' L ' m m A » V 1 B . : 'jHMb ... s ' ^ ' ' «* KF*** . - v-, . ISI i. . m,- . vV.?" !> - . v* msrnm^ jr . y . : 3 . U m\ 1 s «*» ~ y T11 . \ ‘- --l - - - - - !- aJ| lj VVJ* iji SfcJSk S ?WS * • *:-y a.H" V ^, J . s n . mmmm . LI jlriPHy %mm M W' In V 1 #is®s® V JL" gWO Tv I" . z< 3 at**;;,. ; - A" & m . rs '4 a . i . : If . . |r : , UH’ v f- : ¥ L ipm s ‘ -S i:\ 7 ' m * . - % aSrl . ' fn v ^< 3fc *’®?M #*#& - Vi:: v -rt >:'-. Sfei.. 5 k / „ ^sS^ . . V -4 ': u. #&r i ; - - .. » >S£ ^IPfl - :;v,v-* 2 . :v £ T vV - * Jv -T , : * 1! ;;V*:iff . r: 'J .-.FWJ* y; '1 - At ' - V“. Ar v: • - r -..K' •-? • ' . is
THE HAWK 1970 PRAIRIE HIGH SCHOOL Cedar Rapids * Iowa 1
Administration P - : £ r. » ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT Howard Strong B U S[N S MAN AGER Glen 5c-lser ' TKAN5lJOI? TATION P2 E BCTOR M?.rvin Brsse
Board Of Education President Robert Krob James Bowersox Clifford Leonard Fred Stivers Lloyd williams Treasurer--Tom Ncuhaus 3
% Secretaries Mrs. Lcnora Koutnyp Mrs. Doris Ruth Mr s , Marilyn Doutlaw
Faculty —
MRS, JOAN BENESH ME. DARREL BOGNEE North park c;ollege B.A. in history English Western Illinois University B.A, in industrial arts Northeast Missouri State M.A* in industrial arts industrial Arts MR* LAVERNF BRUNS MR. ANDREW RtTBON University of Northern Iowa R , - L * in physical education M.A. in administration Math Central College in physical education Northeast Missouri! State M*A » m physical education Social Studies MR. CHARLES CAMPBELL MRS. GLORIA CANNEY University of Iowa B* A. in history M.A. in history Social Studies University of Iowa B,AT in English and St^ech German MRS. ANN COEBIN MR . KEN FEARING Lutheran DC&ooness Hospital RiN, School Nurse Mornlngslde College B.A . in math University of South Dakota M A, in :Tint] i Math _ 6
MR. ROGER FREEMAN MRS. BETTV GRANZOW University of Northern lowa In physical education University of Iowa M.A . in physical education urivers i Jdueatt on/p i;ysL cal Education Iowa State university BTA . in English and Speech English HISS JOAN GROTEXUSCHEN MR. ROBERT HAWKINS University of Northern Iowa BJ\., in library science I. ibrarian University of Northern Iowa R .A, In art Art MRS. MARLENE HAY LK VLterbo College B .A. in home economics Home Economics MIES KARMA HILL Iowa State University B.A. in physical education Physical Education MR, CHARLES HIKING MRS. SARA KU1IL Northeast Missouri State B.S. in Industrial Education Industrie Art* University of Iowa B,A, in English English 7
MR, GARY I EEPI R M/ srtburg CoLlsge RrA. in physical lucatioh Northeast to Oklahoma M. '\ Fbyslcal Education MHh WILSON LFIDIGH University <?i Dubuque . in physical education, B.A. Ln physical education Lr. secondary Uoirerslty of Iowa VLA. administration ioctal Studies VE, PICK LOCK MR, ALAN ilAAE Upper Iowa ft.A . in business edycalion Business Education University of Knrthc-rsi Iowa ft A. Ln math University of pirtsburn H . in counselor education .A Counselor MP3. AUDIT]! MEl t . OIl York College BA. in history and Latin University o: Minnesota M.A , m library science Librarian MRS, MAflV JO MOTT N jrth T.A. In Ed* Speech and English English ^TT Illinois University
MR. RUSSELL PRICE MR, WILLIAM RIEltfETS Drake University B.A , tti music in music h Science Vocal Music Coe College B+ A . in cheir.Latry MR. KEN SMYKJL Bowling Greet] B„A, in music University [nstrumeetat Music MR, Ji HARVEY SMYTH State university Coo College R Math .A. In math MR, RUSSELL WERRHSTG MR* JOHN Wit .LIAMS Coe College B.A . in Business Administration University o£ Iowa M .A , in Secondary Education Business Education lewa State University B . S, in zoology Science MRS, MARY WILLIAMS MR. CHARLES WORKFOLD Concordia College B .A , in English Encash University of Northern Iowa B.A h .A, in industrial arty Eastern Michigan W industrial Arts in industrial arts 3
MR. FRANK YOUNG st bi -tiudict AT in [ lUltticaJ science University of Northsrn Iff.vj B, il. A , fiociii ] science Serial Studio NEW FACULTY MEMBERS MRS. I 'ATRICIA YOUNG Lastern Illinois University Fl , ^ ' ' M,S , , in Education totti Illinois LThiL v**TMity i : i i : Jnc atiorL Counselor MRS. ANN MI2KSF To^a State University MRS. KTHSTliN MONICK l .uther College B.A. iji fiume economics B.A, Home Economics in Gorman and poiitic .il science German iJ A R A - FROFFKSSIONALS MRS. SUSAN SIMON BfooMyn Lolled D.. A . in JilAtory and English Unl v< r^l ty of Wisconsi r, Vt \ in history . . English VR, NEKL TWADIH r EoA &*S. in physical education Industrial Arts -aSiat$ University MRS, ANDERSON Study H ill and Library MuUi and Library MRS. CARMEN MBS, EXLINE Library Miss JOHNSTON English Resource Center MRS, KUOA Library Ml!S. LONG Library MRS, SEEiBOUSEK OuUinnc^ MRS, SWANSON Social Studies
