Farm Crisis By Wendy Cronbaugh Thefarm crisiswas known to all in 1985. That was the worst year for the farmers. Farms were closing,auctions were taking place and farmers were moving out. Why all of a sudden is this happening? Back in the old days, farmers were satisfied with the amount of land they had. They didn’t have much machinery, so they knew they had to farm by hand. But as time grew,just tostay upwith the economy, farmers started to buy more land. And since they had more land they couldn’t possibly farm it all by hand, so they had to buy modern machines to help them. And all thislead to borrowing money, which they knew they didn’t have to pay back. And they kept doing this until today. Today, the economy is so poor, that banks want their money back just so they can keep in business. They don’t realize though, that if they keep taking money (farm land) away from the farmers, there is not going to be any farmers left for the economy and we’ll have to start imp - morting which will make our economy even worse. We need to do something about our economy that will help the farmers. Teen Problems By Sara Humble Teenage pregnancy and teenage sexuality have become a growing problem in the United States for the ’80’s. Sexuality has become a bigger problem each year. Kids are having sex at a younger PLAGIARISM The trouble with Joe Biden , political passion is that some of it is,well, borrowed.Yes it was PLAGIARISM. The New York Times reported on Sept.14,87 that Biden, appearing at the Iowa State Fair on Aug.23, had lifted a stirring passage from a campaign ad by British Labor party leader Neil Kinnock without bothering to credit the author. Staffers explained that Biden had credited Kinnock on other occassions; one aide said Biden had been on AUTOMATIC PILOT during the Iowa speech and that plagiarism had been' inadvertent.’ That is why you should be very careful about plagiarism, it could ruin your life. Stock Market Tumble By Alyson Zvacek The fall of the stock market in 1929 held a loss of 12.82%. This proved to be nothing compared to the fall in the stock market that the nation felt on October 19, 1987. More than 500 billion dollars was drained from the value of stocks as it fell 22.62%, a record fall of 508 points. The unpredicted fall hit the nation’s stockholders hard. Who knows when the next tumble will hit bottom. and younger age. Twenty-one million young people from the ages 15-19 are estimated to be sexually active. Close to seven million men and four million women are sexually active, and about one-fifth of these are kids from the ages 13-14. There are more teen pregCandidates for Iowa Caucus By Michael Jarvis The Iowa Caucus, held February 8,1988,was thefirst active political test in the United States for men run ning for President. Therewere many men run - - ning for President. Democrat candidates were: Bruce Bab - bitt, Gary Hart, Jesse Jack son , Richard Gephardt, Al - - bert Gore, Michael Dukakis, Joseph Biden (who dropped out of therace before the cau cus) and Paul Simon. Repub Pat Robertson, Bob - - lican candidateswere:George Bush, Dole, Jack Kemp, and Pete DuPont. Scott Davidson sr. , attend ed thecaucus. ” It was a learn ing experience and I really en joyed it,” Scott said. Otherfa - - - - culty and students also attended the caucuses. The caucus is a right when voterscome together and support their favorite candidates, Democrat or Republican. Gephardt won the Democrat race in Iowa; Dole won the Republican race. Caucuses throughout the U. S. will decide each partie’s candidate to run in November. One ofthe two final candidates will be in controll of our country’s fate for the following 4 years. nanciesnow thanever before. Each year more than one million teen girls become pregnant from the ages of 15- 19. Girls younger than 15 get pregnant anually. Teenage sexual activity has become a big curiosity to most teens, and this results in many unwanted pregnancies. % Sign of lhe Times IIAWK Mini Mag 153

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