Sciences Provide Experiences The Science Department members, John Osland — mann — biology, William Rieniets — chemistry and physics, and Tom Hofflife science, provided many exciting experiences for their classes this year. Science, Society, and the Future was a new course offered this year. Students learn what future societies could be like and what new developments are happening to better our future. It offers students a chance to explore these areas of science that affect our society. In other courses, like biology, the students once again picked over the frogs and got writer ' s cramp from taking notes. John Osland kept students busy and watched the girls squeam over the dissection of frogs. Biology offers a wide variety of areas to be studied during the year. Some are the human body, dissection for internal organ studies, and genetics. Life Science took on a new look t\ year. Tom Hoffmann took over the teac ing position when Carol Uphoff we back to school. The Life Science cour offers students an alternative to takii Biology. The main emphasis is on teac ing students about living processes ai how they affect our environment. Chemistry and Physics with Bill Rie iets allowed the students to really expe ment. Both classes let the students < experiments to prove theories and sh( physical laws of science. Members of the Physics class, aloi with students from Electricity and Cc sumer Economics, took a trip to Chicai again this year. The trip allowed studer to tour the Museum of Science ar Industry, the Field Museum, Planet; ium, and aquarium. Students we cells, allowed to explore areas of their interes and were exposed to new areas of s ence. A high point for Physics students this year was the annual trip to Chicago. Above: Roberta Grommon exits from the aquarium after seeing the fishies. Far Above: Doug Tomash puts his feet to work in the Museum of Science and Industry. Right: Brian Stallman and Tom Peiffer cut on a worm during dissection in biology class. 123 Science

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