is is if Juniors
Jim Anderson T«1 Anderson Beverly Anman Don Austin Ken Basten T( rm Beardsley Jack Beaton Mi ke Beaty Darrell Benesh Shirley Bentley Judy Berry Joe DervLd ciiarlotte Blaha Joti Erase Mike Brlckncr Dorth&a Buresti Jackie Ceoh Connie Chapman Sally Chase Allen Chesley Dave Cline Chris Collier Dan Couial Marsha Pontine Lynn Douglas John nratios Dan Duhlshar Tracy Duffyr Veronica Daly Julie Far^a Handy Fichhom Pebby Elgas David Elias Hi ch I ailor Lu Hie Fairlie
Brad Fenton Steve Ferguson Handy Filling Sandy Floyd Sharon Fredericks Chuck Furnish Maureen Gamant Karen GasklH Katreena Glass Bill Grabs Bonnie Green Radean El ahn Lee Hall Diane Hansen Steve Harford Mary Hasley Dor, J [ass Sandy Heaton Sharon Herman Joan Hickey Karen Holetun Chris Helots Steve Hynek Mary Imsiand Jill James Linda Janss Bill Jarvis Bill Jenson Dan Johnson Marcia Kaelcc Linda Kane Jin: Kendall Jim Kirotioff Terry Kline Cliff Klouda 27
Ttreresa Knapp Matt LanRhurst mle Lefoburo Dean Lefebure Dehhle Lefelmrg L'ebbts Lefarlnk Jeff LeidiEh Peggy E Lndsay Cassandra Lint Sandra I Lnt Phyllis LonR DOUR Louver Steve Lowe Greg Loy Sam Ludvicek CliXis Martin Laur: Jim DieDade Linda Merta Bob Miller : Martin Myra Minor Dennis Mcomer Linda Nedrow Mark Keahartg Tom Neuhaus Ueena N&wman Marty Nissen Bill Morris Cyndi Novak Sherry Ogden Tarry Ogden feusan O'Neal Jtavc Pata Patty Patterson Fatty Pennington 2S
John Peterka Doreen Phi : ii;; £oti Nick Poindexter Kilkhi Prof h .ska Marilyn H aramelsburg Dave Randles Judy Rejsm Sylvia Eiloy Glenn Poi- mlff Steve Kosaknirt td H02in+ik Kaye Posa Pattv SanOers Wally Seho*nfdd Mite Scfcutb Bobbie Schwab Diane Sedljcek Cathy Seller Caro] Serbcmsek Chuck Serbfmsek Jim SerbotLfek Fugar Shebetka Julie s 1 ' fl y - Pal Sheely Dcuria i l.tfer DDuna Slater Sheba Smith Judy Smoker FJoup Spidte Marcia Stallman Arthur Stark Jeri Steenhocli Matt Slewart Doug Stivers Mike Stoner 25
Chris Storm Sian StricklHr Steve Swalley Care? I Smarts Becky 7errell icon Tomash C rpJg Tri'ko^h pick Tucker \rL-r &ty Tucker Duiuae L ncn^r D^,ve tartHflitra Mike Vi all Jiinr Yale.sky K<WL Voleiky Cindy waits K . C. Wayectff Mike wettlefii Tom Welbes Pat welsti Karla Whoelock J ! uh Whitaker cliff White Lu Ann Wirtis tve T, B Dave C, Ya Yautci- k ^ef< -h feusau Yossi Kariiy Y «JH£ Doue zacn Kick 7*ch Ron Zfchradplk Bob Zamail Uave Zfenlsek Gerald /fnis ^k Paula Uamone K tl satoe tls Fallmiima 30
Class Officers - 4& \ h [-. 9 -r i > - WfS9r. Steve Pata, President, Susan YDSsi Treasurer * , Vice *. r H IIS ^ V" :i. ' ' J m -President, Donna Slager, Secretary, Kaye Foss, -.1 im::IULJ .f lr- - 35 rt -
JIM “ ' T1 Sophomores
Class Officers President Tom r .ytlo sandy-President Vice ulofi Secretary Riofc Scofield Trea^ Fetter ’ jrej
Penes Aegerter Ylckje Anderaou Judy Aulwes John Bier Mirk Barter Carol Barta Mike Bartosh Reeky Bauinfsrtnir Nancy Beacon Bon Deed Atn BMithir. Mike Berber Jerry BTO^n Gail Br.’ TttiS J:.TI HuTeah Vs.m Burner Fay Burns Kathy Burr Martin Carson Cindy Church Bob Cleppe Linda collier Tom Cornwell June Coughlin Shirley Cram -r Bay Dassort Mark Dean Kim DnWitt Barb DOmlhS Bob Doubek Galt Bough*;; Sheryl Dunkcl Randy Dniil Jerry Ealy Mark Ears Li
Penny E ' ^e Mike Eichurn Don Elias Kerry Erenberget Terry Eschen Tam Sschert Dan ?' entnt; Grc£ Fetter Mark Fiaia Sybil Fish Mike j- ordiea ' Chris Gerard Greg Gibney Donna Green Jim Haas Hacker Deng Ha in ^ Dernadette IIan;an Jean Hasley Linda Hass AiO p] f1 1 - 1 > A ^ A LL-A.FiL ir. Keith He ^ker John Herman Ron Hodtna Jim Hooper Mary Reaper Dob Hutson Bob Jacobs Jcanio Jakoubek Julie Jakoiib^k Carol Johnson 0^0 Becky Jones Ilene Kllberger Rliomla Kilruar Haney kbi£ Connie Kiraco/e ^ 37
ikJ Janice Klines Marla Klouda Marl^isn & KloudA Fred Kress Orant Lacher Eita Larson cre£ Letmer Larry LBernard Steve Livermore Bob i. oor-iis Jim houkota Dee Ludvig Joyce Ludvioek JcaimiH Lynch Tpm Lytle Janet Madden Mike Mallory Marcia Mar.n Rick Marsh FtftLy Morta Beth Meskimen Ken Miller Mary MLska Kathy Mitchell clndy Miivat &ky j.-iri Mqdracek £umi < - H MhO[] Mike Moore Kay Ketolicky Ron NettjUeky iey Ruth Nstolicky David Olson Helen Orrick idnmda Patterson Harold Pegnmp
