Core Proposition #2 and the AAT Once teachers know their students, teachers are able to support the learning environment with the content. As teachers learn and build relationships with their students, accomplished teachers are able to connect the subject matter to their students’ experiences and needs. While knowing the facts and basic information is the foundation for teachers, accomplished teachers take into consideration the interdisciplinary links between various subject areas: for example, social studies and language arts; art and science and marketing and mathematics. Beyond content knowledge, accomplished teachers present material using sound, researched strategies and pedagogical techniques. These strategies and techniques encourage and support students’ critical thinking skills to pose questions and develop solutions to real world issues. Accomplished teachers continue to support their subject matter by participating in professional development that enhances content. Accomplished teachers also strive to use current resources to engage students and content, such as inquiry-based projects and digital learning. Subject/Grade: Unpacked Curriculum Standard Does this assignment meet the unpacked standard? ____ Unit: Does your assignment align to your goals? Lesson: Skills Standard Depth of Knowledge / Bloom’s Taxonomy Does this assignment teach or reinforce new and relevant skills? ____ Is this assignment at the appropriate level of thinking? ______ Assignment Details Include Assignment ___ Modify Assignment___ Replace Assignment Where Can Teachers Learn More about their Content and Find Ways to Integrate Other Disciplines? · Visit NEA website for specific content materials : http://www.nea.org/home/ ToolsAndIdeas.html · Visit the NCAE website and professional catalogue: http://www.ncae.org/learningopportunities/professional-developmentcatalog/ · Collaborate with Instructional Facilitators, Department Chairs, and Professional Learning Teams · Visit national content resources and attend their conferences such as the National Council for the Social Studies and National Science Teacher Association · Attend state level subject related conference NCSTA (science), NCCTM (math),, NCRA (reading), NCCSS (Social Studies), NCTIES (Technology Integration) · Visit NCDPI Resources at http:// www.ncpublicschools.org/

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