THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, FEbRuARy 9, 2024 Page 15 Everett/Revere/Malden Co-Op Hockey battle Taunton to 4-3, loss Riley Constantine works to gain control of the puck. Tide teammates celebrate after scoring during their game against Taunton Monday night. Tide Co-Captain Jake Simpson carries the puck up the ice. Matt Lacroix with the puck for the Tide. Everett’s Andrew Crasco comes from behind the net to defend against a Taunton player. Tide co-Capt. Michael Brandano moves past some Taunton defenders. Frankie Annunziata with the shot on goal. Matt Lacriox with the puck for the Tide, moves into goal territory as players from Taunton move in. The Tide hockey team gathers during a time out during the final period of play against Taunton. Tide goaltender Ray Blauvelt protecting the net. Frankie Annunziate looks to make a pass moving up ice during Monday’s match up. The Everett Tide cheerleaders were on hand to support the team on Monday night. Andrew Crasco moves the puck up ice. The Tide’s Matt Lacroix with the puck as player from Taunton tries to take control. (Advocate photos by Emily Harney)

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