Donna Petrik Rick Porazil Harold Porter Lois Powell Mi Chole prockasha Lori Raim Jot? Randles Brad Reed Allan Reu$nli Deidre Richardson Porta Rigel Chris Riley Larry Robinson Gwen Poeniis: Nancy Romlck Kevi n Sanborn LuAnn Schnlnder Lyle Schulte Rick Schulto Stje Schulte Ron Schulta Randy Schwab Rick Scofield Pat Smith Lon Snell Karen Snyder Kayiene Snyder Nick Stadler Lynetts Stall man Haven Stark Tcgrry Stecnhoek Mary Stoichen Pat Stepanek Kathy Stewart Stephanie Stivers 39
KatSiy fivtt Lirry S^art; Richard Ticb(y Sandy Utotl Mar/ Van Ant’.- rj , W-firie Viletfl f!ar.dj A 51fee r Kathy Weldlein Amy ‘ vstbei? Mike Welsk ijarrsl tVftfttng Cebteia Cllfi Wolf I.ora l . H ; J 'Aomoettil K^ith Young Bonnie Yuska Cindy 2ahr*dftLk Bob /.alesky Sandra EaUantyne Gloria Travis Dan Dy < =
flaw 1 : Mrs, STeesu, Janet Madden, Kathy Burr, Bart Te rwj lHge r, Marge .Tout Marsh, freeky Hoepjpner, C h e r y l Dvaralt, Row 2: Vickie Anderson, Judy Rtjaa, Lu file FalrLe, Carol SerlJOllse-; Connie Chapman, Bow 3: Jean Hasley, Giflord , Patty Patterson, pebby Flgas , [tow 4 : M -iuivcn Garcrunt, Nedru Sluhle, DesJuia Griffith , Kathy Greene, Patsy lljmek Letterman’s Club flow 1J Mr, Jennies, Dermis Lyile, D^ne Modr^ceit, wes Cervony .'itn Kendall, Bill .T & rvi * Dennis Hromldko, Row 2: Rob Johnson, Chuck Goddard, ltigel, F:irt Spore, Stave rat: i, Matt LangHurst , Brad Fenton, F i l l Kurt / Jeff Leidiffh, Fon Zahradnik, Dan Dobislhar 42 , Rick M .^ rsh, Grt gGibnoy - ^ Tod Anderson, Andy Fairlle, Mike Kadlec, Fan ItflrnLck, G^ ry Schwab, How 3; Dean Zaoh, Wayne , Miirk Stewart, Row 4; Seott ToTmistij Jon flrase, Dave Randles, Randy Richora, Doug Zarh, Kick Zach, Dave Cline, Mike Atidrie, Bob Barta, RDW fi: Steve Berry, Ken Batten, Rodney BrttcJier, Tom Terrell, Joe Gnsse!, flofti.' Stcicheii, Craig Norris . Gave EUas, Dave Y.macek, TJuine Turner, Steve I owe, flew 5 : i enny Schofield r Shebetka, Arise tvjaver, Fab Dieppe, ROW 7: Dun Shakespeare, Roy ,
Football Coaches Mr. Mr. Le&per Prairie Prairie Prairie Wes Cerveny, Settlor, End Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie 8 29 63 37 14 23 44 26 20 Record Kennedy Anamosa Linn-Mar 6 20 0 Benton Community 2 Regis LaSalle Pleasant Valley 6 Tama Toledo Regina Marion S 16 12 36 20 & Dean Zacii, Senior , H + R , Co-Captains 43
Tom Andttson Sr. End Rodney Brltoher Sr. Tackle Joe Bueh Sr. H .B . Andy F airlle Sr. i nd Ch*j t Goddard Sr* = Dennis KrCTriidko Sr , Guard Rot Johnson Sr , Cen ^r Mike Kadly? Sr . Tackle Dennis L dle H . B, ' Sr - Duane Wodracels Sr. End 4d
Ron liQrniclr Sr, F . B, Dan Shakespeare Sr, Guard Steve Voigt ST. Q. B. Ted Anderson Jr. Guard Mike Beaty Jr. Guard Jon Druse Jr+ H, B, Dan Dubishar Jr. Tackle Steve Ferguson Jr+ Guard Randy Filling Jr. center BUJ Jarvis Jrr Guard
Jeff Leidigh Jr. Q,F, Roger ShebotJta Jr. End Duane Turner Jr, Center K + C, waycoff Jr, End Mike VVeidlein Jr . Tactic Pat Welsh Jx. Guard Davo Yanecek Jr. Tackle Doug zach Jr, H, B, Ron ZahradnLk Jr, End Fink MaTSti Soptu i\B. V.i . 40
Bow I--David Olson, Rick Schofield* Randy PdsH, Mlfce Walsh, Ray Burnsf Bud Stesnhoek* L . Fis^hen , rr . Gash!11* Rcr,v 2 G. Fetter, M. Fordica, M, Shceley, S. Moore* h. / frhrsidtuk, J. Brawny A, Rausch* J + llooper , Row 3--P , Stepanak, Tr Lytle, B. ZaleSky, C. Wolfe , L. Robinson, Keith Young, Mr, --B. Leierinh, Cleppe , B, Postst Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prair ie Ur, Setihusen COACHEH 0 14 20 46 6 34 18 20 3 40 was T Mt. Vernon Mar Anamosa lan >1 Benton Comm, Regis LaSalle Pleasant Valley Tama Regina Marion LOST — 3 wr. oostal 3 2 3 12 12 0 0 6 12 14 A7
The '69 footbal l season has been the grea t es t season Pra i r i e has ever had. I t had coopera t ive young men wi th pl enty of spi r i t and they had pr ide in themse lves. The things that make a squad l ike thi s one run we l l i s ma inly the coaches . Coach Le idigh and Coach beeper are the twTo fines t coaches in the s tate * They worked the squad hard and in return they rece ived a Conference Championship, The squad was ra t ed as high as s ixth in the s tate* which I feel i s qui t e an accompl i sh ment for a school s i ze such as ours . The men on our squad hate to lose. They hi t hard and were rugged. They worked for what they got . Wes Cervenv -
Homecoming 1969 Vicky Sirowy A9
Attendants & Escorts Debblo EJgiSi Jim Kendall Sct . -vJi, Sandy Moraa , Cindy ZahraditLlt, Tom Lytle, EUae Schletefrlmail , urnost Mcnmey, Queer Vicky Slrowy, Gary Bill Kurtz, Tracy Duffy , Brad i enton.
