National News— 1965 1 A Wave for Friends — Cuban refugees waved to Cuban exiles on shore as their coast guard cutter approached Key West last fall. Such emotional scenes occurred frequently after Castro announced his “ open door” policy, allowing certain groups of Cubans to leave his dictatorship. 2 Pioneer in Space — Astronaut Edward White stepped from his Gemini IV space capsule and into the void of space last June. Maj. James McDivitt, his companion on a 3'/2 flight in Gemini V during August. 3 Medicare Bill Signed -day orbital flight , had to coax White back into the capsule after he had traveled 20 minutes suspended from Gemini IV. Gordon Cooper and Charles Conrad were the next space twins to orbit the earth. They completed their 8 -day — President Johnson signed the Medicare Bill into law July 30 with former President Truman at his side. Witnessing the event that had far-reaching effects on Social Security benefits for the elderly were (left to right ) Lady Bird Johnson, Vice President Humphrey and Bess Truman. The ceremony was held in Truman Library in Independence, Mo. 4 Temporary Mood — Dodgers Manager Walter Alston’s mood of dejection after the Minnesota Twins won the sixth World Series game did not last long. The Dodgers emerged victorious in the 7th game and captured the pennant. 5 Double Space Spectacular — Astronauts Wally Schirra and Tom Stafford got this view of the Gemini 7 spaceship December 15 while traveling in their Gemini 6 craft for their historic rendezvous adventure. Schirra and Stafford rode their red -hot craft back to earth the following day, but Gemini 7 completed a 14-day mission before its re-entry. Making the longest and most significant voyage in space in Gemini 7 were Frank Borman and James Lovell, Jr. 6 Plea for Peace — Pope Paul VI stood before the United Nations General Assembly in New York on October 4 to deliver his plea for 6

world peace. His unprecedented, one -day visit in the U.S. was the culmination of plans by men of all faiths . 7 After Surgery President— Charles— hospital room and his Texas ranch during his recuperation . 8 Proud Student Johnson was photographed in a reclining chair at Bethesda Naval Hospital the day after his gall bladder operation on October 8. He conducted the work of his office from his Craig, 19-year -old freshman at Iowa uni - versity,demonstrated his criticism of draft -card burning incidents by displaying his draft card on his jacket with the note: “ I’m a draft card carrying American and proud of it .” Our role in the Vietnamese war sparked the incidents . 9 Blackout The— glittering metropolis of New York City was thrust City residents and into darkness on November 9 by a massive power failure affecting hundreds of miles along the eastern seaboard. commuters were stranded in offices, railroad and subway stations for hours before service was restored . The crippling condition was caused by a faulty relay at a Canadian generating station near Niagara Falls. 10 New Ambassador Arthur— Goldberg was named U .S. Ambassador to the United Nations by the President after the death of Ambassa - dor Adlai Stevenson on July 14 in London. Goldberg was secretary of labor under President Kennedy and a U.S. Supreme Court Justice when named to the U.N. post. 11 Startling Fashions Bold and contrasting blocks of color were the youthful fashion note of 1965 . The eye -catching designs even ex Princess Margaret and her husband, Lord — - tended the length of campus stockings worn with the costumes. 12 Royalty on Tour Snowdon, arrived in New York on November 4 for a whirlwind tour of the U.S. During their visit, they took time out for fun -filled activi ties such as a ride on a cable car in Frisco and gala parties in Holly — - - wood and the nation ’s capital. 1 2

The 1966 Yearbook Staff Prairie High School Cedar Rapids, Iowa Presents THE HAWK Volume 9

S. W. Wiley, Superintendent. Lloyd Williams, Robert Krob, Milton Chadima, Robert Langridge, President; James Bowersox, Elmer Grissel, Clifford Leonard. Glenn Selzer, Business Manager 2


ADMINISTRATION 5 Mr. C. H. Bergman; principal and Mr. Jerry Franklin; guidance. DEPARTMENT HEADS Mr. Neil Townsend; English, Mrs . Shirley Rademaker; business education, Mr. Gene Seehusen; math, Mr. Richard Faas, science, Mr. Charles Campbell; social studies, Mr Charles Worsfold; industrial arts, Mr. Wilson Leidigh; athletic director, Mr. Frank Kluesner; music department, absent--Mr. Roger Freeman; physical education. . 4

Mr. Darrell Bogner B.S., W. III. St.; — Ind. Arts. Mr. Andy Bubon B.A., Central Col lege; World His tory. - — - Mr. Charles Campbell--B.A., M.A. — Univ. of Iowa; Am. Gov't., Am. Problems. Mrs. Gloria Canney B.A., Univ. of Iowa; German. — Mrs. Ann Corbin, R.N. — Lutheran Deaconess School of Nursing; Nursing . Mr. Richard Faas Univ. of — Iowa; Science . -B.S., Iowa St. U.; M.S. Mr. Kennard Fearing--B.S., Momingside Col .; M.A., U. of S.D.; Math. Mrs. Anne Fischer B.A., St. Col. of Iowa; M.A. Colo — - rado St. Col.; English. Mr. Roger K. Freeman --B.A., St. Col. of Iowa; Science, P.E., D.E., Drivers Ed. Track, Football. Mr. Amo Grabe . Arts, — B.A., St. Col. of Iowa; Ind Mrs. Pat Hockett B.A., M.A., Univ of Iowa; Spanish. — . Mr. Donald Jennings— B.A., Loras Col ., M.A. --U.I.; Latin, Head Baseball. Mrs. Linda Johnston B.A., Univ. of — Iowa; French, Social Studies. Mr. Frank W. Kluesner --B.A., M.A.--St. Univ of Iowa; Band. . Mr. Gary Leeper-B.A., Wartburg Col.; Ass't . Track. Mr. Wilson L. Leidigh Football. — B.S., U. of Dubuque; M.A., U.I.; Gov't., P.E ., Mr. Ken Marsh B.S., St. Univ. of — Iowa; Audio Vis ual. - Mrs. Mary Rae McDonald Mt. Mercy Col Mr. Bob Mellgren --B.A., .; Business Education . B.A., Iowa St. Univ.; M.A ., N.E.M.T., Wres tling. - — Mrs. Ardith Melloh --B.S., Univ . of Minn.; B.A., York Col.; Librarian.

