The Advocate - A household word in Revere Vol.29, No.47 -FREEwww.advocatenews.net Free Every Friday Superintendent looks to possible return of in-person learning, athletics By Adam Swift D espite rising COVID-19 numbers in Revere and across the country, school offi cials are not closing the door on students returning to their classrooms and student athletes to the playing fi elds early in the next calendar year. At Monday night’s School Committee meeting, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Dianne Kelly addressed the issue in relation to conversations that the Greater Boston League (GBL) is looking at restarting school sports seasons in the near future. “We know there is talk about athletics starting again, and we’re expecting a notifi - cation from the Greater Boston League to come out, maybe by the end of the week,” said Kelly. Revere schools are working with neighboring districts in the GBL, including Chelsea, Somerville, Lynn and Everett, about how to proceed, she said. “One of the challenges in the Greater Boston League that may not be faced by some of the other leagues in the Commonwealth is that we have a mix of districts, some are in the red and remote learning and not able to participate in athletics, and others are in yellow and able to participate in athletics,” said Kelly. “I know the athletic directors in all the communiDR. DIANNE KELLY Supt. of Schools ties are meeting later this week, and our goal is going to be to try to let those kids who can play sports, because it is permissible in their communities, to try to go ahead with some kind of athletic programming.” Since Revere is still in the red and a remote learning model due to COVID-19, local athletes will not be able to immediately take part in a sports season. However, Kelly said school offi cials are still optimistic that the city could find itself in a better position relative to the pandemic at the beginning of 2021. “We can think about coming back to school in late January or early February, fi rst with our special needs kids, then moving to more of a full hybrid model,” Kelly said. This would also pave the way for a return of athletics. “Time is going to tell, and the response we have to COVID after the Thanksgiving break is going to be really important data for us,” said Kelly. As they have since the sum$1.55 GALLON We accept: MasterCard * Visa * & Discover Price Subject to Change without notice 100 Gal. Min. 24 Hr. Service 781-286-2602 mer, Kelly said, administrators are working on plans and thinking about the feasibility and needs revolving around in-person learning and a return to student athletics. “We are still working on this, and we still recognize and know that the best thing for the kids is to have in-person learning, but only when it is safe for them to be here will we be able to do that,” said Kelly. TO PROTECT & TO SERVE: The City welcomed three new police offi cers during a swearing-in ceremony at the City Hall City Council Chambers on Wednesday. The three patrolmen – Offi cer Christopher Panzini, Offi cer Robert Marks and Offi cer Jose Osorio, are shown being administered their oaths by City Clerk Ashley Melnik as Mayor Brian Arrigo and Police Chief David Callahan look on. See page 4. (Photo courtesy of the Revere Police Dept.) Historical Society renovations dedicated to late architect 781-286-8500 Friday, November 20, 2020 Three New Police Officers Sworn-in HONORING DENNIS: Shown from left to right are Project Planner Elle Baker, Economic Development Director Robert O’Brien, Mayor Brian Arrigo and Senior Designer Colleen Brewster by the newly painted Revere Historical Society on Wednesday afternoon. (Advocate Photo by Tara Vocinio) By Tara Vocino I n honor of an architect who passed away this month, a ceremony was held outside of the Revere Historical Society for Cultural and Historic Preservation (RSCHP) on Wednesday afternoon. Dennis Gray, the late president of Gray Architects Inc. of Salem, Mass., passed away weeks before the renovations were completed. “He is sorely missed,” Senior Designer Colleen Brewster said, wiping away tears. DENNIS | SEE Page 3

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