Hack Fcw-U to r . - Dan Waite , Artis Weaver, Drid Fertort, Bill Kurt*, coach Foger Fretmm. Front Rov-L to r.- Dan Shaffer, Jim Moijchka, Tom Terrell , Jin Kendalt. ONE Ml 5 RUM Fm Lrle Prairie-2nd Prairie- ist - Prfliric - 1 st Prairie- 3rd pTairte- lflk-1st Prairie PraiFie - 3nd Prairie- 1st-2nd Pr lirte Jefferson-1st W«t High 2nd - L Lnn- M:-r- 1st Hoover K ann&ty Washington State Meet Nekton CROSS COUNTRY Prairie-1st Prairie PrpJne- JS( praitie-Sctd -2nd -^thi lst Prairie*1st Prairie Tipton Manchester (at I inn-Mar; K eftnddy Wathington - Marion Columbus (\l -iteTloo ' J eftersoii ' - isi Llnn-Mer-^rtCt Citv High-2nd washieston Bentrte community TCtC west Hi ^h Ctl«) Slate Moot Kurtz-3th Maf&halltcw r. Tipton-Mar Denton Community F. Linn CP Kurtz-chairLplort Kurtz-3rd 5^
B TI_SS:TY RECOPU 51 line i-rame r riirie yraine T - airle Prairie r r=:rLe Pfsitle 7 ri:r. e JTiin -j 7mine Fnirie J 7i:rm j rairie 7 r :-Arie j rune 7 T^.rie Prairie 7"airin 44 cs B4 . " Anamosa Morhctllo Lirm Mar ftogtna Reruon Communitypes ^ 14 57 50 71 49 53 59 73 Cl GB 63 64 57 Iowa Ci ( y W^t Washington LaSalle Marion Linn Mar Soutrj Tama Iowa City West Benton Community' Fegis Tipton LaSalle Pegir. P&gina a z4 67 44 04 4S 71 <37 51 70 51 4 ' 62 flz 65 52 37 73 C7 £ 7 s k e t b I a i 9 6 I 9 I 9 7 0' Coaches SOPHOMORE FrSCORI 15 Prairie Prairie Prairie Pratrie Prairie PriiLrle Prairie Prairie Prairie Praire Prairie Prairie Pr .i lrie Prptrie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie n 79 71 P.2 7B v 83 53 8 " 3£ 47 67 S9 51 40 17 52 Aflair.osa Monticello Lirtn Mar K egina F^ottfn Commil niiy Regis Iowa criiy West V iskingtor: La5alle Marlon Liitr. MST South: Tama Iowa City W &st Renton Community Fsiii. s Tiptoe LaSalle Regina 40 57 42 66 44 Q \i 63 72 63 61 33 13 30 44 30 32 30 51 Coach Louie, Coach Brans, Coach Young aj
rju .uie Mtxlrftcekp ^o-c&ptain, Senior Center Firk Marsh, Eofiiiomore Center Dave Fondles, Junior Center Don H*ssr Junior Center nan Waite, Senior for* ^ rd Stove VoiiFitj Co-captain, Senior (Juard
- **, .UJ4 S _ .,J Arlic Weaver Senior Guard MBRSHBI Dave Ch Yanacek, Junior Forward Jeff Leidigh, Junior Guard Brad ['' eiitnia Junior Forward .
: • i , iV(? A, YaflM&k , .Junior Forward Grup Gibnsy , Sophomore Guard Gren Ffitter, Sophomore Guard Student Managers Steve l .cr#4p Scott Tomaah, Handy Eichom bfe
SOPHOMORE TEAM; Row i; Jim Hooper , Don Elias, Mike Welsh, Pat Stepanetc, Bob zalesky, Bob cleppe, Coath Rick LoukRow S: Grag [ afiner, UaroLd Pcgump, Larry Robinson, Mark Dean, Clifford Wolfe, Ray Burns* Mike Bartosh,
* mwarn SB ’ rmI T Jim S te Donkey Basketball
Wrestling 1969-70 COACHES Bob Melgren, Dale Stems, John Osi and MANAOEPS JOeGrissel, Mark Stewart My last year as a member of the fj [ , ' > - / 0 wrestling squad at Prairie High School was a very regarding year. . We liad an undefeated double hA ” , record and Were beaten only by triple "A" schools.We vrestled some of tire best boys Jn the state and it helped to win the fceotiona] and District Championships, Desire has healed me win the Sectional and District Championship* Wrestling Ls mainty desire t>ut ubillty Is second most important . J have had the desire and LI helped. If you don’ t have the desira a hoy can not become successful as w wrestler. We had to set our goals at the beginning of tbo season* wrestling never became a bore withDubi, Angie, Cookie Man Eon, Crip Wes, Red Scofield, Wild Bi.lL, HLbby Roy, and Papa Joe. These are some of the best competitors and the hardest working boys . keiJt us goin The wrestling room got mighty hot but Ift&i is ^ to strive for the Sectional and District . Any one of ihase boys could hav^ thrown in the towel when wo were down but they didn’ t. They have guts and brought Prairie to a Success --vliat Championships, in all the boys' minds the thought must have risen that wc were being coached by the best . We Seniors have not reached the top and 1 hope that Coach Melgren ami Osi and get their State Championship team Dennis Hromidko . 2nd. £agle drove 1st Linn Mar 1st Conference 1st Sectional 1st Dlstrict Tied for 4 Lh State 1 he schedule this year was the toughest Prairla has ever faced in competition Orinnell Williamsburg Mr, Vernon Manuoketa Vinton Benton Community Bast Waterloo MartOu Washington, ChK. Jefferson, C.It , Anamosa Kennedy, C.R, WOW — 5 VARSITY RECORD 10 a a 12 a e 20 in 31 H 21 Prai rie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prai rie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Pruirie Prairie LOST — 4 37 33 29 37 40 S3 IS 37 s IS 44 12 Ga