Mr. John Osland B.A., Central Col — — .; . Science & Biology, Vocal Music. Ass' t Wrestling Mr. Michael Phelan Mrs. Shirley B.A., Loras Col.; Rademaker Coe Col — Education Mr B.A . .; Business . . Donald Ringgenberg — B .A., Wartburg Col.; Math, Ass ' t Basketball. Mr. William Rieniets — B.A., Coe Col.; Chemistry, Physics, Math. Miss Ruth Rupp B.A., St. Col. of — — Iowa; Homemaking. Iowa, Ass't Foot ball. Mr. Gene Seehusen Mr. Robert T. B.A., St . Col. of - Severa--B.A., Univ. of Iowa; English. Mr. J. Harvey Smyth — . B.A Mr. L College; Mathe matics ., Coe - . Neil Townsend--B.A. , . Iowa Wesleyan; English Mrs. Sandra Vas — B.A., Univ. of Iowa; Art. Mr. Carrol Vasbinder--B.S — ., Parsons College; Reading, Basketball. * Mr. Carl A. Williams — .I Reading. .; B.A ., St. Col. of Iowa; M.A., U Mrs. Marilyn Yockey — B.A., St. Col. of Iowa; Girls' Physical Ed. 6 Mrs. Judith Wamer B.A., Univ. of Iowa, English . Mr. Russell Weming — Col.; M.A B.A. Coe . Univ . of Iowa; Business Education. Mr. Charles R. Worsfold--B.A St. Col. of Iowa; ., Ind. Arts.

SECRETARIES Vlasta Brase, Mary Serbousek, Sue Malatek, Mary Miles, Dorris Ruth, Deena Reyhons COOKS Esther Gouldy, Helen McConaughay, Marguerite Havlicek, Mar jorie Booth, Lenora Koutny - MAINTENANCE CREW Ray Mitchell, Milo Andrle, Wil - bur Wharton, Emil Rohlena, Robert Booth BUS MECHANICS Joe Koutny, Robert Malatek, Edward Chalupsky, Frank Pegump


Douglas Austin Shirlee Barta Judy Becicka Judy Benish Mirian Benson Justina Bontty Terry Bowersox Barbara Bowler Arlene Bowman Sheryl Boyle Jack Brown 10

James Bush Mildred Cerveny Leonard Chmelicek Danny Christensen Linda Coon Linda Crozier Steve Danielson Wayne Davis Shirley Dawson Lee DeWitt Jon Divishek

Jeff Duffy Gary Dusil Roslyn Dvorak Garry Dyson Tom Elgas Darlene Eschen Richard Fowler Dennis Geesaman Lyle Glass 12 Fern Goddard Janice Goins

Mickey Goodrich Sandra Hansen Joanne Hartin Terry Hartley Tom Haugse Janice Hickey Judith Hosek John Hromidko Tom Hronik Rick Jamesson Francis Janaszak

Dick Kness David Kvapil William Lint Roy Livermore Patty Lockhart 14 Nancy Louvar Vicki McCarl

Dennis McConaughay David Meskimen Marcia Meskimen Helen Miller Sharon Miller Sam Minor Bob Mitvalsky Jerry Nemec Allan Neumeyer Leonard Novak Dean Pata

Shirley Pegump Cathy Pennington Steven Peterson Frank Pirkel Richard Porter Charles Punke Russell Reyman Ron Rohlena Betty Sadecky Sharon Sauer Larry Schneekloth 16

Carol Schoenfeld Gary Schropp Duane Schulte Betty Schwegler Paula Serbousek Kenneth Shaw Donna Shebetka Carol Shramek Don Sirowy Wayne Slezak Vicki Smith

Suzanne Smoker Steve Sonka Duane Spidle Rick Stahle Lyle Stallman Dennis Steichen Larry Stockman Linda Strait Kathy Strang 18 Jeff Tampir Michael Tedrow

David Tichy Cheryl Trachta Terry Truhlar Carol Van Houten Joe Vavra Robert Vavra Nora Villers Dale Vincent Carol Volesky Ronald Volesky Burdette Voss

Karen Walker Danny Watson Terry Weis Kay Wessale Peggy Willenborg Richard Wilson Patricia Wolfe Jerry Wood Melody Worley Jay Wortman 20 Ron Sanborn


President of*?# Larry Suchomel Vice-President Darla Roshek Secretary Tim Trpkosh Treasurer Linda Hrdlicka Robert Andrle Sherry Auman Sydney Auman Larry Balvin Pearl Bean Janelie Benish Danny Bentley John Beyer Jane Borseth Sharon Burger Kenneth Candler Dale Cerveny David Chase Jerry Cornwell Teresa Davis Michael Daubenmier Linda Dawson Sharon Domine Ron Dusil Joanne Dvorak Danny Earsa Becky Eden Edward Engel Jeanne Feye Raymond Frisch Roger Geesaman Curtis Goodrow Bonnie Greazel Sherry Greene Gary Griffith 22

- Lavon Guy Hope Hacker Pat Harris Cheryl Hepker David Hickey Tim Hidinger Roy Highley Theresa Holley Marlene Holeton Larry Hudson Robert Jackson Mickey Jamesson Kathy Jilovec Darla Jindrich Mike Jones Judy Kimbrough David King Carolyn Kiracofe Andra Kirchoff Russell Leaman Terry Ludvicek Rebecca Maresh Keveta Martinez Gerald Matthess Dennis Merta Lynne Merta Carol Meskimen Cheryl Meskimen Nancy Meyer Charlene Michalek Chris Miles Gary Miller Glenn Miska Dennis Modracek Larry Modracek

Terry Morris Cletus Moser Bill Mouchka Allan Netolicky Joyce Netolicky Nancy Novy Bill Oakley Darlene Oaks Mike Osborn Tom Patten Paul Petrik John Picek Janet Poduska Carolyn Punke Nancy Reddick Shirley Reed Dennis Rosekrans John Rozinek Greg Ruth David Schlesselman Jerry Schropp Delores Sedlacek Rita Serbousek Frank Sladek Betty Sowers Kevin Stahle Diane Stark Dale Steichen Joyce Stepanek George Strawhorn Linda Sturgeon Linda Suchomel Steve Terwilliger Steve Tomash Janet Tow 24 -

