THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, FEbRuARy 2, 2024 Page 13 Everett fi re service leader among 34 graduates from Management Training Program Multifaceted course supports professional development for chiefs and rising offi cers R ecently, nearly three dozen fire service leaders from across Massachusetts graduated in the 29th class of the Massachusetts Firefi ghting Academy’s Chief Fire Officer Management Training Program. The four-month program for new chief offi cers and chief offi cer candidates is delivered jointly by the Massachusetts Firefi ghting Academy (MFA) and the University of Massachusetts Edward J. Collins Jr. Center for Public Management. Through classroom instruction and out-ofclass assignments, the course delivers intensive training in the non-fi re suppression aspects of managing a municipal fi re department. “The Chief Fire Offi cer program is a tremendous opportunity for new chiefs and rising officers,” said State Fire Marshal Jon M. Davine, who graduated from the program in 2016. “The rigorous instruction in such a wide variety of topics will help these graduates provide the leadership that their departments and communities deserve. Completing the program is a major accomplishment and I want to congratulate all of them on their initiative and dedication to professional deGraduation Ceremony. (Courtesy of Department of Fire Services) velopment.” The Chief Fire Offi cer Management Training Program covers a spectrum of topics considered essential for effective public sector management. It includes human resource management, ethics, executive leadership, governmental and organization structures, information management, customer-focused strategic planning, legal issues, budgets and public fi nance, community awareness, and labor relations. The curriculum helps fi re offi cers improve their ability to lead Everett Deputy Chief Lawrence Cardinale (on the right) graduates from the Management Training Program. (Courtesy of Department of Fire Services) and manage personnel, understand employees’ needs and problems, communicate eff ectively to a variety of audiences and leverage inter-agency cooperation. The MFA, a division of the Department of Fire Services, off ers this program tuition-free. ~ Excellence in the EPS ~ Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Whittier Students Create Mosaic i-Ready Mascot Visits the Whittier School Students Say Hello to Snargg! Among the 2023-2024 graduating class was Deputy Chief Lawrence Cardinale from the Everett Fire Department and others were drawn from many fi re departments across Massachusetts. The class members serve as chiefs, deputy chiefs, and captains. 2023-2024 CFO Class Picture. (Courtesy of Department of Fire Services) T n recognition of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Whittier School seventh-graders creatI ed a mosaic featuring quotes from Dr. King’s timeless “I Have a Dream” speech. The students analyzed and paraphrased the quotations to determine personal meaning and signifi cance. he i-Ready mascot Snargg, which is described by the company as a “blue skinned alien dog with sharp and pointy teeth,” brought nothing but smiles to the Whittier School on Tuesday, January 16. Snargg was on hand to encourage students to do their very best on the mid-year i-Ready diagnostic assessment. Teachers across the district have been working hard to prepare the students for the current round of i-Ready formative assessments, which track student growth at the beginning, middle and end of the school year.

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