F resh. 99 ' - -— -G 9 1S FfWlL 107 — 10 — -0 -4 Jr, — 4-2 Frestu-L&rry z&hmlpik 19 0 HE — ' " Sr. Dem;SRofLeiij 7-0 123 —-t .O 13 — Jr, — Matt ] ingluinit 123--11 -B -2 130-21--noy StelChen £i\ -7-0 Sr.--£ tt\ c 5MJsky 137- - - 9 7 1 — -— l£3 -- -1 -Rick / ach- L :i 7 -2(' i - UATI Shaffof — Craig Norn*”
,Tr+- -Tcd Anderson 15 6 1SS Sr, Jr. Sr. 145 —- - - Andy Falrtle 20 5 2 — — Ron ZnhratJniK 145-12- 3 0 - — 1&5--16** — Dennis Hromidko 7-g — — - -1 — Jr, Sr Sr Sr,--Ron Romicls 23- 3 105 — -1 til — 175 .— -8*1 — Gary Schwab 12 — IBS. 14 -0 —— -0 WAS CerYeti? — HwL —— Pan Dubishar 25 -0 -4 —
s JV RECORD GrlnncU Williamsburg ML Vernon ttaquokeU Kennedy, C . P. . IS is 12 IS a 10 vintan Benton Community LG east Waterloo Marlon LaSatte Wfuttivton, c, Rt Jefferson , C+ Animasa P, WON — 11 26 ii 12 19 4i 0 Fratrie 33 Prairie Sfi Prairie 23 Prairie SO l raine W Prairie 42 Prairie 29 Prairie 3£ Prairie 27 prairie 31 Prairie 3 i 1 ralnc 53 Prairie ai i OST--2 L. to R,, P. SCoffeM, J Fp ftusll, . MeDarie, B. Gribe, T Miller , Tt Anderson, 3, flynek, IL . ESCfteil, R. Schwab, D, Stigers ' ftkdlefn, ^ahradnik , M, ^ Row t -TH Eesja, l.. Slycortt, M. John5on, C , Norris, K. Kramm, T, JohnHb, 1). MoCrath. Row 2-3. Moore, B . Leiertnfc,. ¥ . Knc^-S , E . Sehijlt*! , 0 . J, LakoLs, H, Porter, T . Cornwell, D, Olson, n. Uiwson, D, Shaffer , How 3 j .. / ahradnik, K, Danila*, i. jr NLssen* T. Tarrullj M Shelley, M. Enrsa, T. Steeniioek, A. Reusehj L , Smarts, A , Reif. ] \\ < herT - Sophomores Sophomorei Record • --1-5 -0 &2
Sectionals ClIAMpS L * toR + N D, Hromidko, C , Norris* R G , Schwab, R. 7ach, D. DuhLstmr. . Pomick* Districts The Prairie wrestling season has come to an «rut wilji the last of the tour^ ::aments being state which was held on February 27 - 2$, The second of the last tournaments was districts held on Feb uary 20 -21 at Anamwa . We went into the tournament with eleven out of twelve young men advancing iroin the sectionals held at Prairie On Febroary &-iEX We planned on winning :ae tournament for the fourth consecutive year* we felt we could win it easily if everyone wrestled up to their ability. w> came out of the tournament with si:< men advancing to state. They wore 115 iicn, 14a — — Larry zihradnllt* 1.30 Hromidlco, 165 — — -Dan Dubishar. We alto came cad with -. Dan Dubishar Roy Steic Andy FairUe, 15fi--Dennis Ron Romick, andllwt, - - :^e team trophy with 73 points\ the next ion with 45 points and four qualifiers. - zlosest was Williamsburg Wt*h 47 points -nil three qualifiers and third was Mar - CHAMPS Left to right: A . FairHe* R. FomSck, D, Hromldlto, G3
Second Place State- Andy Fairlie - 145 EIUMHM& Seaman Match Record--2(l -n-2 1st Linn-Mar 196S-1&6& 1959 1960 I960 19 tit) &nl Sectional 1957--1MB 1966-1969 1H9 1st District 1DC9-1970 2tid State A A 1969- 1970 ist Eac Conference- Tc^marac-Lt 1967* L959 -lSTO -1570 -1970 Varsity wrestling Three Year Record — 56-17-4
State Champ -- Dan Dubishar — i 4 - "Jlr Hwt. I mkf >\ ilv11 1 ' ’iV.. M iir. H ”'.U msate;* ' . ih kfr 1' 1 . 1 ii Ill !£. _S : % 1' : , Season cratch records-25-4 Tournament 1969-19703 1st Sectional 1969-1070; 2nd District 1969-1970; 1st State AA 1909-1970; 1st ECIC Conference - ] st Ea£te Grove Invitational 1969- 1970; let Linn-Mar 1939 -1970 . fin
Track R l : Greg Lehncr, Mr, Leeper, Dean Zach, A rile Weaver* Dennis i . ytle, T>uane Modrrm&k , Rnn Romick, Eill Kurtz, Tom Lytle* Ror.v £: Roper Shefcietka* Rick Marsh* Hob Cl^pp^, Doug 7:AC.Et, Gave Kline, Brad Kenton, Greg Gibney, Mr, Freeman, Jim Hosier, Fow 3; Keviii Ferguson, Tom Terrell , R a n d y GuaJl* Miko Welsh* Jerry Brown, Keith Young, Darrel Whit ing, Gres Fetter, Pat atepsnek Chyek Serbousek , Tom Wil son, Dave Shatter * i nL> ... "IIVBII Sn. ' -- .. u *i‘8 I !I - %jk Coe Indoor (ECIC) Linn Mar 44 Renton 25 i/2 Prairie 71 1/2 Linn Mar 37 Prairie 96 Washington 63 Prairie 61 Columbus Relays Prairie 64 Independence 65 1/2 Tama 30 Viking Relays Frairie 78 Manchester 90 Independence 80 Jefferson 101 Prairie 30 Grinell Relays Oskaloosa 72 1/2 Prairie 73 S i f * .E„Polk 61 Independence 58 Prairie 84 Iowa City West 38 Prairie 103 Lion Relays Anamosa 47 Prairie 55 Maquoketa 45 Won District ECIC Champs Won Prairie Relays 14th Slate Meet Go - - + r.f v i! mmt