Tom Tow Mary Vavra Vicki Voigt Vernon Volesky Janice Vrba Robert Wade Larry Whittom William Wilde Sylvia Wolf Carl Zahradnik James Zalesky Daniel Zbanek Cecilia Zeman


President James Kurtz Vice-President Robert Goodrow Secretary Barbara Hynek Treasurer Sally Trpkosh David Auman Kathy Austin Mary Baer James Bailey Jeanne Barta Marcia Benson Deborah Bernacki Sharon Biderman Sheryl Bowersox Gary Britcher Sharon Buresh Wesley Buresh Mike Caramela Joanne Chalder Roger Clarke S£ : , 28 £ Patty Delbridge Jackie Dubishar Roger Dusil Mark Feye Becky Fish ilfStt t j|P p , Robert Franklin Beverly Garnant Vicki Gaskill Robert Gordon Steve Gordon |£ Carol Greazel Gary Greene Tim Gregor Gary Grummer Judy Hartin

Linda Hartley Vernon Hartson Rose Hasley Doug Hauser Bruce Heil Raymond Henecke Dennis Hickey Ricky Hofmaster Larry Hopp Rick Hronik snǤ& # < ? i11 Paul James Helen Janaszak Judy Johnson Mary Kadlec Judy Kelley Richard Kimbrough Patty Kirchoff Michael Kloubec Roger Klouda Charlotte Knapp David Lahmon Ronda Lamparek Val Langhurst Deborah LaVelle Hazelann LeMaster \ Martha Lindsey Darryl Lint Donald Long Charles Luerkens Linda Maginnis Lv V~T James Magirl Linda Mallory Rita Manganello Reyne Maresh Vicki Martin L ri I L

!RI £$§.$11 0&°££ , Linda Rammelsberg Florence Reed Judy Repetowski Deborah Robertson Gary Roemig Robert Russman Barbara Ruth Dennis Sanders John Schwegler Larry Serbousek 30 Marilyn McArthur Connie McClelland Gordon Meaney Jerry Merrifield Darla Meskimen Jerry Meskimen Harry Miller Kenneth Moomey David Nikodim Linda Novak Keith Osborn John Patten David Patterson Floyd Pegump Ruth Porter Sheilah Serbousek Marsha Sheely Alan Shramek Bob Smith Donna Smith Karlene Snyder Jack Spore Doris Steichen Douglas Stepanek Reed Stevens

Roger Stigers Pam Sturgeon Sandra Swartz Mike Tampir John Tedrow C ,J T Richard Terrell Betty Thuma Sue Tichy Joyce Trachta Bill Uelze * AO? ' Jack Viall Steve Villers David Volesky Kathy Waite Susan Walker s -* V - l . L XT' V > Gayle Wall Richard Waltz Donna Weaver Kay Welbes Louis Wilde mm Larry Williams Scott Williams Danny Willis Rena Wims Sonny Wolf £S Jack Wolfe Dean Womochil James Yanacek Linda Zahradnik Joe Zalesky d Tf* C - •*"*r :/*, 1 V t ir — mBmmt*, "7 . '' f 4' mtemm r> j 4« V V * 4 i


STUDENT COUNCIL ROW ONE: Jeff Tampir --President, Terry Hartley Barta— Secretary, Melody Worley — --Vice President, Shirlee Treasurer. ROW TWO: Scott Williams, Dennis Merta, Steve Peterson, Ron Rohlena, Tom Elgas, Terry Truhlar, Jerry Wood, Janice Hickey. ROW THREE: Burdette Voss, Bud Goodrow, Fem Goddard, Judy Benish, Paula Serbousek, Judy Kemme, Judi Hosek. ROW FOUR: Richard Wilson, Dale Cerveny, Debbie Robertson, Vicki Gaskill, Shirley Dawson, Janice Vrba, Barbara Hynek, Linda Hrdlicka, Keveta Martinez. YEARBOOK ROW ONE: Joyce Netolicky — Junior Editor, Judy Benish Judy Becicka,--Seniors, Kathy Strang--Editor, Mr. Smyth --Business Manager, — Sponsor. ROW TWO: Keveta Martinez, Kay Wessale, Terry Ludvicek, Darla Jindrich, Delores Sedlacek, Becky Eden, Judi Hosek, Cheryl Trachta, ROW THREE: Linda Coon, Karen Walker, Joyce Trachta, Arlene Bowman, Janice Vrba, Justina Bontty, Vicki MeCarl, Sheryl Boyle, Nancy Louvar. ROW FOUR: Louie Wilde, Dan Christensen, Steve Terwilliger, Gordon Meaney, Terry Hartley. 34

HONOR SOCIETY ROW ONE: Dale Cerveny, Steve Peterson, Judy Becicka, Steve Sonka Jamesson— — — Sponsor. President, Rick Betty Schwegler, Judy Kemme, Shirley Reed. ROW TWO: Linda Crozier, Karen Walker, Miriam Benson, Kathy Strang, Shirlee Barta, Keveta Martinez, Mary Varva, Vice-President, Judi Hosek--Student Council Representative, Cheryl Trachta, Linda Hrdlicka, Joyce Netolicky. ROW THREE: Danny Earsa, Nancy Louvar, Bob Varva, David Kvapil, Bob Wade, Delores Sedlacek, Janet Poduska, Mr. Franklin The qualities looked for in a Honor Society student are Service, Citizenship, Scholarship, Character, and Leadership. MINERVIAN CHAPTER

FNA — ROW ONE: Mrs. Corbin Shirlee Barta — — Sponsor, Judy Benish — President, Kathy Strang Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, Melody Worley--Historian, Keveta Martinez — Student Council. ROW TWO: Shirley Dawson, Linda Strait, Karlene Snyder, Linda Mallory, Judy Becicka, Carol Shramek, Patty Delbridge, Barb Ruth. ROW THREE: Doris Steichen, Becky Fish, Judy Repetowski, Debbie Robertson, Lee Ann Jones, Helen Miller, Rita Manganello, Mary Vavra. FBLA ROW ONE: Linda Crozier--President, Karen Walker--Vice President, Arlene BowmanSecretary, Joanne Hartin--Treasurer, Fern Goddard — 36 Student Council, Mrs. MacDonald — Sponsor. ROW TWO: Judy Benish, Linda Coon, Linda Suchomel, Judy Kimbrough, Janice Vrba, Darla Jindrich, Terry Ludvicek, Joyce Netolicky. ROW THREE: Nancy Louvar, Peggy Willenbourg, Carol Schoenfield, LaVon Guy, Linda Hrdlicka, Janet Tow, Kathy Jilovec, Diane Stark.

