THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, FEbRuARy 14, 2025 Page 21 REAL ESTATE TRANSAC TIONS Copyrighted material previously published in Banker & Tradesman/The Commercial Record, a weekly trade newspaper. 1. February 14 is Valentine’s Day; a Greek sculptor named what created a statue that he fell in love with? 2. What 2018 romantic comedy is based on a bestseller by Kevin Kwan? 3. In the early 1900s, why was Adolph Spreckels – the first sugar daddy – nicknamed that by his wife? 4. On Feb. 15, 1925, a second batch of diphtheria antitoxin for an epidemic arrived in Nome, Alaska, by what method? 5. Esther Howland founded the 1880s New England Valentine Company where in Mass.? 6. Which fruit has the most fat? 7. On Feb. 16, 1923, what burial chamber in Egypt was unsealed? 8. What does XOXO mean? 9. What 1851 book’s first title was “The Whale”? 10. What New England company created candy Sweethearts (conversation hearts)? 11. February 17 is Random Acts of Kindness Day; what creator of Peter Pan said, “Shall we make a new rule of life from tonight: always to try to be a kinder than is necessary?” 12. What animal can be a jack or a jenny? 13. In 1972 who had a hit with “Burning Love”? 14. In the Old English poem “Beowulf,” Danish warriors drank what having honey? 15. On Feb. 18, 1930, at the International Aircraft Exposition in St. Louis, Missouri, Elm Farm Ollie became the first of what animal to fly in a plane? 16. What U.S. state whose state flower is the bluebonnet has the motto “Friendship”? 17. On Feb. 19, 2008, who resigned his presidency – to be succeeded by his brother? 18. In what area of Boston was the country’s first chocolate factory (1700s)? 19. Who is the world’s longest heir apparent? 20. On Feb. 20, 1962, John Glenn became the first American astronaut to orbit earth; what government position did he later hold? ANSWERS Steps Stoops Rebuilt or Repaired Chimney Rebuilt or Repaired House Foundation Leaks Repaired All Basement Repairs Chimney Inspection Drainage Masonry Repairs Window Installation & Repairs Drywall & Carpentry Waterproofing It is reprinted with permission from the publisher, The Warren Group. For a searchable database of real estate transactions and property information visit: BUYER1 Wang, Jiayu BUYER2 SELLER1 Wan, Junhua SELLER2 ADDRESS 12 Woodland St #26 Everett CITY DATE 01.08.25 PRICE 259900 Your Hometown News Delivered! EVERETT ADVOCATE MALDEN ADVOCATE REVERE ADVOCATE SAUGUS ADVOCATE One year subscription to The Advocate of your choice: $200 per paper in-town per year or $225 per paper out-of-town per year. Name_________________________________________ Address_______________________________________ City_______________ State_______ Zip ____________ CC# _______________________________ Exp. _____ Sec. code____ Advocate (City):___________________ Clip & Mail Coupon with Credit Card, Check or Money Order to: Advocate Newspapers Inc. PO Box 490407, Everett, MA 02149 1. Pygmalion 2. “Crazy Rich Asians” 3. He was a millionaire son of a San Francisco sugar tycoon and was 20 years older than her. 4. Dogsled 5. Worcester 6. Avocado 7. King Tutankhamun 8. Hugs and kisses 9. “Moby Dick” 10. New England Confectionery Company (NECCO) 11. J.M. Barrie 12. Donkey 13. Elvis Presley 14. Mead 15. Cow 16. Texas 17. Fidel Castro (brother Raúl) 18. Dorchester (Baker Chocolate Company) 19. King Charles III (waited 70 years, 214 days) 20. U.S. Senator
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