» *7
Prairie Relays LI > TPHUIT^IBJ H Susan Schulte Crowning- by Rev+ &B Martinez
Tennis RECORD Toledo Hoover a 3 w uteri00 Orange South Tama l- Sr-n Mar Iowa City West Ur High Waterloo Grange South Tama Jefferson J.V, Washington J, Kennedy J V . . Ronv 1--Mtke Miller, Jim SerLousek, Darrell Benesh, Grant I.acher, KwrtKrumm, Terry Cschen, EillGrabe. Row 2 Keith llepker, Glenn Roemig, Dennis Slater, Bert Spore, Joe StriOk ie r Doug l ouvar, Wayne Rigel, Row 3 -- Craig Trpkosh, - — Coach Bcfcner, Cliff Klouda , - Dong Hahan, Tom Beardsley, Steve Fata, Alan Rensch, Tom wdiw a Handy Schwab, Jim Beardsley 2 10 7 3 0 3 Toledo Hoover 1 V- High 4 3 V. 3 6 Washington J.V, 9 Jefferson J.V, l lova City West 1 TOP SEX Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Pralri e Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie 7 B 7 B 0 6 9 6 a G a i Id 0 7 e Row l Don BeedT Ray Burns, Steve Parlord, Ken Eastern, How S Mr, Twaddle, Dan Waite, Dave C -— Failor . Yanacek, Duane Turner , Rich RECORD Jefferson J .V. LaSalle Kennedy J .V . South Tama Iowa City West Linn Mar South Tam* Iowa C tty West Regis J .V. Regis J+ V , Jefferson J .V _ - "LJ . Linn Mar Kennedy Jhy, J.V, ! a] le 217 Prairie 309 197 Prairie 193 175 Prairie 204 I8G 151 Fi ,Crl.C. Golf Meet — Prairie 196 Prairie 196 165 Prairie 194 197 Prairie 191 5th place 164 Prairie 307 161 Prairie 176 168 Prairie 192 IS 1 Prairie 196 101 Prairi e 169 106 197 Sectional--5th place Prairie 184 Prairie 191
u . I ! 11 1 m Francis Young, Miclc&y Mattiaca (Coaches) ' ¥ 1±- “ - rr -1 1r-1 ' i First Row : David A- Yanecelt, Randy Filling, Jon Brase, Jeff 1 eidlgh, Greg Gtbncy, Dan Waite, Second Po^: Mark Fiala, Tom Eschen, K . C . Waychoff, Jim Kaidali, David C. Yanetek , Arlie Weaver, Greg Fetter, Bafold Pegumy STufSK % ‘ - II *1 "TO i» IJj faT .IJ First Row: Daryl Janes, Kirk Krumm, Kevin Ferguson, Neil SchnJte, Mark [ jala.. Second iiow] Tout Kendall , Gary Clianney, Jon McDadc, Bill Yuska, ' Don Kane 70
Athletic Banquet 1970 ATHLETE OF THE YEAR Wes Cerveny — 7 1
Varsity liLcky Cheerleaders 7? L ^
EMBARRASSING MOMENTS fel l down the hi l l at Regina in front of the whole football team, Debbie Lefebure at Linn-Mar on shoulder mount for two bits on the floor , -“ shower after wrestl ing tournaments , Mr , Louk mentioning his birthday suit at a pep ral ly * Robin Gas - kill and Debbie Kulhavv uprofanity yeltr' after football guys grabbed her and tried to throw her in shower , bandy Morse — col lapsed and fel l getting through in the ip IMS i I .. u" I -MfjV . il Cheerleaders L , t on, Meshimen , Stephanie Stigors> Marline Klauda, Marla Klourta, Patty Mem, Seth 7S
HOME DOWN ** # * * *•% # * .** * * MV * % ** *< - v * * 74
Concert Ftcr-v 1: Flutes; Sue Phillips, Sally Chase, Linda Lynch. Rtiw ^: Gordon Shatter, Lynn DouEEaS, Caroline Chase, Amy welbesT Barb T$milliner, Carol .Tolmson, How 3; Diana Willis, Nadine VoJeskjj Sheryl Wodetrocbll, Maureen Garnant, Randy Fey - .Tian, Poug y.aoh, Mark Fiala, Tom Comwell. Row 4; paity Pennington, Carol Serbousek, Sandy Floyd, Chris Gerard, Mary Hooper, Julie AulweS, Steve Harford, Doug Stigers, Craig Trpkosli, P?-n Pye. 76
. .. t .tiw&mr Lb IhKauu ^0* l ; Gall Douglas, Doan*Staler, Kay Nrtollcfcy. FP* ?: Jim Sertwjsek Monica Tticti(\r'LiHmh Debbie 1 ^ter.oVt. Ttw h Matt Stewart* Vrjssl, Row 4 i Robyn Har.keT" - J im RasB. . _ jp;*nrJe Jalccubek* Margie Cmon, Dsve Eli . .ns, Rrajd Reeb, DcntiLs ilager, Pcto Loomis, ,Tu<Jy Derry Susan * Gres Ishnyr, Gnry Sctwab, vayng Ri^c-l. Don Rivas, Roger knapp, Churk GfrlJarO. How r, . - 77
r Contest Robyn Hacker — Tuba Gordon Shaffer --Clarinet Randy Reyman --Trumpet Mark Ftala--Trumpot Flute Trio - -Gail Douglas, Sue Phillips , Sally Chase Hute Quartet Donna Slater — 73 Gail Douglas, Sue Phillips, Sully Chase*