FTA ROW ONE: Janet Poduska — Ffosek--President, Miss Rupp--Sponsor. ROW TWO: Judy Becicka, Joanne Hartin, Sheryl Boyle, Cheryl Trachta. ROW THREE: Mr. Bubon — Secretary-Treasurer, Judy Kemme— Vice President, Judi Sponsor, Deborah Bernacki, Rena Wims, Carol Volesky, Betty Schwegler, Nancy Louvar. ROW FOUR: Linda Stur - geon, Delores Sedlacek, Becky Eden, Jeanne Feye, Sharon Domine, Charlotte Knapp. ROW FIVE: Linda Zahradnik, Kathy Waite, Jeanne Barta, Sally Trpkosh, Sheryl Bower sox, Flo Reed. LIBRARY - ROW ONE: Vicki Smith, Peggy Willenborg, Rita Manganello, Barbara Bowler, Carolyn Kiracofe, Sydney Auman. ROW TWO: Mrs. Mellow — 37 Sponsor, Becky Fish, Darlene Eschen, Linda Sturgeon, Mickey Goodrich, Bob Gordon, Dan Christensen.

DRAMATICS CLUB ROW 1: Melody Worley, Judy Becicka, Judy Benish, Terry Truhlar, Mr. Townsend: ROW 2: Janice Vrba, Vicki McCarl, Justina Bontty, Paula Serbousek, La Von Guy, Judy Kemme, Carol Volesky, Betty Schwegler: ROW 3: Dave Chase, Roger Klouda, Kathy Austin, Arlene Bowman, Judi Hosek, Keveta Martinez, Mary Vavra, Shirley Reed, Barb Hynek: ROW 4: Tom Hronik, Bob Vavra, Jeff Tampir, Lyle Stallman, David Volesky, Dan Christensen, Flora Beth Reed. ROW 1: Melody Worley, Judy Becicka, Terry Truh THESPIANS DEBATE - lar, Mr. Townsend: ROW 2: Dave Chase, Bob Vavra, Tom Hronik. ROW 1: Terry Truhlar, Melody Worley, Mr. Townsend: ROW 2: Roger Klouda, Tom Hronik, Flora Beth Reed. 38

SPRING PLAT 1965 Melody, Glenn, and Dennis TAKE TOUR MEDICINE Terry Truhlar Judy Becicka Jill Wiley Bob Vavra Melody Worley Judy Benish Janice Vrba Glenn Modracek Dennis Harger Kathy Kirchoff Roxe Talkington Joyce Williams Extras Henry K. Dodson Angela Warren Miss Holt Dr. William Jackson Patricia Pryor Dottie Lottie Jack Benson Jonathan Puckett Miss Dovie Finkledink Miss Cordelia Puckett Dodie Blake Tom Hronik Russ Novotny Linda Stergeon La Von Guy Beth Schultz Arlene Bowman Georgia Severa Terry, Glenn, and Jill DIRECTED BY MR. ROBERT SEVERA Janice, Judy, and Dennis 41

FALL PLAT “ THE WORM SHALL SQUIRM” Bob Vavra, David Volesky, Melody Worley, Roger Klouda, Lavon Guy Roger Klouda, David Volesky, Beverly Garnant Sally Trpkosh, Vickie Martin, Bob Vavra, Melody Worley Rena Wims, Sally Trpkosh, David Volesky, Roger Klouda, Judy Becicka, Beverly Garnant, Bob Vavra Melody Worley Dan Christensen, Bob Vavra, Meldoy Worley Lavon Guy, Tom Hronik, Roger Klouda 42

DIRECTED BT Tardaloof-Ron Rohlena Mr. Neil Townsend Chelette-Barbara Hynek Matte-Dan Christensen “ LA PEASANT’ ONE-ACT PLATS Billy Brown- - David Volesky Mrs. Brown-Jeanne Barta Mr. Memory * Bill Lint Mr. Noun John Patten Mr. Pronoun-Darryl Lint Mr. Verb- - Tom Patten — “ A VERT GRAMMATICAL FAMILY” -Miss Common Sense Beverly Garnant -Mr. Adverb -Steve Villers Miss Also -Adverb Andra Kirchhoff -Miss Interjection-Rena Wims Miss Preposition Judy Benish Voice -Bob Vavra -Miss Conjunction-Flora Reed — Miss Adjective Vicki Martin

FORENSICS ROW I: Shirley Reed, Flora Reed, Vicki Gaskill, Linda Novak, Fern Goddard, Helen Janaszak. ROW 2: Melody Worley, Janice Vrba, Sally Trpkosh, Judy Benish, Linda Zahradnik, Beverly Garnant, Judy Becicka. Kenneth Moomey, Robert Franklin, David Volesky, Danny Christensen. Speakers at American Legion Speech Contest on January 27. 44

SENIOR CHOIR ROW 1: Hope Hacker, Lee Ann Jones, Rita Manganello, Rita Serbousek , Arlene Bowman, Sue Walker, Cecilia Zeman, Judy Kelly, Linda Strait, Nancy Meyer . ROW 2: Janelle Benish , Flora Beth Reed, Linda Goldsworth, Carol Meskimen, Cheryl Meskimen, Marsha Meskimen, Vicki Gaskill , Diane Barta, Vicki Voigt, Sandy Hansen , Sue Smoker, Marsha Sheely, Linda Stoner , Sheilah Serbousek , Donna Weaver. ROW 3: Mar lene Hanner, Bobbi Haas, Jeanne Perrin , Gayle Wall, Carol Schoenfeld , Cherri Mayfield . Joyce Stepanek, Theresa Holley, Cathy Pennington, Patty Lockhart, Betty Sowers, Nan - - cy Vondra, Justina Bontty, Kay Wessale, Betty Sadecky, Linda Wessale, Miriam Benson, Debbie La Velle, Sharon Sauer. ROW 4: Don Mizner, Mark Terwilliger, Dennis Geesa - man, Barry Stevens, David Kvapil, Steve Sonka, Frank Pirkel, Dick Waltz, Ron Rholena, Russel Reyman , Jay Wortman, Terry Bowersox, Jeff Duffy, Ken Candler, Don Long, Lee DeWitt , Bill Lint, Dan Christensen, Roger Novotny.

