By Amanda Philipp People F.difvr 1" sr K j ' " j * i i3 M . -:. J - it, :>: : it > . *v ' JT : V V - ::r!;f; ' L Edton Luvanand 3Ikhatd Petem,h<it h $T|g|sr:£ m 3 v 3:Et g g g g g " (17, get their life jackets on helore lbe> go ITEI their L-anoe outing. Photo courtesy ofSharon Bender. 2. Answer Ejtasi* 0(>,TanyaKitzki, Kim Jacobs, birth (17,and Miranda Tvitvki* (Mi, take a little canoe ride on the lake. Photo courtesy of Sharon lieruter : . ' cecrn'^yy e/ .S arfljr fiejidtr. ^ . “ L , 3. 1an ja ki t / k iand Kim Jacobs,both U7t take a break at Lake MaeBride. Photo - . I — a c j i fra " - i -r 7T 7 1 : • m, * . . : pp. 3fc.^ W F* ra" uSHaBlHKQ LOIga Mirtmova,07» turns around in her seat tu talk to another member of Model iJN. Photo courtesy ofJim Jonen. 2. ValerieBropliygColin Hoover,andSpan cer Hinker both «*>, talk together* Jim Junes . . - -..... . 76 SAVDMod&l UN -Garlinghou.se, all 07, prepare their work* Photo courtesy of Jim Junes. 3.Jessica Staska), and My*Coble-brakes, Photo courtesy of : jf?y A^k/r/rt fAy£?or7Ee Acatfem/c Prairie sludcnlsparticipated in the Model UN in rhe Cedar Rapids area. This year Prairie s team was, assigned to represent Pakistan when die meeting came around. , there were students from Naturally. Prairie’s group was meeting before ihey had to show up w i t h every other group. Of course many ot her sellools i nvolvedthat were a Is i assigned their own country to act as. T j The groups aie given a problem and they had to debate how the topic would affect their particular country, Slifihtly under 10 Prairie students were involved with the Model UX this year. L“ V The students spanned most of the four y cars of high school, even including freshemn. ymr. v . i.lfj fc1 P ' : ® JI 2SK II MWfl £ m : mm tmy - - ws r . I' . . . V 1 , *n ::: , nm* | . J .. 3. , : -V v g-> . ;: ivi -i: : - -i ' . r .j M - j " tu* J i IP - Ei 1 fesij. >3+ : = : r - i-; ' K S VJ .* & F . “ lil i - : .: WSH rartTi Vi IGV U -r . 1 ' " . ^ : . :j,:; i|i ' = ; ' 3. 4 : I 'n C U m ; -‘. j * 4 . ' rsr . J . 'll Lr*3H%* - . y; ifppp : L - 4 - . s Ei :SB E2 «: Sg--: 1 |i . | >V v jitt KS r/ : 2 . " .*i y ; 1 . 1 #jj§5£. : 3',* ' = : H£ a u . — * environment . They took a trip to Lake MacBrid and theOmaha Zoo. Thov also deana r up the highway along 965 and plants trees to heip the env ironmonk in addition to actK ities outsideofds .school. SAVE members a]so workd around campus to help the envired meni . whichincLKledmaki r i g pi ncco § bird feeders in the winter. They alsj had a Christmas part y lu cdebratctb efforts and plan spring events. I leaded by science teacher Shar jO the environment. Bender. SAVE increased both sclm awareness and common in efforts t This was the ! year for ad visor Bender. 11\ oug11, a> a retired at the end of the school vear W 3 . £42 * . . n :V:3ixfs =! = * > S' A’ V W . =u — JLV : - W I ;v -HI j . I* v $r* J -I Student Against Vtolating Lhc Envi reminent have had a encat year. L - - With rising membership, (hey hay f been able to do a I01 with savina th "m* :-Z

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