THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, FEbRuARy 9, 2024 Page 17 Roll Tide – Everett Girls’ Hoop seniors have high expectations after graduation Kaesta Sandy was escorted by her proud mother, Nezra Sandy. The four-year basketball player plans to study sports medicine in college to pursue a career in athletic training. Shown from left to right: seniors Malica Guillaume and Taisha Alexandre, Head Coach Riley Dunn, seniors Kaesta Sandy, Malaica Guillaume and Gleidy Tejada during Tuesday’s Girls’ Varsity Basketball Senior Night at Everett High School against Somerville High School. Shown from left to right: Gleidy Tejada was escorted by her friend Suzanne Maharjan, her mother, Victoria, her brother, Carlos, and her father, Julio. The four-year basketball player plans to pursue a career in health science with a trauma focus. Taisha Alexandre (third from left) was accompanied by her friends Ikhra Bashir, Gabby Alexandre, Jake Xavier, Megan Xavier and Olivia Lavaud. The four-year basketball player plans to major in psychology and minor in child development with a premed track to pursue opening her own psychiatric clinic. Malica Guillaume (third from left) was escorted by her twin sister, Malaica Guillaume, her friend Ikhra Bashir, her proud mother, Nadine Guillaume, her uncle Pierre Amazan, her sister Rejeana Guillaume and her friend Olivia Lavaud. The four-year basketball player plans to travel the world to help children in need. Malaica Guillaume (third from left) was escorted by her friend Olivia Lavaud, her friend Ikhra Bashir, her proud uncle Pierre Amazan, her mother, Nadine Guillaume, and her sister, Rejeana Guillaume. The four-year basketball player looks to pursue a career in the medical field. By Tara Vocino T he Everett High School Girls’ Basketball Crimson Tide seniors shared their future plans during their Senior Night game on Tuesday against Somerville. Shown from left to right: seniors Malica Guillaume and Taisha Alexandre, Head Coach Riley Dunn, seniors Kaesta Sandy, Malaica Guillaume and Gleidy Tejada show off their senior gift. Their banquet is March 12 at 6 p.m. at Anthony’s of Malden. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino)

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