GIRLS GLEE CLUB ROW 1: Hope Hacker, Lee Ann Jones, Rita Manganello, Rita Serbousek, Arlene Bowman, Sue Walker, Cecilia Zeman, Judy Kelley, Linda Strait , Nancy Meyer. ROW 2: Janelle Benish, Flora Beth Reed , Linda Goldsworth, Carol Meskimen, Cheryl Meskimen , Marsha Meskimen, Diane Barta , Vicki Gaskill , Vicki Voigt , Sandy Hansen , Sue Smoker, Marsha Sheely, Linda Stoner, Sheilah Serbousek, Donna Weaver. ROW 3: Marlene Hanner, Bobbi Haas , Jeanne Perrin , Gayle Wall, Carol Schoenfeld , Cherri Mayfield, Joyce Stepanek , Theresa Holley, Cathy Pennington, Patty Lockhart , Betty Sowers, Nancy Vondra , Justina Bontty, Kay Wessale , Betty Sadecky , Linda Wessale , Miriam Benson, Debbie La Velle, Sharon Sauer . BOYS GLEE CLUB ROW 1: Don Mizner, Mark Terwilliger, Dennis Geesaman, Roger Novotny. ROW 2: Barry Stevens , Lee DeWitt, Bill Lint, Dan Christensen. ROW 3: Frank Pirkel, Steve Sonka, Dick Waltz, Ron Rohlena, Dave Kvapil, Don Long. ROW 4: Terry Bowersox, Russell Reyman, Jay Wortman, Jeff Duffy, Ken Candler. 46

“ FALL COFFEE HOUSE 1965” The Prairie Singers Justina Bontty Vicki McCarl, Betty Sadecky, Sandy Hansen Hope Hacker

INSTRUMENTAL ROW 1: Janice Vrba, Mary Vavra, Sharon Biderman, Judy Benish. ROW 2: Janet Poduska, Judy Kemme, Shirlee Barta, Cheryl Trachta, Judy Hartin, Dave Chase. ROW 3: Larry Stockman, Patty Delbridge, Jeanne Barta, Vernon Volesky, Mildred Cerveny, Dennis Modracek, Gary Miller, Fern Goddard. ROW 4: Bill Oakley, Sally Seaton, Kathy Orrick, Larry Williams, Judi Hosek, Charlene Michalek, Marie Kucera, Raymond Volesky, Sharon Domine. 48

MUSIC ROW 1: Marie Pospisil, Kathy Austin, Linda Hartley, Diane Leonard. ROW 2: Kerry Wood, Debbie Robertson, Nora Villers, Cheryl Boyle, Joanne Hartin, Bob Vavra. ROW 3: Beverly Gamant, Judy Zalesky, Katherine Barta, John Picek, Karen Deetz, Roger Clark, Danny Watson, Judy Becicka. ROW 4: Ken Moomey, Tim Trpkosh, Steve Peterson, Larry Modracek, Joe Vavra, Vem Hosek, Jerry Merrifield, James Chalupsky, Dale Cerveny, Jim Bush, Tom Elgas. ROW 5: John Patten, Rena Wims, Bill King, Judy Johnson, Linda Rammelsburg.

Brass Sextet: 1st ROW: Darrel Leonard, Fern Goddard, Dennis Modracek. 2nd ROW: Tim Trpkosh, Joe Vavra, Tom Elgas. Trumpet Trio: Darrell Leonard, Dennis Modracek, Gary Miller. Brass Choir: 1st ROW: Judi Ffosek, Sheryl Bowersox, Sandy Ruth, Bev Garnant, Fern Goddard. 2nd ROW: Darrell Leonard, Dennis Modracek, Gary Miller, Tom Elgas, Tim Trpkosh, Jerry Merrifield, Jim Bush, Joe Vavra, Gordon Meaney. Trombone Quartet: Jerry Merrifield, Ken Moomey, Jim Bush, Tom Elgas. Drum Ensemble: Terry Drexler, Bill King, Lee Merta, Ted Biderman. 52

WINNERS 1965 Flute Trio: Joanne Cerveny, Elaine Poduska, Janice Vrba. Flute Quartet: Joanne Cerveny, Elaine Poduska, Janice Vrba, Mary Vavra. Clarinet Choir: 1st ROW: Carol Goddard, Russ Novotny, Janet Poduska, Shirlee Barta, Judy Kemme, Evelyn Smith. 2nd ROW: Carol Volesky, Pat Delbridge, Jeanne Barta, Jeanne Trachta, Judy Hartin, John Picek, Sheryl Boyle, Nora Viller?, Cheryl Trachta. Woodwind Quintet: 1st ROW: Judy Becicka, Janet Poduska. 2nd ROW; Joanne Cerveny, Bob Vavra, Bev Gamant. Clarinet Quartet: Judy Kemme, Janet Poduska, Carol Goddard, Russ Novotny. Mixed Clarinet Quartet: Sheryl Boyle, Jeanne Trachta, Janet Poduska, Carol Goddard.

The seniors await the big moment . COMMENCEMENT Commencement exercise was held in the Prairie High School gymnasium on Thursday evening, May 20, for the Class of 1965. Reverend Robert Hefty . The invocation was given by the . Dr. Virgil S Lagomarcino, spoke on "The Magic Threshold." James Hynek gave the senior message. Diplomas were awarded to one hundred and eight seniors. Dr. Virgil S. Lagomarcino, speaker. Supt. S. W. Wiley introduces the guest speaker. 54

1965 CLASS MOTTO "The Door to Success is Open, The Next Step is Ours ." CLASS FLOWER Carnation CLASS COLORS Pink and White James Hynek giving the senior message.


