APPENDIX Hot Water Pressure Washer Comparison Chart Power Type EASY!Force Trigger Gun Landa 5000 PSI Trigger Gun 4 Hardened Stainless Steel Nozzles (0°,15°,25°,40°) Durable Variable Pressure Wand 2-Wire Landa Hose Rated for 6000 PSI Heating Source Diesel tank capacity (gal) Diesel Burner Voltage Adjustable Thermostat LP Gas Conversion Pump Drive Triplex Landa Pump with 7 year warranty Axial High-Pressure Pump with 7-Year Warranty AC Voltmeter Auto Start/Stop Caster Wheel Kit Cool-Bypass (Patent US 8,496,188 B2) Downstream Detergent Injector Electrical Generator Electronic Ignition (no standing pilot light) Fuel Cap and Gauge Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (1-phase only) High-Pressure Detergent Injection Hour Meter Wireless Remote Magnetic Start Switch Oil/Water Separator in Fuel Line Polyethylene Float Tank Stainless Steel Coil Wrap Time Delay Shutdown Tru-Tite System Tru-Trac Technology Vibration Isolated Platform Wet-Steam Combination 쐽 Standard Feature 쏔 Available Feature * Applies to specific models within series 274 쏔 쏔 쏔 쐽* 쐽 쏔 쐽 Diesel 2 120V HDS UPRIGHT HOT PHW MHC PGDC Electric Electric 쐽 쐽 15° only 쐽 쏔 Diesel 5-6 120V - 230V AC 쐽 Direct 쐽 쏔 쏔 쐽 쏔 Direct or Belt 쐽 Electric 쐽 쐽 쐽 쏔 Diesel 10 120V - 230V AC 쐽 Belt 쐽 Gasoline 쐽 쐽 쐽 쐽 Diesel 10 12V DC 쐽 Direct or Belt 쐽 Gasoline 쐽 쐽 쐽 쐽 Diesel 9.25 12V DC 쐽 Belt 쐽 쏔 쐽 쐽 쐽 쐽 쐽 쐽 쏔 쏔 쐽 쐽 쐽 쐽 쏔 쐽 쐽 쐽 쐽 쏔 쐽 쐽 쏔 ** Standard for gasoline models, optional for diesel 쏔 쐽 쏔 쏔 쐽 쏔 쏔 쐽

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