Journal of IiME Volume 3 Issue 1 www.investinme.org P PRROOFFIILLEESS ooff PPRREESSEENNTTEERRSS aatt tthhee IINNVVEESSTT iinn MMEE I INNTTEERRNNAATTIIOONNAALL MMEE//CCFFSS CCOONNFFEERREENNCCEE bedside and includes not only diagnostics but appropriate drug development or alternative interventions. Daniel L. Peterson, M.D. DLP/ldr/rsu D: 05/18/09 T: 05/19/09 P Prrooffeessssoorr BBaassaanntt PPuurr ii MMDD,, PPhhDD Professor and Consultant, MRC Clinical Sciences Centre, Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College School of Medicine Professor Basant K. Puri is both a medical practitioner, working as a consultant at Hammersmith Hospital in London, and a senior scientist, working at Imperial College London. He is head of the Lipid Neuroscience Group at Imperial College and is the author of over 130 peer-reviewed medical and scientific papers and over 30 books. C Coonn ffeerreennccee PPrreesseennttaatt iioonn:: NNeeuurroo-- IImmaaggiinngg –– RReesseeaarrcchh ooff MMEE p paatt iieenntt ss In this talk, the results of recent proton neurospectroscopy and high-resolution structural magnetic resonance imaging studies of myalgic encephalomyelitis carried out at Hammersmith Hospital, London, will be described. Additional links for Professor Puri – Serial structural MRI analysis and proton and 31PMR spectroscopy in the investigation of cerebral fatty acids in major depressive disorder, Huntington's disease, myalgic encephalomyelitis and in forensic schizophrenic patients. Puri BK, Tsaluchidu S, Treasaden IH. World Rev Nutr Diet. 2009;99:31-45. Epub 2009 Jan 9. Review. No abstract available. PMID: 19136837 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging sinc-interpolation-based subvoxel registration and semi-automated quantitative lateral ventricular morphology employing threshold computation and binary image creation in the study of fatty acid interventions in schizophrenia, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome and Huntington's disease. Puri BK. Int Rev Psychiatry. 2006 Apr;18(2):149-54. Review. Proton and 31-phosphorus neurospectroscopy in the study of membrane phospholipids and fatty acid intervention in schizophrenia, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome (myalgic encephalomyelitis) and dyslexia. Puri BK. Int Rev Psychiatry. 2006 Apr;18(2):145-7. Review. PMID: 16777668 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Invest in ME (Charity Nr. 1114035) Page 71/76

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