from 3-5 p.m. Play, learn and practice chess at our club meetings every other Wednesday. All ages and skill levels are welcome. Call 617-394-2300 with any questions. No registration required. Thursday Night Movies: Parlin Meeting Room; Thursday, March 16 at 6:30 p.m. in the Parlin Meeting Room. Join us for “Shazam!” (PG-13) in anticipation of the sequel’s release. Popcorn and hot chocolate will be provided by the Friends of the Everett Public Libraries. RESNEK | FROM PAGE 1 Resnek, who has had a pro$3.48 GALLON We accept: MasterCard * Visa * & Discover Price Subject to Change without notice 100 Gal. Min. 24 Hr. Service 781-286-2602 Advocate Online: www.advocatenews.net fessional relationship with Estes for years and would attempt to use her as a “confidential source” during his depositions with the mayor’s attorneys, had been communicating through emails and texts, which fi lled hundreds of pages of evidence from 2021 leading up to the election. The multiple communications proved that Resnek had been pushing Estes and the Boston Globe editors to follow-up on many of his fabricated stories ranging from the mayor’s longevity pay, false accusations Need a hall for your special event? The Schiavo Club, located at 71 Tileston Street, Everett is available for your Birthdays, Anniversaries, Sweet 16 parties and more? Call Dennis at (857) 249-7882 for details. Parlin Children’s Friday Family Movie Night! Parlin Meeting Room; Friday, March 17 at 3 p.m. Break out the popcorn! Come and watch “The Muppets” with your friends and family. Shute Adult and Teens Resume Writing: Shute Adult Department. Do you need help sprucing up an old resume or creating a new one? Sign up for a 30-minute of racism, sexual harassment and criminal activity, to the mayor’s real estate deal of 43 Corey St. with controversial Everett City Clerk Sergio Cornelio. It would be proven in sworn testimony by Resnek and Philbin that the two dismissed researching the legitimacy of the mayor’s role in an honest partnership with Cornelio; only publishing Resnek’s fabrications and lies in order to hurt the mayor’s reelection chances in both the 2021 primary and general election. In Oct. 2021, Resnek, writing about the mayor’s longevity pay, which at the time was approved by the City Council, falsely claimed his stories had gained the interest of the FBI and the U.S. attorney’s offi ce. Resnek told Estes that Cornelio’s lawyer would go on record with her about the longevity pay, but Estes replied that her editors were more interested in the Corey Street real estate deal where Resnek, again, had made false accusations and made up quotes in his stories of a shakedown for $96,000 by the mayor. In typical Resnek fashion, his scheme fell apart as Estes balked on the longevity pay session at both the Parlin and Shute Libraries. By appointment only; please call 617394-2302 for the Parlin Library and 617-394-2308 for the Shute Library to register for an appointment. Computer Basics 101: Shute Adult Department. Not familiar with the computer? Learn the basics: how to start up and shut down a computer, perform mouse and keyboard functions, use applications, learn Microsoft Word, navistory, texting Estes that there is a “nuance” that only Cornelio knows that slipped by the City Council that is “apparently illegal” and that Cornelio’s lawyer would share with her what “went on in the meeting with the US Attorney and the FBI.” The desperate muckraker, once again, attempted to have his lies published in the Boston Globe as the general election neared, telling Estes in an Oct. 29, 2021, text exchange that a story from her would be a “seminal moment.” “The story of the mayor taking $96,000 from him [Cornelio] caused quite a negative wave for the mayor.” When Estes read the lawsuit fi led against Resnek and Philbin by the mayor, she asked Resnek if the charges and countercharges would make any difference in the election, and if it was true where the suit claims the mayor never spoke to him. No reply was given by text, but Estes texted to Resnek, “I just don’t [sic] to publish something that is untrue.” In early Oct. 2021, the truth began to catch up with Resnek following the fi ling of the mayor’s defamation lawsuit. Estes, in a text message to Resnek, advised him to complain to the editor of the Boston Herald, one of many news outlets that reported on the defamation lawsuit story. “You should complain to the editor. Rule 101. Call the subject of your story,” texted Estes, adding that the story was also picked gate the Internet, set up an email account, and more! By appointment only; please call 617-394-2302 for the Parlin Library and 617-394-2308 for the Shute Library to register. Yarn Club: Shute Meeting Room; Tuesday, March 14 at 3 p.m. Come chitchat and stitch! Bring your crocheting, knitting or any other yarn craft and sit and socialize with other members of the crafting community. Recommended for ages 14-109! up by Statehouse News Service. “You gonna’ call him?” Resnek replied that he was going to stay silent, but Estes told Resnek not to, as “silence suggests that you’re okay with the story.” Estes told the corrupt reporter that his comments could be used if other reporters pick up the story – “maybe have a lawyer call.” Talk about prophetic. By the end of the month, Estes would suffer a severe case of buyer’s remorse, realizing she bought into a story that was untrue, riddled with fabrications along with an allegation of criminal conduct by Resnek after he admitted to having no factual basis regarding the mayor and the Corey Street real estate deal following a Superior Court judge’s ruling that the deal was legitimate, according to an email by the mayor’s attorney, Jeff rey Robbins, to Boston Globe editor Scott Allen. Estes was named as a confi - dential source by Resnek following the fi ling of the lawsuit where he’s named as a defendant. Also named as purported sources, according to the fi rst supplemental answer provided by Resnek, were Sergio Cornelio, Margaret Cornelio, Michael Marchese, Joseph Marchese, Maria Bussell, Greg Antonelli, Matthew Philbin, a defendant in the lawsuit, John Hanlon, Wayne Matewsky, Gerly Adrien, John Mattuchio, Frederick Foresteire and John Egan. ON FACEBOOK ADVOCATE NEWSPAPER FACEBOOK.COM/ADVOCATE.NEWS.MA

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