Winners Woodwind Trio Douglas — Sue Phillips , Gordon Shaffer, Lynn Clarinet THo Diana Willis, Gordon Shaffer, Lynn Douglas — Clarinet Quartet — Maureen Gamant, Diana Willis Shaffer, Lynn Douglas , Gordon Mixed clarinet ©irartet Caroline Chase, Barb Terwilliger--Gordon Shaffer , Diana Willis Cornet Trio--Doug Zaeh, Randy Reyman, Mark Fiala Cornet Quartet Matt Stewart — Doug Zach, Randy Rayman, Mark fiala, 79
Trombone Trio--Don Elias, Chuck Goddard, Roger Knapfi Brass Quartet Dave Elias -Doug Zach* Randy Reyman, Wayne Rigel, Brass Sextet — ftiTWigmai i _ ....' *1 i i. ^ ^JWPKSSil BATON TWIRLERS Sue YosSi Monica Richardson Sandy Floyd Amy Walbes Dou£ Saoh, Randy Reyman, Wayne Rigelf Dave Elias, Chuck Goddard, Robyn Hacker DRUM MAJORETTE Caroline Chase so
Eastern Iowa Band Festival Miss Caroline C'lase , Queen Candidate
All State Band Wayne Rigel, Randy Rcyamn . Gordon Shaffer H2
Concert Choir - L rf r;-5 ‘I " ' . &3
i IH Row 1: Galt Brunlus, Nedr? stable, Kathy Young, Dorms Petrlk, Joan Marsh,, Ruth Yannnek, Nikki Prochaska, Judy Rejsa, Evy McGrath, Stephanie StLgers . Row 2; Mary Mlska^ dme Manganello, Helen Orrtck, Bav Porter, Marin Vi[eta, Patty Pennington, Carol Serbousak, Kathy Mitehell } Row 4 ; Su Blaha, Miccl Andrews. Kathy Green, Bonnie Green, Kaye Pass* Carol Johnson, Janet Madden, r inda Jansa, Ksulean Hahn, Kathy Lorenc, Sue Schulte. Raw 3: Ruth Nekrticky, Doris Kigel, Sally Chase, Donna slagsr, rea san En^re], Amy Welbes, Shelia Hunt, Chris llolcts, Shelia Smith, Vickie Anderson, Gail Dougins, Sheryl Dunke], Charlotte-84
P airie Swing Singers F? ! krlA Rqj- 1: Joan Marst, Kim DeWitt, Hike Moore, Dan Austin, Ted Anderson, Met PoinWoxter, Uicft Fill&r, Bill Van*. Pat K“*P* Micci AfiarflwSj Charlotte Bla_ha, }ttlr F-tters ’ - ?0" 2: Hue ShtiLte, Gail RoueLas, Ruth Yanacek ' ,:3eW>ie Fotiisw, Boh I oorm <s, Kathy Lor Contest Winners .-nt - * GlftLTS 7 Fit); Joan Marsh Vavra, AccoiTijianist , MLCCI Andrew, Ruth Yunaeefc, Hill Kjthy Lorooc Miccl Andrews 35
Coffee House 1969 The Mad Professor Steve Pata Boots weaver Mary l!asley Girls Glee Cluh Kathy Greene Madrigal Folk Trio Dan Sheteespere Joe Bervid Mixed Choir Diane SchlesseLman Sextet Piiiu, MW-II &
Debhie Robison as Marne Pat Pennington Stove Pata Sue Shulte Sally Chase Mioct Andrews Don Austin Rob Sirowy Patsy Hvnek Joan Marsh Gary Grahe Bill Vavra Kaye Ross Dan Shakospere Ted Anderson Gail Douglas joe Eervid 88
The ~L rnportosKC. of Being armsl t> y Ojcorfc/ilJe < DIRECTED BY Mrs. Mott Mrs. Benesh CART Jim Lakota Rich Tailor Sally Chase Gall Douglas Kaye Ross Joe BervLd Caroline Chtxse Mike Moore Grant Lager Donna Slager 9d
Forensics Rich Failor, Donna &la£or, Caroline Chase, Sue Phillips, Mrt, Sjjonsor Cranzow* Dramatics Row 1; Don Austin, Jo? Forbid* Joan Marshj Kim DoWUt, Dich t' Frjss. Fo^' 2: Sally Lli^se, Mlcd Aadr^s, Pebbf-e Eobi -^on, Gail Douglas, Li oris Htgel , ^aity Pennington Mrs, Gran^cw^ Sponsor, aiIorT Kaya <> l
Student Council Row l; Mr. Zenor, Advisor; Ted Anderson, Vice President; Rob Johnson* President; Pat Hynek, Secretary; Ruth Yanaeek, T reasurer. Row 2; Rich Failor, K . C. Wayctioff* Ernie Moomey, Dennis Lytle, Bill J&rvis, Fat Welsh, Kathy Green, M&ry Ann tfQVft Barb TenvL] ]i£er. Row 3j Steve Pata, Boots Weaver* Bill Kurtz* Don Austin, Bob Zalesky, Tom J .ylle* Keith Young . Row 4; Sandy Morse* Ron Zahradnik, Doug Zach, Wes Cerveny, Jan Modraeek, Dan Waite. V1 \ ^4 M I v 92
Student Council Activities : - P 93
National Honor Society Row i; Wayne Miller, Bill Yavflt, Steve L.owe, Pew 2\ Gary Schwab* Bob Barta, Don Austin, Jen Brass* Jeff Leidi£h* Dave lillias . Bow 3; Alary Novy, Jerri Steenhoek, Carol Kerbe-^ ek, Sally Chase, Mary Krob, Caroline Chase* Dtane Schlessclnnan, Row 4: Connie Jindrich, Monica Hlchardsnn, Sylvia Filey, Margie Lambert, Diane SedEahek, C h r i s Folets , Patty Pennington, Cathy Young. Bow f>:Sue Phi111ps, Dawn Anderle, Kay Ro*s, Debbie Robison, Radocn fEahn* Vickie Tucksr, Linda Lynch sy llynek, See . Eon Zahradnik, Free * » Vickie Sitoway, Treas., Wes Cerveny, Student Council. °**L i, mnnsn MtlETTP * ,v '1 k fif > H i 1 , jfrV t . Row &3 Pat - New Inductees How l: Wayne Pi * ^e], Rob Jolmson P ' Mika Moore Row 2: Joe Bendd, Gor Kay NetU Willis* Joan Marsh, Kathy Greene, Deanna Griffith* Steve i 'aia . How 3t Diana . Row h - don Shaffer* John Pegump* lioky, Janice Klimes Sonna Slater, Mary Mi ska, Sue Schulte, i.yncttc Stallman, Mike Bartosh, Pat stepanek. HOW T,\ Doris Rigcl, Donna Greene, Chris Riley* Patty Mcrta, Lori Pain, Don HlLas, Kow 6: Debbie Long, Bernadette Haman* Jan Modracek, Cindy Mitvalsky, Sun Yossl, Lmda Marts . F34
