Page 10 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 2022 Crimson Tide Boys Corral Mustangs at home, 72-40 I t was apparent from the start the Crimson Tide of Everett High was going to be the winner of last Thursday night’s home game. The Tide got off to a blistering start, taking control of the ball and the boards from the Mustangs. While Medford tried to hold off the offensive attack with double team defense and fighting for the rebounds, the Tide was too fast and too deep in talent to be stopped. Roger Vasquez had a great game for the Tide. Steven Cordero was unstoppable, scoring from both in and out of the paint. John Monexant shown here blocking a shot, one of many for the big senior. The Everett High Varsity Cheerleaders entertained at half time. Gehu Dolisca hits a 3-pointer. Jaysaun Coggins grabs a pass in mid-air. Roby Dormevil and Jaysaun Coggins scramble for a loosed ball under the Tide basket. John Monexant besides blocking shots, had a great offensive game for the Tide as well. James Monexant with a big 3-pointer for the Tide. Devin Claudio Cruz looks to make a play in the Medford end. Cam Mohammed looking for a steal from a Medford Mustang.

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