Memory clinics Memory Clinics are run by health and social care professionals to assess, diagnose and support people with dementia and their families. Clinics can perform further diagnosis and memory tests. For instance, they might have a more in-depth look at the sort of memory problems that you may be having. The following clinic is available in Runnymede: St Peter’s Hospital Memory Clinic Runnymede and West Elmbridge Mental Health Recovery Service run memory clinics for people with a diagnosis of dementia. Where: Unither House, Chertsey Contact: Referral is via your GP There is also a community memory session run by a local care home: Sunrise Virginia Water Memory Sessions When: The second and third Thursday of the month Times: 3pm to 4.30pm Where: Sunrise Virginia Water, Christchurch Road, GU25 4BE Contact: 01344 843777 5

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