G.R.A. Girls ? * r\ ' — - ' l % Row U Margie Car-Son, lean Hasley, Pair Burger, Sandy Uthoff, Kathy Stewart, Linda Jansa. Row 2--Ma.rLe Vileta, Chris Holets, Debbie l Ong, Bonnie Vuskar , Rita Larson, Judy Berry, Karen Jansa. Row S-^Mrs, Dailey, Debbie l.eferink, Judy Kay, Kathy Kendall, Becky Koenmer, Maureen Garnant, Rat Sanders, Vicky Sirowy, Patsy vnekr I A#* h k j A Recreational Association 0 Row 1--ratty Patterson, Chris Rnlets, Christy Beaty± Chris Collier, Amy WelbeSP Mrs. Bailey, Karen Grabs, Mary Hasloy --, Debbie Lefebure, Bemadetto Haman. Gail Douglas, Row 2 Slager, Robin Gaskill , Waxy Zalesky, Donna Gymnastics i 96
A Basketball Judy Kay, Debbie Lstoring Vic ’at ky Sirawy, Linda Jansa, Sharon Fredericks, Karen Jansa, [ Sander Wodstrichill^ Patty Patterson, Sheryl * Debbto Long - B Basketball Dons Rlgel, Kathy Mitchell, Jan Buresh, Margie Carson, Pam Burner, Jan Modmeet, Sandy Utheft, Lynutte Stallman, Donna Grean, Ruth Netalleky, C i n d y Mitvalsky Swimmers Marla & Marlene Kioucia
Tennis Team Top 8 Girls Row 1-- Mrs. Williams, Linda jnnsap Vicky Strawy cefc, Bernadette 5laman, Mr. Patsy Hynek Bogner . Row 2 -, Kay Harger, Kerry Erenfcerger Gwen Roemtg. ^ * RuthYana - Row 1 Mr, PUtiOfL, Mary Hooper — Marla Klouda, Gall Era — - , Carol Johnson* Bn rib Tetwllliger, Row 2 nius, Marlene Klouda, Judy Aulwes,
STATE Swimming Champ Marlene Klouda TO
FNA frr K 1 tk - . I1 : ! M - V , .H _ i I Jl .Vr n Row 1 Rww 2 3 i ^ s r *rr -. PW id ^ -* L I4 “ Mb. W . X 1V Vi ifil * S'l si -i i TT . MHLI: IS 1 lV- , m _ .V i Ij "r i » 1 — —--Karmy Haynes, Kathy Eurr^ Gall Douglas, Carol Barta, Kathy Lorenc pam Terrel, SaJly Chase, SuSan Phillips, Carol Serbousek Mrs, Corbin, Janet Maddent Chris Gerard, Donna Green , Kaylene Snyder . , Nancy Berger . Row . FTA I i I 3* r J - - - - ir" . 1 I £ l 'J <> i 4? r i / r I > j . L r " Rcr.v i --Susan Phillips, Karen Jansa - . Row £-Diane Sedlaeek, Mary Krohb, Connie Jenderick, How 3- Mary Ann Novy, I inda Gocdlove, Kathy Young, Susan YoSfci . lOD
Yearbook Staff Steve Lowe --Photographer & Business Manager Caroline Chase — Layout Editor Mary Kroc -Layout Editor Sally Chase — Junior Editor Carol Serbousek --Junior Editor i fc L Kathy Young, Chris Holets Advtsor- J, IIarvey &myth - Becky Jones, Cindy Church, LuRie Fa r he _
Department Workers Math — Dawn Anderson Andrle jottnson Science — Monica Rlctarason Music--Micei Andrews Industrial Arts — Vicky S] rowy Social Studies — Susan Phillips i « fWKS ill .I 102
Quill and Scroll ! I i Front rows Susan FTill lips, Mrs, Granzow, Lhasa, Jackie Wh&eloek Fack row; Pam Terrell , Marv Krob, Carnline " Newspaper Staff Front row: Pam Terrell Stable, Pat Sanders, Judy Barry, Mark Stewart , Jackie Whcelook, Kathy Greene, Mrs, Graniow. Back re*; Kedra i 103
Twins Marla & Marlene Kiowa Sherry it Terry Ogden Donna SL Dennis Slafier Vicky & Ricky Tucker 104
Baccalaureate Sunday, May 31, 1970 8 o'clock p.rm Prairie High Gymnasium Program Invocation and Benediction by Father James Mtlota Pastor, Holy Trinity Catholic Cburch Waiford Address by Rev . A , C, Hornbostel Pastor, Bethany Luthem Church Cedar Rapids
Commencement Prairie High School Tuesday, June 2, 1970 8 oTclock p .m . Commencement Address Ur, Stuart Gray University of Iowa Student Speaker Susan Phillips Invocation and Benediction The Kev, Bill Eckerly St. Johns Lutheran Church, Ely
JOHN F. KENNEDY SCHOLARSHIP Pat Hynek CHARLES 5. CAMPBELL SCHOLARSHIP Susan Phillips Mm-fei 'WPW ajiwr n -^hwrt-|&gjPWft m*Li It TT, " nzyi ' Nr
* i 1 - a n- ' 3* i . y ;i + |i E HIt i Cooks Mrs* HaTiicc-K , v.r ^,. c&rJson , Mrs. Ocwldy, i£rs. McCt.:icugi\4y, Mrs. Eu&istuir . dfi i Errands Mary Slycord & Sd Chalu: oky, Fr-Bus Mechanicsnk Fe justice ii ' ' non. Maintainance ^ump, Joe Krntny , Bcb Maial»-k f Herb Fischer, EmU Rofclena, Paul Smalley* Ray Mitrft«U. Oscar Walker Custodians MUo ’ ndrle Ken UldrLdge Hif-ttiftfr. WflLSWQRTH . i s \ 1 1 1
1 Publizr