Page 8 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JAnuARy 10, 2025 Pictured from left to right: State Senators Peter Durant, Brendan Crighton, Sal DiDomenico, Bill Driscoll, Michael Rodrigues, Liz Miranda and Lydia Edwards. Senator Sal DiDomenico nominating Senator Karen Spilka to continue as Senate President this term. Senator Sal DiDomenico with Senate court officers. Senator Sal DiDomenico with his staff: Yoshki Wurtz (left), Christie Getto Young (second from left), Ayla Thorntona (second from right) and Eli Fenichel (right). Pictured from left to right: Senator Sal DiDomenico, Sal DiDomenico, U.S. Senator Ed Markey, Matthew DiDomenico, Tricia DiDomenico. Law Offices of JOSEPH D. CATALDO, P.C. “ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW” • ESTATE/MEDICAID PLANNING • WILLS/TRUSTS/ESTATES • INCOME TAX PREPARATION • WEALTH MANAGEMENT • RETIREMENT PLANNING • ELDER LAW 369 Broadway Everett, MA 02149 (617)381-9600 JOSEPH D. CATALDO, CPA, CFP, MST, ESQUIRE. AICPA Personal Financial Specialist Designee DIDOMENICO | FROM PAGE 1 Senator Sal DiDomenico with his family on the Senate balcony. and Everett for your trust, confidence and support, and for giving me the honor to serve as your State Senator for another term,” said Senator DiDomenico. “I look forward to a bright and productive legislative session working for you and the people of the Commonwealth.”

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