THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, FEbRuARy 14, 2025 Page 19 BEACON | FROM PAGE 18 place further restrictions on this program during the cold winter months is cruel. She noted that the bill already places more significant verification requirements regarding residency.” (A “Yes” vote is for the 12-month residency requirement. A “No” vote is against it.) Rep. Joseph McGonagle No REQUIRE REPORTS (H 57) House 152-0, approved an amendment that would require the Healey administration to report the number of families exiting the emergency assistance housing program each week because of a durational limit. “This data will reveal whether families are leaving because they’ve secured stable housing or due to the system’s time constraints,” said amendment sponsor Rep. Michael Finn (D-West Springfi eld) It will determine if current resources are eff ectively helping families regain stability in a quick and effi cient manner, or if future adjustments to the system are needed.” (A “Yes” vote is for the amendment.) Rep. Joseph McGonagle Yes RULING OF THE CHAIR ON ICE DETAINER AMENDMENT(H 57) House 128-24, supported the ruling of the chair that a proposed amendment that would have required the Executive Offi ce of Housing and Livable Communities to collaborate Carlo DeMaria Jr., Mayor with ICE regarding detainers issued for dangerous criminal aliens, was beyond the scope of the shelter bill and should not be allowed on the House fl oor for debate. Rep. Marc Lombardo (R-Billerica), the sponsor of the amendment said that the amendment would make it clear that we want these monsters off the streets and will take proactive actions to protect Massachusetts residents. He urged members to oppose the ruling of the chair so that his amendment can be debated and voted upon. “It is simply outrageous that this amendment was ruled out of scope as it pertained to the operations of the shelter system which was the exact scope of the underlying bill,” said Lombardo. “The reality is that the majority party realized it would be a terrible amendment for them to vote against so instead, they ruled it out of scope to prevent political embarrassment.” Rep. Danielle Gregoire (D-Marlborough) supported the ruling of the chair that this amendment is beyond the scope of this narrowly tailored funding bill. She added that there are several pieces of legislation that have been fi led this session that will deal with this issue and the House can debate the issue at that time. (A “Yes” vote supports the ruling of the chair that prohibits the ~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ Phone: 617-394-5004 FAX: 617-394-5002 City of Everett Conservation Commission Everett City Hall, Room 40 484 Broadway Everett, MA 02149 The Everett Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, February 20, 2025, at 7 PM pursuant to the Wetlands Protection Act, M.G.L. 131 c40. The hearing will include consideration of a Request for a Determination of Applicability (RDA) by Matt Donovan of Benesch representing Keolis Commuter Services, for the review of wetland maps along the railroad right-of-way as part of the renewal of a five year Vegetation Management Plan Said hearing will be held in the George Keverian Meeting Room, City Hall, 484 Broadway, Everett, MA 02149. To view application and related plans, contact the Conservation Agent Tom Philbin 617-309-8038. February 14, 2025 amendment from being debated and voted upon on by the House. A “No” vote is against the ruling and favord the amendment being debated and voted upon.) Rep. Joseph McGonagle Yes ALSO UP ON BEACON HILL GOV. MAURA HEALEY ANNOUNCES SHE WILL RUN FOR RE-ELECTION IN 2026 – In a radio interview on WGBH Radio (89.7 FM) with talk show hosts Jim Braude and Margery Eagan, Gov. Healey said she plans to run for reelection in 2026. “There’s a heck of a lot more to do, she said. “And so I plan to run for re-election. I’m really proud of the record so far.” The Massachusetts Republican Party released a statement saying they were “confi dent that voters will reject another four years of the Healey-Driscoll Administration and elect a common-sense Republican.” “We are actively engaging with several Republicans who would all make strong candidates, and we are confi dent we will have a formidable challenger ready to take on Healey and restore prosperity to the commonwealth,” Massachusetts Republican Party Chair Amy Carnevale said. $850,000 TO HELP YOUNG ADULTS WITH DISABILITIES – Gov. Healey announced more than $850,000 in grants to fund several organizations that provide job training, employment placement and post placement LEGAL NOTICE City of Everett PLANNING BOARD 484 BROADWAY EVERETT, MA 02149 services for 119 young adults with disabilities. “We are building a strong workforce in Massachusetts, and this includes providing opportunities and training for individuals who face barriers to employment,” said Gov. Healey. “These grants will help develop and fulfi ll the immense potential of this segment of our workforce as we create an economy for today and tomorrow.” “The Healey-Driscoll Administration is committed to working with partners to increase access, break down barriers and create pathways to meaningful employment including for individuals with disabilities,” said SecBEACON | SEE PAGE 20 LEGAL NOTICE EVERETT PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Public Hearing on an application by NDC-RE, LLC Property located at: 313-315 Elm Street Site Plan Review In accordance with the provisions of M.G.L Chapter 40A and with Sections 6 and 19 of the Everett Zoning Ordinance, the Everett Planning Board will conduct a public hearing on Monday, March 3, 2025 at 6:00PM in the Speaker George Keverian Room (Room 37, Everett City Hall) to consider the above-listed application for Site Plan Review. The proposal calls for the construction of a second floor addition to an existing mixed-use building as well as an interior renovation of portions of the structure. The existing building is currently occupied by two (2) commercial tenants (salon/spa & restaurant/bar) and two (2) residential units. The proposal seeks to convert the restaurant/bar into residential units as well as construct additional units on the added second floor, resulting in an eight (8) unit mixed-use project. The proposal will result in no alteration to the existing footprint and no additional site work is contemplated beyond installation of a new fire service. 313-315 Elm Street is a parcel of land referenced by Assessors Department as N0-01-000159. A copy of the application and plans are on file and available in the Office of the City Clerk and the Department of Planning and Development, both located at City Hall, 484 Broadway, Everett, MA 02149 and can be inspected online anytime at http://www.cityofeverett.com/449/PlanningBoard and/or by request during regular City Hall business hours by contacting The Planning and Development Office at 617-394-2334. All persons interested in or wishing to be heard on the applications may attend and participate in person. This project, along with all other projects to be discussed at the meeting, can be found on the posted Agenda at the following link: http://www.cityofeverett.com/AgendaCenter. Questions and comments can be directed in advance of the public hearing to Matt Lattanzi of the Department of Planning & Development at Matt.Lattanzi@ci.everett.ma.us or 617-394-2230. Frederick Cafasso Chairman February 14, 21, 2025

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