Page 2 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, FEbRuARy 21, 2025 Everett Police and Project Delta team up to help children in crisis situations Project Delta program introduced at Police Roll Call on Feb. 12 Special to Th e Advocate T he Everett Police Department welcomed Mark Aubuchon of Project Delta to speak during their afternoon roll call, to introduce this unique new program to the City of Everett’s fi rst responders. Project Delta is designed to provide fi rst responders in police, fire and EMS departments with stuff ed animals for kids in crisis situations. For free, Project Delta provides multiple stuff ed animals in a small drawstring backpack called a kit. The kits are placed in cruisers for offi cers to hand out a stuff ed animal to a child during a traumatic or frightening crisis call. The content of the kit can be given out at an offi cer’s discretion. The bag can also be used as an emergency carry-all for a child’s belongings. RON’S OIL Call For PRICE MELROSE, MA 02176 NEW CUSTOMER’S WELCOME ACCEPTING VISA, MASTERCARD & DISCOVER (781) 397-1930 OR (781) 662-8884 100 GALLON MINIMUM Need a hall for your special event? The Schiavo Club, located at 71 Tileston Street, Everett is available for your Birthdays, Anniversaries, Sweet 16 parties and more? For more info, call (857) 249-7882 Shown from left to right: Captain Demetri O’Malley, Captain Christopher Hannon, Everett resident Peter Demirdjian of the Mt. Vernon-Galilean Masonic Lodge, Mark Aubuchon of Project Delta, Police Chief Paul Strong and Community Outreach Offi cer Nicole O’Donnell. The idea for Project Delta was borne out of its founder having an excess of stuff ed animals due to his autistic son’s uncanny ability to beat what is commonly known as the crane (claw) game. Having mastered the game, his son soon found himself with an excess of these animals. Out of this excess, Project Delta was created. Mayor Carlo DeMaria stated, “I would like to thank Project Delta and Everett resident Peter Demirdjian of the Mt. Vernon Galilean Lodge for sponsoring to help bring this wonderful program to our City.” He continued, “Chief Strong, Community Outreach offi cer Nicole O’Donnell and all of our Project Delta kits with stuff ed animals EPD offi cers work very hard to ensure that any and all available programs that will benefi t our residents and especially our youth, are implemented smoothly and efficiently and this is just another example of their great work ethic.” — Vinyl Siding — Carpentry Work — Decks — Roofing — Free Estimates — Replacement Windows — Fully Licensed — Fully Insured
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