Sherry Auman, Darla Roshek, Kay Wessale, Queen Judy Benish, Paula Serbousek, Sally Trpkosh. QUEENJUDY BENISH AND HER ATTENDANTS


PRAIRIE ROW ONE: Mrs. Yockey, Paula Serbousek, Keveta Martinez, Joyce Netolicky, Linda Coon . ROW TWO: Janice Hickey, Judy Becicka, Karen Walker, Linda Crozier, Judy Benish, Kay Wessaie, Arlene Bowman, Betty Schwegler, Shirlee Barta. ROW THREE: Joanne Hartin, Cheryl Trachta, Linda Strait, Carol Schoenfeld, Justina Bontty, Vicki McCarl, Darlene Eschen,Shirley Dawson, Carol Shramek, Cathy Pennington. ROW FOUR: Linda Sturgeon, Linda Hrdlicka, Linda Dawson, Sharon Domine, Darla Rosek, Diane Stark, Jeanne Feye, Judy Kimbrough, Linda Suchomel, Sharon Berger. ROW FIVE: Janice Vrba, Joanne Dvorak, Nancy Novy, Shirley Reed, Carolyn Kiracofe, Darla Jindrich, Vicki Voigt, Sherry Greene, Rita Serbousek . ROW SIX: Sheryl Bower Delbridge, Linda Hartley’, Vicki Martin, Bev Gamant. ROW EIGHT: Sue Walker, Marsha Sheeley, Hazelann LeMaster, Judy Repetowski, Judy Hartin, Linda Novak, Jackie Debishar, Sue Tichy, Debbie Robertson, Judy Johnson . ROW NINE: Ronda Lamparek, Darla Meskimen, Rose Hasley, Joyce Trachta, Sharon Biderman, Linda Mallory, Karlene Snyder, Donna Weaver. - sox, Kathy Austin, Flora Reed, Vicky Gaskill, Kathy Waite, Linda Zahradnik, Delores Sedlacek, Mary Vavra, Becky Eden. ROW SEVEN: Gayle Wall, Sandy Swartz, Linda Rammelsberg, Kay Welbes, Barb Ruth, Sally Trpkosh, Barb Hynek, Jeanne Barta, Pat OFFICERS: Keveta Martinez— Student Council Joyce Netolicky— Sec-Treas Paula Serbousek . — Vice President Linda Coon--President

Archery: Flora Beth Reed Linda Coon Flag Football: Marsha Sheeley Barb Hynek Vicki Martin Jackie Dubishar Sandy Swartz Linda Dawson Jeanne Barta Keveta Martinez Carol Schoenfeld Kathy Waite Linda Crozier Darla Rosek Darla Meskimen Janice Hickey Linda Coon

SCIENCE CLUB ROW ONE: Mr. Rieniets, Sponsor, Debbie Robertson, Miriam Benson, ROW TWO: Mickey Goodrich, David Kvapil, Lee Dewitt, Bob Vavra, Steve Peterson. ROW THREE: Gary Roemig, Louie Wilde, John Patten, Bob Russman. 62

THUNDERATION! T-E-A-M! tmm LET'S GO! CHEERLEADERS: Arlene Bowman, Sally Trpkosh Linda Dawson, Paula Serbousek, Joanne Dvorak, Joyce Trachta, Cheryl Trachta. CAPTAIN: Paula Serbousek 63 SUCCESS!

LETTERMEN’S CLUB ROW 1: Jerry Wood, Don Sirowy, Rick Jamesson, David Kvapil. ROW 2: Ron Rohlena, Lyle Stallman, Jeff Tampir, Richard Wilson, Richard Porter, Jim Bush. ROW 3: Tim Hidinger, Frank Pirkel, Mike Tedrow, Charles Punke, Jerry Schropp. ROW 4: William Wilde, Sam Minor, John Hromidko, Tom Elgas, Gary Schropp, David Schlesselman, Jack Brown, Mickey Jamesson, Duane Schulte. ROW 5: Roy Livermore, Terry Hartley, Tom Tow, Gary Griffith, Don Long, David King, Steve Sonka, Duane Spidle. ROW 6: Leonard Chemlicek, Jerry Nemec, John Picek, Robert Andrle, Carl Zahradnik. Bill King, Curt Goodrow, Roger Dusil, Jim Kurtz, p E P c L U B 64


Coach Jim Jennings, Basil Harris, Jim Voight, Steve Selzer, Jess Schulte, Marty Clements, Charles Punke; mgr Duane Schulte, James Zalesky, Ron Rohlena, Steve Sonka, Jack Brown. ., Mickey Jamesson, Michael Tedrow, Frank Pirkel, Jim Voigt, Duane Schulte, Ron Rohlena, Jess Schulte, Steve Selzer, Lon Scriven, Marty Clements, Basil Harris . 66

Jess Schulte, Coach Jim Jennings, Duane Schulte, and Assistant Coach Don Jennings. .Tim Voigt, Coach Jim Jennings, and Jess Schulte . Jess Schulte, Steve Selzer, Lon Scriven . Steve Sonka, Jim Voigt, Duane Schulte. 9 9 #1 - v Marty Clements, Basil Harris, Frank Pirkel. Jim Voigt, Duane Schulte, Ron Rohlena.

Steve Selzer; first base Jess Schulte; pitcher Jim Voigt; third base Mickey Jamesson; short stop Basil Harris; catcher 68

Prairie 6 Prairie Varsity Baseball 1965 Linn Mar Sectional Tournament 7 Prairie 6 Prairie 12 Prairie 7 Prairie 7 Prairie 5 Prairie 2 Prairie Prairie 4 Prairie 0 Prairie 6 Prairie 1 7 Prairie 10 Norway Central City Tipton Tipton City High, Iowa City Marion Benton Community Williamsburg City High , Iowa City Norway Williamsburg Benton Community Central City 0 3 4 0 1 9 0 3 0 7 9 3 2 0 Prairie 0 Wins -14 Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie 3 7 12 6 Center Point Marion Alburnett City High District Tournament Traer-Clutier Losses 5 — 2 1 0 4 0 Junior Varsity Baseball 1965 Prairie 3 Prairie 11 Prairie 19 Prairie 2 Prairie 16 Prairie 8 Wins 5 Benton Community Central City Benton Community Williamsburg Central City Marion Losses — 1 — 2 10 8 0 1 11

