THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, FEbRuARy 7, 2025 Page 13 EHS Girls Basketball Team members honor seniors The Everett girls basketball team celebrated their seniors Tuesday night. The team honored team manager Amicha Jacques-Antoine, who will study math at Assumption College in the fall. Pictured from left to right: asst. girls basketball coach Courtney Meninger, Emilia Maria-Babcock, Manal Bouhou, Amicha Jacques-Antoine, Gerniah Boyce, Sonia Constanza Flores and EHS basketball Head Coach Riley Dunn. Senior center/forward Gerniah Boyce was joined by her father, Gerard Boyce, her mother, Michelle Hill, Lunica Figaro and family. (Advocate photos by Emily Harney) Senior shooting guard Sonia Constanza Flores was joined by her mother, Rosa, and siblings Julissa, Saul, Carlos, Benji and friends. Senior shooting guard Clarice Alexis was joined by her father, Verdieu Alexis, her siblings, Ashleen and Ralph, and other family members. Senior power forward Manal Bouhou was joined by her parents, Fatima and Abdellah Bouhou, siblings Badr and Imane and other family and friends. Senior point guard Emilia Maria-Babcock was joined by her parents, Robin and Silvestre Babcock, aunts, uncles and cousins.
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