Page 14 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 2022 Meet the 2022 EHS Crimson Tide Varsity Hockey Cheering Team Seniors, pictured from left to right on Monday: Captain Lillian Nguyen, Olivia Parziale, Livia Thomaz, Nyla Hagbourne, Isadora DeMiranda and Jaqueline Velasco. Everett High School Crimson Tide Varsity Hockey Cheering, pictured from left to right: back row: Jackeline Sampaio (10th grade), Aline Silva (11th), Olivia Parziale (12th), Sophia Clarke (9th), Mae Kelley (9th), Livia Thomaz (12th), Nyla Hagbourne (12th) and Isadora DeMiranda (12th) with Head Coach Holly Garcia; middle row: Alyssa Parziale (10th), Kirtsy Hall (10th), Nyla-Nhi Nguyen (11th), Mia Olivia (9th), Rebecca Hickey Schultz (10th) and Jane Ebay (11th); front row: Woodjanna Tondreau (10th), Captain Lillyan Nguyen (12th) and Jaqueline Velasco (12th). Missing from photo: Julia Dos Santos (12th), Emma Longmore (10th). (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Sophomores, pictured from left to right: kneeling: Woodjanna Tondreau and Kirtsy Hall; standing: Jackeline Sampaio, Alyssa Parziale and Rebecca Hickey Schultz. Freshmen, pictured from left to right: Mia Oliva, Sophia Clarke and Mae Kelly. Captain Lillian Nguyen with Head Coach Holly Garcia Sisters Olivia and Alyssa Parziale Juniors, pictured from left to right: Nyla-Nhi Nguyen, Aline Silva and Jane Ebay.

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