NEWSCENE NONPROFIT CORNER... .. THE SIERRA CLUB TN CHAPTER CHICKASAW GROUP Sierra Club Conservation Past Chair and current member, Dennis Lynch (center), ended the program by giving out several calendars, a book, and a few other items using a ticketed number pulling approach at the February meeting of the Sierra Club Chickasaw Group. B. Story and Pictures by Dr. Yvonne D. Nelson The Sierra Club TN Chapter/Chickasaw Group held an "idea sharing and input opportunity" from 6:30 to 8:30 pm on Thursday, February 20, 2020, at the Benjamin L. Hooks Branch Library, 3030 Poplar Avenue. Discussion included sharing the group’s seven major activities for 2020. “The 7 major activities that we will highlight are 1) reduce, reuse, recycle (and refuse), 2) energy and climate, 3) environmental justice, 4) outings, 5) membership, 6) communication, and 7) open-ended brainstorming for suggestions of other areas we should be involved—where you want to be involved,” said co-chair Ramie Bell. “We call this program ‘Eco-Speed Dating,’ just come and hear our brief ‘come-ons’ and then ‘let’s date!’” And the dating began as attendees made it from one end of the room to the other writing their ideas on Post-It notes by subject. Towards the end of the event, member Steven Sondheim spoke about the MemphisFlyer Toxic Battles: The Fight for Environmental Justice in Memphis article written by Alex Greene and encouraged those in attendance to read it for themselves. The Global Warming Emergency Network (GWEN) is a “family of volunteers working to save the environment and the people of Earth from global warming, the greatest threat humanity has ever faced.” Free copies of the GWEN global warming poster are available online at Bit.ly/GWdisplay and all interested participants are encouraged to email GWEN2020.org/gmail.com to receive occasional newsletters that include activities, global warming information, and future meeting dates. Newly elected co-chair Tony Cernosek distributed packets of information on global warming to participants. Inside was a color copy of the GWEN global warming poster and a packet of information including 1) simple truths about global warming, 2) selected readings for books and videos to watch to learn more about global warming, 3) practices everyone can incorporate into their daily routines, if they haven’t already, to stop global warming and save money, and 4) additional things people should consider to help save the environment. The Sierra Club was founded in 1892 to explore, enjoy, and protect the planet. The Chickasaw Group is a grassroots environmental conservation organization representing over 1,000 members located in West Tennessee. The organization is currently seeking volunteers for Clean Water & Aquifer (Protect Our Aquifer Partnership), Parks & Open Spaces, and Transportation, For more information on the Chickasaw Group, visit sierraclub.org/Tennessee/Chickasaw. 24

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