THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 2022 Page 23 Environmental and public safety offi cials urge public to stay safe on and near ice T he State Police, the Department of Conservation & Recreation (DCR), the Department of Fish and Game (DFG) and the Massachusetts Environmental Police (MEP) are cautioning the public about the potential dangers of thin ice on the state’s many lakes, ponds, streams and rivers, and they ask the public to be responsible and mindful of local conditions, to be aware of the possible dangers while on the ice and to remain diligent in following prudent ice safety practices. “Many factors including temperature fl uctuations and water fl ow can aff ect how and when ice freezes and thaws, making it unpredictable and extremely dangerous for anyone trying to walk on or cross it,” said Acting DCR Commissioner Stephanie Cooper. “The Department of Conservation and Recreation suggests residents exercise extreme caution when partaking in outdoor recreational activities, such as ice fishing, ice skating and snowmobiling, as the late onset of winter means no waterbody is frozen enough yet to safely support such activities.” “Many people safely enjoy ice fi shing and other outdoor activities on Massachusetts lakes and ponds in winter, but it is always important to take common-sense precautions to keep yourself and your family safe,” said DFG Commissioner Ron Amidon. “Remember to plan ahead, bring proper safety equipment and know the thickness and quality of ice before venturing out, preferably with someone experienced with ice safety.” “Cold weather activities are a source of enjoyment for many people, but participation carries the responsibility of recognizing dangers posed by thin ice and taking steps to keep yourself and your loved ones safe,” said State Police Colonel Christopher Mason. “Our Troopers, like all fi rst responders in New England, have seen first-hand the tragic consequences that can result when someone fails to use caution on frozen bodies of water. Have fun outdoors this winter, but be smart and stay safe doing so, for your sake and the sake of those who love you.” If you witness a person or animal fall through the ice, call for help before attempting a rescue on your own to prevent becoming a victim yourself. Always use something long or throw something to help the victim while you are awaiting assistance from fi rst responders. In all circumstances, individuals are urged to put safety fi rst. Below are ice safety tips to adhere to when near bodies of water during the winter months: • Parents should always closely watch and supervise their children. • Never go onto ice alone. • Always keep pets on a leash (if a pet falls through the ice, do not attempt a rescue yourself – instead, call for help). • Beware of ice covered with snow. It hides cracks as well as other weak spots. • Ice formed on fl owing water (including springs under the surface) is generally weaker than ice over still water. • Ice seldom freezes or thaws at a uniform rate. It can be a foot thick in one spot and an inch thick in another. • If a companion falls through ENVIRONMENTAL | SEE PAGE 24

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