Oshane's story Hi, please introduce yourself I was born in Jamaica and came to Gloucester in 2009 with my mother, brother and sister. I am 22 years old and profoundly deaf. I use both BSL (British Sign Language) and ASL (American Sign Language) when I communicate. Do you have a job? I work in the café at Robinwood Hill Country Park in Gloucester owne by Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust. I went to National Star College to le the trick of the catering trade and to be qualified to work in the cateri industry. How has GDA helped you at work? GDA has helped me with PLUSS, to get a job in the café where I am n continue to help me to work well with colleagues and customers. GDA provides communication professionals and job coaching. GDA has also set up the new Gloucestershire deaf football team with SoFab and Active Gloucestershire, enabling me to be happy playing with other deaf people What would you like to be in doing in two years? I am not sure what will happen; I would like a full-time job and make more friends. If I save up a lot, I could buy a nice car, a BMW or an Audi, and have a nice home and possibly move back to Jamaica where I know a lot of deaf people there. And finally, tell us a little more about you - what’s your ideal day out in Gloucestershire? It is difficult for me to enjoy a day out in Gloucestershire due to lack of accessibility for me, but I enjoy going to the gym near Barton Street, because it’s a nice small and friendly place, and playing football with other deaf people. GDA shortlisted for Charity Governance Award Earlier this year GDA was delighted to learn we had been sh for a national Charity Governance Award, which recognised organisation's huge achievement in paying off a crippling pension deficit without cutting a single service for our client On May 12th our CEO, Jenny, together with former GDA Chair Chris Averiss and retired treasurer, Roger Tovey, attended a glittering award ceremony at Dunster Court in the City of London. For a small charity to be recognised in this way felt a huge honour. Congratulations to all GDA trustees, staff and volunteers.

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