Track Squad: Larry Hromidko, Marty Clements, Gene Goodrow, Dennis Steinmetz, Jack Griffith, David Patten, Jim Voight, Steve Davis, Russell Novotny, Lon Scriven, Steve Selzer, Wayne Davis, Rick Jamesson, Tom Elgas, Jeff Tampir, Duane Spidle, Ron Rohlena, James Kurtz, Robert Andrle, Tim Hidinger, Curt Goodrow, Roger Dusil. Senior Track Squad: Russell Novotny, Gene Goodrow, Marty Clements, Dermis Steinmetz, Jack Griffith, Larry Hromidko, Lon Scriven, David Patten, Steve Selzer, Steve Davis, Jim Voight. 70

Junior Track Squad: Ron Rohlena, Steve Peterson, Rick Jamesson, Wayne Davis, Richard Wilson, Duane Spidle, Jerry Nemec, Tom Elgas, Jeff Tampir, Charles Punke, Gary Dusil, Doug Austin, Leonard Chmelicek. Practice time is the hardest part for Steve Seltzer and Ron Rohlena! y i 11 Ftwu COUCHING SMff Relay Queen candidates; Linda Lefebure, Evelyn Smith, Judy Kimbrough, Sally Trpkosh . Track coaches; Mr. Roger Freeman and Mr. Gary Leeper Relay Queen candidates; Linda Lefebure, Evelyn Smith, Judy Kimbrough, Sally Trpkosh . Former Queen; Joyce Schropp. 71 New Relay Queen speaking; Evelyn Smith, junior candidate.

Steve Seltzer; discus Ron Rohlena; discus Jim Hynek; shot put Wayne Davis; broad jump Lon Scriven; broad jump Jim Voight; pole vault Steve Davis; pole vault Jim Voight; pole vault

Steve Davis; pole vault. Larry Hromidko ; distance man . Gene Goodrow; sprinter , relays . Marty Clements; middle dist . relays. Gene Goodrow Dennis Modracek, Goodrow. Tipton Washington Relays Cornell Relays Tipton --Tiger Relays --Viking Relays SCI--Dickenson Relays Vinton Cross Country Squad ; Duane Spidle , Keith Osborn , Larry Netolicky , Curt Goodrow, Jeff Duffy , Dennis Modracek. Assis. Track Coach; Mr. Vasbinder . Marion Drake Relays Marion Invitational Prairie Prairie Relays Linn-Mar Relays Prairie District State (440 yard relay ) 1st 12th none 2nd none 2nd 2nd none 9th 1st 7th 3rd 1st 3rd 4th

PRAIRIE FOOTBALL & 1 Gary Griffith 9 6 5 Tom Tow Back Ass't Coach — Roger Freeman Captain--Don Sirowy Head Coach--Wilson Leidigh Terry Bowersox Back Sr . TW-lf Dick Porter Don Sirowy rib & Tom Elgas Back Sr. Charles Punke Guard 74 Sr . Tim Hidinger Back Joe Vavra

Carl Zahradnik Jr. Tackle--End Gary Dusil Bob Andrle Tim Trpkosh Sr. Steve Terwilliger Tackle John Picek Guard Leonard Chmelicek Guard Mike Tedrow Guard Richard Wilson Jerry Wood Guard --Back Guard Roy Livermore Guard Rick Jamesson Tackle Bill King Ron Rohlena Tackle — Center

David Kvapil Lyle Stallman Tackle Jim Bush Frank Pirkel Ken Candler Jim Zalesky Map Burdette Voss End Jerry Nemec End “ OUR FIRST ELEVEN” ' Sr .

Burdette--Tim Trpkosh, Don Sirowy, Mike Tedrow, Terry Bowersox, Steve Peterson , Tom Elgas, ROW 1 Voss, Tim Hidinger; ROW 2 Jim Bush, Rick Jamesson, Jerry Wood, Richard Wilson, Gary Dusil; ROW 3 Rohlena , Roy Livermore , Leonard Chmelicek, Dan Zbanek; ROW 5 Freeman. Zalesky, Bill King, Dave Kvapil, Lyle Stallman , Joe Vavra , Frank Pirkel, Steve Terwilliger , Tim Gregor; ROW 4 --Charles Punke , Bob Andrle , Ken Candler , Frank Sladek, Ken Shaw , Ron --Coaches Leidigh and --Carl Zahradnik, Tohn Picek, Dick Porter, Jerry Nemec, --Gary Griffith, Jim Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie 20 19 20 14 13 0 7 7 14 Anamosa Regina Comanche Olewein La Salle Regis Tama-Toledo North Scott Marion

The Prairie line puts on the rush. Don Sirowy gets tackled high. The team comes back on the field. Jerry Nemec pulls on in PRAIRIE IN ACTION . Tom Tow goes in for the score. Tom Elgas rolls out behind blockers. 78

r 71-h!l > z_ * K 1 ' - — — — 3C ^ i * ' iakTTROW 1--Wayne Whittom, Ken Moomey, Roger Clarke, Gary Britcher, Doug Stepanek, Roger Dusil, Dennis Hickey, Roger Stigers, Jerry Meskimen; ROW 2 row— Allen Morse, Roger Green, Larry Hill, Jack Spore, Mike Tampir, John TedSnyder, John Oakly, Mike Chmelicek, Roger Novotny, Blaine Waychoff, Bud Goodrow, Bill Neuman; ROW 4--Coach Ringgenberg, , Butch Reusch, David Uelze, Steve Gordon; ROW 3--Jim Chalupsky, Kevin Bill Hynek, Rick Dusil, Scott Williams, Dick Waltz, Jim Kurtz, Bill Uelze, John Cowan, Coach Seehusen; ROW 5--Ronnie Snell, Larry Tow, Chuck Neuhaus, Terry More, Mark Terwilliger, Jerry George, Tom Malatek Freshman Coach-Don Ringgenberg Sophomore Coach Gene Seehusen — FRESHMANSOPHOMORE FOOTBALL Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie 0 0 0 25 6 21 6 13 7 Anamosa Regina Comanache La Salle 26 6 6 0 0 Regis Benton Comm. 0 Tama North Scott— Toledo 20 Marion 20 13 79

