Lucky we live Hawaii Bob Bruhl - Board Chair It doesn’t take much to remind us daily of the blessings we share by living in paradise. The slogan is true. However, the quid pro quo is the responsibility – the kuleana – we also share because we live here. Boiled down, we are supposed to leave things better than we find them. During my term as Chairman, I have had the good fortune of watching this organization till its soil inch by inch, plant seed after seed and yield blossom after magnificent blossom as it completely retooled itself, its team, its mission and its service to the community. Topflight management and new staff have amped their joy-creating machine to be not only better than they found it, but also beyond what any of us on the board could have envisioned only three short years ago. √ Double the number of wishes granted to local children √ Exceed over 1,000 families touched per year √ Increase the number of full-time employees meeting the daily needs of our keiki √ Relocate to a new headquarter √ Grow the volunteer base almost immeasurably √ Build a board from five to now 19 individuals who collectively touch nearly all parts of the business and civic community √ Inaugurate a newly formed Young Leaders Board to extend that reach even further √ Do all of this while annually posting record revenues, bottom-line results and capitalization But is this how we choose to measure ourselves in terms of living up to that kuleana of leaving 2014 better than we entered it? No. Our measuring stick is one child and every child. It is the child who makes a wish while in a battle that she should not be facing in the first place. She is another child who has blessed us by allowing us in her life, and our hope-filled mission is for it to have been bettered because she did. By granting wishes directly to our local keiki and by assisting in those visiting Hawaii as part of their wish, we have the opportunity to do this over 1,000 times per year. And our ability to deliver on this kuleana is exclusively powered by you and your support. Lucky we live Hawaii. My sincerest thanks to you for making us better than you found us. Driving Forward Wish kid Dom and his sister Julia have both battled Kidney Disease, receiving transplants at a young age. For Dom, a new raceway in his very own backyard was the ultimate dream - a place to have fun with his siblings without worrying about infection. Photo: Anne Pacheco. Inset: Board Chair Robert Bruhl speaking at WISH! Hula-Baloo. Photo: Kevin Lubera.

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