Page 18 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MARCH 10, 2023 SPLASH | FROM PAGE 15 for your favorite event idea at https://www.savetheharbor. org/participatory. Save the Harbor’s success would not be possible without its program partners and event sponsors, including Arctic Chill, FMC Ice Sports, Bay State Cruise Company, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Blue Sky Collaborative, Boston & Maine Webcams, The Boston Foundation, BostonHarbor.com, Boston Properties, Coast Cannabis, The Coca-Cola Foundation, Comcast, Cronin Group, Constellation Generation, Comcast Foundation, the Daily Catch, Department of Conservation & Recreation, Eastern Salt Company, Inc., Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, Harpoon, IR+M Charitable Fund, JetBlue, John Hancock Financial Services, Massachusetts Convention Center Authority, Massport, P&G Gillette, Mix 104.1, National Grid and The Richard Saltonstall Charitable Foundation. In addition, Save the Harbor recognizes the Metropolitan Beaches Commission (MBC) Co-Chairs –Senator Brendan Crighton of Lynn and Representative Adrian Madaro of East Boston – and the legislative and community members of MBC as well as Massachusetts Senate President Karen Spilka and House Speaker Ron Mariano for their support for our beaches and our communities. Save the Harbor also thanks the Baker-Polito Administration, the Massachusetts Legislature, Save the Harbor’s partners at the Department of Conservation & Recreation, the Boston Centers for Youth & Families, the YMCA of Greater Boston and the hundreds of people who take part in the Shamrock Splash for their support. For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 617-387-2200 or Info@advocatenews.net CITY OF EVERETT - LEGAL NOTICE - ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 484 BROADWAY, ROOM 24 EVERETT, MASSACHUSETTS 02149 To Whom It May Concern: This notice is to inform you that a public hearing will be held on Monday March 20, 2023 at 6:00 PM, Everett City Hall, 3rd Floor George Keverian Hearing Room. All interested parties may attend and opinions will be heard regarding the following petition. Whereas a petition has been presented by: Property Address: 23 Gledhill Ave. Map/Lot: N0-05-000171 Person Requesting: Ms. Rosemonde Paulo 244 Rumney Road Revere, MA 02151 REASON FOR DENIAL: The applicant seeks to convert the existing 2 family residence built approximately in 1894 into a three (3) Family Permit was denied in accordance with the City of Everett Zoning Ordinance Appendix A as follows: Violations and Zoning: • The Everett Zoning Ordinance, Section 4(B)(2)b, requires 7,000 s.f. of lot area for a two- family dwelling. Accordingly, the 3,693 s.f. lot is currently nonconforming as to area. The lot is also nonconforming as to frontage. The addition of a third dwelling unit will increase these nonconformities. A special permit is required, pursuant to Section 3(F) of the Zoning Ordinance. • Pursuant to Section 17.A.1 of the Zoning Ordinance, the existing two-unit residential use would require four (4) parking spaces, but the lot contains only two (2) parking spaces. Therefore, the property is nonconforming as to parking requirements, and your proposal will increase this nonconformity, because six (6) spaces would be required for the proposed three-unit structure. You may either seek a special permit from the Zoning Board of Appeals to increase the parking nonconformity, pursuant to Section 3(F) of the Zoning Ordinance, or participate in the Transportation Demand Management Program under Section 35 of the Zoning Ordinance. MARY GERACE - Chairman Roberta Suppa - Clerk of the Board of Appeals March 03, 10, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING FOR PETITION FROM EXTENET LLC To all parties interested in the public hearing. Be it hereby ordered: EXTENET LLC desires to construct upon, along, under or across the public way(s) of the City Everett, wires, cables, pole, piers, abutments, conduits or fixtures, as requested in petition with said company dated the December 29, 2022. The following are the streets and highways referred to: Place new conduit from existing utility riser on U/P: 567 at the corner of Broadway and 2nd Street to new manhole located in front of 419 Broadway (397’ long trench). Place new conduit from new manhole located in front of 419 Broadway to new handhole located in sidewalk in front of 439 Broadway (205’ long trench). Place new conduit from new manhole located in front of 419 Broadway to new manhole located in front of 453 Broadway (394’ long trench). Place new conduit from new manhole located in front of 453 Broadway to new manhole located across from 484 Broadway (394’ long trench). Place new conduit from new manhole located across from 484 Broadway to new manhole located in front of 511 Broadway (394’ long trench). Place new conduit from new manhole located in front of 511 Broadway to new manhole located on Pleasant Street in front of 524 Broadway (294’ long trench). Place new conduit from new manhole located on Pleasant Street in front of 524 Broadway to new handhole located in Pleasant Street sidewalk in front of 524 Broadway (41’ long trench) Wherefore it prays that after due notice and hearing as provided by law, it be granted permission to excavate the public highways and to run and maintain underground electric conduits, together with such sustaining and protecting fixtures as it may find necessary for the transmission of electricity, said underground conduits to be located substantially in accordance with the plan filed herewith marked: Broadway & Second Street - Everett - Massachusetts Hearing to be held with the Everett City Council, held on Monday at 7:00PM, on the 27th of March, 2023 at the Everett City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, Everett City Hall. March 10, 2023 - LEGAL NOTICE - CITY OF EVERETT

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