VARSITY BASKETBALL 65-66 Coach Vasbinder Co-captains Don Sirowy and Rick Jamesson Frank Pirkel Sr. Guard Dennis Modracek Jr. Forward Ron Rohlena Sr. Center Russel Reyman Sr Center . Larry Suchomel Jr Guard 80 . Dennis McConaughay Sr. Forward

Coach Vasbinder and the area's first Prep of the week Frank Pirkel Mick Jamesson Jr. Guard Duane Schulte Sr. Forward Dennis Merta Jr Forward . Curt Goodrow Jr Guard . I Dave Meskimen Sr. Guard Steve Terwilliger Jr. Center Mike Jones Jr. Forward

FRESHMANSOPHOMORE ROW 1 Blaine — Larry Tow, Floyd Pegump, Allen Morris, Mike Tampir , Jim Yanacek, Coach Ringgenberg, Mark Feye, Ron Bentley, Mark Ter Waychoff, Dave Patterson; ROW 2 — — Jim Mitvalsky, Butch Reusch, Den nis Hickey, Doug Stepanek, Joe Zalesky, Roger Stigers, Larry Serbousek, Terry More; ROW 3 williger , Managers Steve Smith and Bobby Kinne - - VARSITY 6 -12 Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie 58 51 39 44 72 41 67 55 64 57 49 62 66 48 63 70 53 62 Anamosa Regina Monticello Benton Comm Tama-Toledo North Scott Washington Tama -Toledo Washington Regina LaSalle Marion North Scott Regis Benton Comm, linn -Mar Central City Tipton . 57 63 69 53 60 33 106 56 83 82 72 79 63 69 58 59 57 64 Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie FRESHMAN-SOPHOMORE 2 -17 46 41 34 25 34 39 57 47 66 63 57 28 45 44 52 46 38 44 50 Anamosa Regina Monticello Benton Comm . Tama-Toledo North Scott Washington Tama -Toledo Washington Regina LaSalle Marion North Scott Regis Benton Comm. Linn -Mar Central City Tipton Jefferson 63 61 35 36 35 69 92 68 90 64 69 61 65 62 64 44 33 74 56 82

"Ron rebounds the ???" "Let's play follow the leader" "Ron, you sell the popcorn; Don, you take the candy bars; and Frank the pop!" "It 's my ball! i i i i t " "Find out next week what happens" 83

PRAIRIE WRESTLERS Assistant Coach John Osland Head Coach — Bob Mellgren — 9 5 9 5 Rick Schropp Rick Dvorak 0-6-0 9th / 0 3 1 1 2 Jerry Schropp 11th 16-1 -0 84 Terry Hartley 11-3 -0 12th

1 1 2 1 2 0 Roy Highley Gary Schropp 13-1-1 12th 1 2 7 1 2 7 1 3 3 John Hromidko Keith Osborn 3-7 -1 10th 1 2 7 1 3 3 Mike Osborn 5-10 -1 11th Dale Cerveny 5-12 -0 11th 1 3 8

1 4 5 1 4 5 1 5 4 Jerry Cornwell 3-9 -0 11th Steve Peterson 2-2-0 12th 1 5 4 1 6 5 Terry Truhlar Jerry Wood 12-4 -1 12th 1 8 0 H W T Gary Dusil 12th 14-1-2 86

JUNIOR VARSITY Gary Schulte, Ricky Dusil, Danny Willis, David Schlesselman, Allen Zach , Roger Novotny; ROW 2--Rick Divishek, Roger Dusil, Roger Clarke, Wayne Slezak, Edward Engle, Tom Hronik, John Oakley, David Kvapil — ROW 1 i ( VARSITY 10-3 -1 Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie 18 31 30 4th 30 23 29 17 23 28 28 16 38 19 22 Grinnell Williamsburg linn-Mar Vinton Inv. Vinton Mt. Vernon Camanche Maquoketa North Scott Monticello Tama 18 9 12 (61 pts) 12 -Toledo Marion LaSalle Anamosa Dubuque Wahlert 22 19 29 21 17 14 24 5 22 19 Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie Prairie 24 41 36 26 34 47 26 40 34 47 36 21 42 24 15 JUNIOR VARSITY 13 -2-0 Grinnell Williamsburg linn -Mar Vinton Mt. Vernon Benton Comm . Camanche Maquoketa North Scott Monticello Tama-Toledo Marion LaSalle Anamosa Dubuque Wahlert 13 6 2 24 12 3 20 16 12 7 11 27 6 16 29 87

"Please stop crying" "It was nothing" "OK! You're forgiven" "I'd rather fight than switch" / 4 § 9 » M Terry Hartley, Gary Schropp, Jack Spore , Gary Dusil, Jerry Schropp Managers Tom Patten, Sam Minor, Allan Richardson, Russell Leaman SECTIONAL WINNERS 88

meeting on October 6 during his first public appearance after the coup, which seriously shook his one-man rule. 8 Soviet Winner —Russian author Mikhail Sholokhov was vacationing in the Ural region on October 18 when he heard he had been awarded the 1965 Nobel Prize for Literature . The December award ceremony was held in Stockholm. 9 Return to Desolation of their homes, destroyed by eruption of Taal volcano, south of Ma nila, on September 28. Volcanic ash covered a six The death toll was estimated at 500. 10 Price of War —Hundreds of families returned to the wreckage -mile-square area. - —The number of casualties increased as the U.S. stepped up its military action in Vietnam. American advisors took part in many helicopter missions, carrying wounded soldiers, both Vietnamese and American, to copters on makeshift litters for evacuation to Saigon. 11 Reason to Celebrate Chancellor— Ludwig Erhard ofWest Germany waved to a cheering crowd in Bonn after his Christian Democrats surged to victory in the September 19 parliamentary elections. Mayor Willy Brandt ’s Social Democrats suffered defeat in the voting. 12 Colonial Rule Shaken — Rhodesian Premier Ian Smith broadcast a proclamation of sovereign independence for Rhodesia on November 11. The split from Britain was made in an attempt to insure a white minority rule ofthe African colony. It was the first such move against Britain since the American colonies broke away in 1776. Britain re taliated swiftly and took the problem to the U.N. Security Council, which asked all nations to enforce an oil embargo against the African colony. 12 -

1 Publizr


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