Journal of IiME Volume 2 Issue 2 www.investinme.org 2 22 3 33 1 11222 1 11555 1 11777 3 33333 4 44333 4 44888 5 55555 Inside This Issue E EEdddiii tttooorrr iiiaaalll CCCooommmmmmeeennnttt Family Illnesses Among People with ME/CFS L LLeeettt ttteeerrr fff rrrooommm AAAmmmeeerrr iiicccaaa E EEuuurrrooopppeeeaaannn MMMEEE AAAlll lll iiiaaannnccceee T TThhheee IIInnnttteeerrrnnnaaattt iiiooonnnaaalll MMMEEE///CCCFFFSSS C CCooonnnfffeeerrreeennnccceee 222000000999 A AA SSSeeevvveeerrreee MMMEEE---AAAwwwaaarrreee NNNuuurrrsssiiinnnggg M MMooodddeeelll T TTeeerrrmmmiiinnnooolllooogggyyy ooofff MMMEEE &&& CCCFFFSSS W WWhhheeeeeelllccchhhaaaiii rrr UUUssseee aaannnddd A AAttt ttt iii tttuuudddeeesss T TThhheee PPPhhhyyysssiiiooolllooogggyyy ooofff EEExxxeeerrrccciiissseee I IInnntttooollleeerrraaannnccceee iiinnn PPPaaattt iiieeennntttsss wwwiii ttthhh M MMEEE aaannnddd ttthhheee UUUttt iii lll iii tttyyy ooofff GGGrrraaadddeeeddd E EExxxeeerrrccciiissseee TTThhheeerrraaapppyyy 6 66111 T TThhheee NNNIIICCCEEE GGGuuuiiidddeeelll iiinnneeesss fffooorrr M MMEEE///CCCFFFSSS ––– RRReeeaaasssooonnnsss fffooorrr R RReeejjjeeecccttt iiiooonnn 6 66555 6 66777 F FFrrrooommm 222 SSScccooorrreee aaannnddd 555 tttooo 333 S SScccooorrreee aaannnddd 111000 R RReeeaaasssooonnnsss WWWhhhyyy MMMEEE DDDoooeeesss NNNooottt B BBeeelllooonnnggg tttooo ttthhheee MMMUUUSSS CCCaaattteeegggooorrryyy Email: info@investinme.org Since Invest in ME was first formed, and especially since our successful 2007 biomedical research conference, we have felt that international cooperation is the likely key to providing the significant progress required for people with ME. It is by uniting across countries and continents that we can better tackle the problems in healthcare services regarding lack of up-to-date information on ME/CFS which are apparent across Europe. Increased knowledge of the findings from the latest biomedical research needs to filter down to doctors, nurses and other healthcare staff who are at the front end of examining and treating people with ME. Eventually that information will work its way into establishment organisations and into government policy – perennially the last areas which accept the latest evidence. International cooperation is also necessary between researchers and research establishments as this makes better use of scarce resources (funding, research units etc.) to achieve the necessary strategic approach to research into ME/CFS. Since the last Invest in ME international biomedical research conference in London in May Invest in ME has been working with our European colleagues and now the European ME Alliance has been set up. This new collaboration is an effort to campaign for funding for biomedical research into ME but it is also going to provide a one- stop site for correct and up-to-date information on ME for all Europeans. We look forward to increasing the benefits for people with ME and their families via our efforts to cooperate across national boundaries. Invest in ME now announces our fourth International ME/CFS Conference for May 2009. We hope to build on the success of the conferences of the past years including the 2008 conference dealing with Sub Groups of ME/CFS – surely the way forward for biomedical research. The severely affected people with ME are neglected by healthcare organisations and by the establishment authorities responsible for funding research. Many believe it is only by examining severely affected patients that a cure will be found for this illness yet those establishment organisations responsible (continued on page 3) Disclaimer The views expressed in this Journal by contributors and others do not necessarily represent those of Invest in ME. No medical recommendations are given or implied. Patients with any illness are recommended to consult their personal physician at all times. Invest in ME (Charity Nr. 1114035) Page 2/74

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