Page 12 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JAnuARy 24, 2025 Bishop Robert G. Brown was the Host and Emcee of the event. Mayor Carlo DeMaria is shown addressing the attendees at the Connolly Center on Monday. Former Ward 6 Councillor Al Lattanzi and his wife, Dolores Lattanzi, with Evangelist Marcia Brown and Bishop Robert G. Brown. Beautiful voices filled the room. Cory Crowfoot led the Everett High School Chorale in perfect harmony. City Council President Stephanie Martins sent greetings from the Everett City Council. CELEBRATE | FROM PAGE 1 year from Evertt High School with a GPA of 3.9 and has served as President of the Culinary Art’s Program and Vice President of Student Ambassadors. He is an inductee of the National Honor Society, where he serves on multiple committees and boards. Everyone in attendance also had the pleasure of seeing the City of Everett’s Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Cathy Draine, receive the MLK Service Recognition Award for the positive contributions she and her team have made since joining the City government in 2021. Speakers at the breakfast included Bishop Robert G. Brown, Mayor Carlo DeMaria, State Senator Sal DiDomenEverett Public Schools were well represented. ico, State Representative Judith Garcia, City Council President Stephanie Martins and Keynote speaker Dr. Zebulon Miletsky, an Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director for the Department of Africana Studies at Stony Brook University of New York. The Everett High School Chorale, led by Cory Crowfoot, and the Zion Praise team, led by Bishop Regina Shearer with accompaniment by musician Adam Littlejohn, delivered moving renditions of traditional hymns and songs throughout the breakfast, much to the crowd’s delight. Everett High School Chorale Choir.
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